West Virginia Code
Article 1. County Commissions Generally
§7-1-3h. Authority and Procedure for Closing Unused Roads, Streets and Travel Ways; Notice and Hearing; Circuit Court Review

The county court of any county, upon the verified application of any landowner whose land abuts on any unused road, street, or other travel way designated on any map or plat of a subdivision of land or otherwise within such county but outside of incorporated towns or cities thereof, is hereby authorized to close and vacate any part or all of any such unused road, street or other designated travel way by order entered of record after hearing as hereinafter provided. Before acting to close and vacate any such road, street or travel way, the county court shall consider the application and shall fix a time and place for hearing on such application. Such hearing shall be held not less than fifteen days after the hearing date and place have been so fixed. The applicant shall cause notice of the time and place of such hearing and the purpose thereof to be published as a Class I legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county. The notice shall be published at least fifteen days before such hearing. The applicant shall also cause to be served, at least fifteen days before such hearing, in the manner provided by law for the service of notices and process, a notice showing the time, place and purpose of such hearing, upon every owner of property, and every person holding a lien thereon, abutting on such unused road, street or other travel way. The affidavit of publication of such notice shall be filed with the county court at or before the hearing as a part of the record in the proceedings.
At the time and place fixed for the hearing, the county court shall hear any evidence relating to the use of and rights or claims in or to any such road, street or other designated travel way sought to be closed and vacated. If the county court concludes and finds upon the record and evidence in the proceedings that the use and rights of no person or persons in such road, street or other travel way will be impaired or lost by the closing and vacation thereof, the county court shall proceed to enter an order closing and vacating such road, street or other travel way and shall cause a copy of said order to be prepared and certified for entry of record in the office of the clerk of such county court. The applicant shall pay the recording fee thereon.
Any person aggrieved by the action of the county court in any such case may seek review thereof in the circuit court of the county as provided in article three of chapter fifty-eight of this code.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 7. County Commissions and Officers

Article 1. County Commissions Generally

§7-1-1. County Commissions Corporations; How Constituted; Election of President

§7-1-1a. Requirements for Reforming, Altering, or Modifying a County Commission; Alternative Forms of County Government

§7-1-1b. Legislative Findings; Qualifications for County Commissioners

§7-1-2. Sessions

§7-1-3. Jurisdiction, Powers and Duties

§7-1-3a. Construction of Waterworks; Sewers and Sewage Disposal Plants; Improvements of Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks; Assessment of Cost of Sanitary Sewers, Improved Streets and Maintenance of Roads Not in the State Road System

§7-1-3aa. Authority of County Commissions to Create and Fund a Hazardous Material Accident Response Program

§7-1-3b. Purchase, Installation and Maintenance of Radio Mobile Communication Equipment and Appliances for Use by County Sheriffs and Their Deputies

§7-1-3bb. Levy For, Establishment and Operation of Sheltered Workshops; Financial Aid

§7-1-3c. Purchase, Installation and Maintenance of Photo Copying Equipment, Microphotographic or Other Miniature Photographic Processes, Appliances and Supplies

§7-1-3cc. Authority of County Commissions to Establish Enhanced Emergency Telephone Systems, Technical and Operational Standards for Emergency Communications Centers and Standards for Education and Training of Emergency Communications Systems Personn...

§7-1-3d. Levy For, Establishment, and Operation of Fire Prevention Units; Financial Aid

§7-1-3dd. Authority to Establish County Wage and Benefits Review Board; Duties and Powers; Membership

§7-1-3e. Acquisition of Land For, and Operation Of, Public Refuse Dumps and Sanitary Landfills

§7-1-3ee. Providing for Payment of Service Fees at Banking Institutions

§7-1-3f. Establishment and Operation of Garbage and Refuse Collection and Disposal Services

§7-1-3ff. Authority of County Commission to Regulate Unsafe or Unsanitary Structures and Refuse on Private Land; Authority to Establish an Enforcement Agency; County Litter Control Officers; Procedure for Complaints; Lien and Sale of Land to Recover...

§7-1-3g. Acquisition, Operation, and Maintenance of Sewerage Systems and Sewage Plants

§7-1-3gg. Lease Agreements for Equipment or Materials With Option to Cancel or Renew

§7-1-3h. Authority and Procedure for Closing Unused Roads, Streets and Travel Ways; Notice and Hearing; Circuit Court Review

§7-1-3hh. Authority to Lease, Sell or Dispose of County Property to the State, Federal Government or an Instrumentality Thereof

§7-1-3i. County Commission May Cooperate With Other Governmental Units

§7-1-3ii. Authority to Require Posting of Commercial and Residential Addresses Within Municipal Boundaries

§7-1-3j. Authority to Establish County Coordinating Council; Powers and Duties of Council; Duties of County Clerk

§7-1-3jj. Authority of Counties to Enact Ordinances Restricting the Location of Businesses Offering Exotic Entertainment

§7-1-3k. Authority to Lease, Rent or Permit the Use of County Property

§7-1-3kk. Authority to Provide for the Elimination of Hazards to Public Health and Safety; Penalty

§7-1-3l. Authority to Establish County Appraisal-Assessment Board; Functions and Duties of Board; Duties of Assessor

§7-1-3ll. Clerk of the County Commission Duties Relating to Record Keeping of Military Discharge Forms

§7-1-3m. Authority to Employ, Fix Compensation for and Discharge Personnel

§7-1-3mm. Transfer of Development Rights in Growth Counties

§7-1-3n. Authority of Certain Counties as to Building and Housing Codes; State Building Code

§7-1-3nn. Election on Ordinance for Program for Transfer of Development Rights; Form of Ballots or Ballot Labels; Procedure

§7-1-3o. Authority to Construct and Maintain County Transportation, Parking, and Other Public Facilities; Delegation of Such Authority to Board or Commission; Financing

§7-1-3oo. Authority to Enter Into Energy-Savings Contracts

§7-1-3p. Authority to Require Permits for Mobile Homes or House Trailers; Penalty

§7-1-3pp. Additional Powers and Duties of Commission; Areas of Special or Unique Interest

§7-1-3q. County Commissions on Intergovernmental Relations Created and Established; Composition of Commission; Powers and Duties of Commission; Executive Secretary; Duties of Executive Secretary

§7-1-3qq. Authorizing County Commissions to Hold Motor Vehicle Racing Events on Public Roads, Municipal Streets or Airports

§7-1-3r. Purposes of Section; County Commissions on Crime, Delinquency and Correction Created and Established; Composition of Commission; Powers and Duties of Commission; Executive Secretary; Duties of Executive Secretary

§7-1-3rr. Accessible County Records; Required Information

§7-1-3s. Authority to Govern Traffic and Parking; Rules and Regulations; Penalties

§7-1-3ss. County Option Election on Forbidding Nonintoxicating Beer, Wine, or Alcoholic Liquors to Be Sold, Given, or Dispensed After 6:00 a.m. on Sundays

§7-1-3t. Authority to Make Grants From General Revenue Funds and Other Funds for Water and Sewer Systems

§7-1-3tt. Restriction on the Regulation of Trades, Occupations, and Professions

§7-1-3u. Authority of Counties and Municipalities to Treat Streams to Prevent Floods

§7-1-3v. Floodplain and Mudslide Area Management; Legislative Findings; Power and Authority; Enforcement; Provisions Cumulative

§7-1-3w. Authority to Establish County Beautification Councils; Organization; County Commissions Not Obligated for Debts of Councils; Powers and Duties; Expenditures of Funds by Councils; Authority of County Commissions to Appropriate Moneys

§7-1-3x. County Information Referral Service

§7-1-3y. Authority to Grant Funds to Nutrition Programs

§7-1-3z. Authority of Counties to Govern Business of Massage

§7-1-4. County Commission Authority to Enact Ordinance; Ordinance Provisions Defining Terms; Restricting Certain Activities in Relation to Obscene Matter; and Establishing Penalties for Violations

§7-1-5. Duties of County Commissioners; Payment for Services Other Than Services in Court

§7-1-5a. Excusal of Commissioner From Voting Where Conflict of Interest Involved

§7-1-6. Power to Punish for Contempts

§7-1-7. Record Books

§7-1-8. Continuance of Matters at End of Session

§7-1-9. Creation of Special Funds

§7-1-10. Special Account for Federal and State Grants-in-Aid Authorized

§7-1-11. Purchasing in Open Market or Competitive Bids; Debarment

§7-1-12. Authority for Establishing County Curfews; Jurisdiction for Violations

§7-1-13. Regulation of Amateur Radio Antennas

§7-1-14. Custody and Care of Animals Abandoned, Neglected or Cruelly Treated; Animals Causing Public Nuisance, Health Risk or Safety Hazard; Authority of County Commission

§7-1-15. Challenge of Candidate for County Commission; Residency

§7-1-16. Reporting of Fraud and Misappropriation of Funds