West Virginia Code
Article 2. Presentments and Indictments
§62-2-10. Defects Not Invalidating Indictment

No indictment or other accusation shall be quashed or deemed invalid for omitting to set forth that it is upon the oaths of the jurors, or upon their oaths and affirmation; or for the insertion of the words "upon their oath," instead of "upon their oaths"; or for not in terms alleging that the offense was committed "within the jurisdiction of the court," when the averments show that the case is one of which the court has jurisdiction; or for the omission or misstatement of the title, occupation, estate or degree of the accused, or of the name or place of his residence; or for omitting the words "with force and arms," or the statement of any particular kind of force and arms; or for omitting to state, or stating imperfectly, the time at which the offense was committed, when time is not of the essence of the offense; or for failing to allege the value of an instrument which caused death, or to allege that it was of no value; or for omitting to charge the offense to be "against the form of the statute," or statutes; or for the omission or insertion of any other words of mere form or surplusage. Nor shall it be abated for any misnomer of the accused; but the court may, in case of misnomer appearing before or in the course of a trial, forthwith cause the indictment or accusation to be amended according to the fact.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 62. Criminal Procedure

Article 2. Presentments and Indictments

§62-2-1. Prosecutions to Be by Presentment or Indictment

§62-2-2. When Name of Prosecutor, etc., to Be Affixed to Indictment, etc.; Requiring Security for Costs From Prosecutor

§62-2-3. When Costs Assessed Against Prosecutor

§62-2-4. Indictment for Perjury; Admissibility of Certain Records, etc., as Evidence

§62-2-5. Indictment for Embezzlement; Description and Proof of Money in Prosecutions for Embezzlement and Other Crimes

§62-2-6. Indictment for Forgery

§62-2-7. Proof of Possession of or Title to Property

§62-2-8. Allegations of Intent to Injure, Cheat or Defraud

§62-2-9. Unnecessary Allegations May Be Omitted

§62-2-10. Defects Not Invalidating Indictment

§62-2-11. Defects Cured by Verdict

§62-2-12. Discharge of Imprisoned Person Upon Failure to Indict Within Certain Time; Person Not Indicted by Reason of Insanity

§62-2-13. Process, Capias and Summons in Criminal Cases

§62-2-14. Direction and Execution of Process; Several Writs Against Same Person

§62-2-15. Mailing of Process by Clerk to Officer

§62-2-16. Execution of Process Within State

§62-2-17. Delivery of Prisoner to Court, Magistrate or Jailer

§62-2-19. Prosecutions Relating to License Taxes, Offenses Against Public Policy, etc.

§62-2-20. Exceptions to Indictments Relating to License Taxes and Offenses Against Public Policy

§62-2-21. Second Capias or Trial After Summons in Misdemeanor Cases Not Covered in §62-2-19

§62-2-22. Discontinuance of Criminal Prosecution for Failure to Award Process or Enter Continuance

§62-2-23. Prosecutions Against Corporations; Effect of Failure of Corporation to Appear

§62-2-24. Joinder of Certain Counts

§62-2-25. Compromise or Suppression of Indictment or Presentment