When a forfeiture has not been set aside, the court or justice, upon motion of the state, shall enter a judgment of default and execution may issue thereon: Provided, That if the forfeiture is declared in a court of record, the order taking judgment shall be entered at the same term of court in which the forfeiture was declared: And provided further, That if the deposit for bail be by a person other than the defendant, or if the bail be in the form of recognizance, such person making the deposit or the surety on the recognizance shall be given ten days' notice by certified mail at his last-known address to appear and show cause why a judgment of default should not be entered. Execution shall issue in the name of the state and shall proceed in the manner provided by law in civil actions. If the bail be in the form of bonds or stocks, the judgment order may direct that all or part thereof be sold through a state or national bank or through a brokers exchange registered with the federal securities and exchange commission.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 62. Criminal Procedure
§62-1C-1. Right to Bail; Exceptions; Review
§62-1C-2. Bail Defined; Form; Receipts
§62-1C-3. Fixing of Amount; Bail May Cover Two or More Charges
§62-1C-5. Recognizance and Deposits Subject to Order of Court or Magistrate
§62-1C-7. Forfeiture of Bail; Basis Therefor
§62-1C-8. Same -- Setting Aside
§62-1C-9. Same -- Enforcement
§62-1C-10. Same -- Bail in Excess of Jurisdictional Limit of Justice or of Particular Court
§62-1C-12. Same -- Exoneration; Return of Deposit
§62-1C-13. Same -- Defects in Form of Bail
§62-1C-14. Bailpiece; Issuance to Surety; Taking Accused Into Custody
§62-1C-16. Guaranteed Arrest Bond Certificate
§62-1C-17. Offenses Against Municipalities
§62-1C-17a. Bail in Situations of Alleged Child Abuse
§62-1C-17b. Failure to Appear; Penalties
§62-1C-17c. Bail in Cases of Crimes Between Family or Household Members