West Virginia Code
Article 6. Trial
§56-6-22. Oral Instructions by Court; Written Instructions During Trial

Nothing in the three next preceding sections contained shall affect the power of the court during the trial of the case to instruct the jury orally concerning matters not proper for their consideration or concerning the conduct of any person in connection with the trial; or, otherwise, on its own motion to instruct the jury in writing on the law of the case at any stage during the trial, subject to the right of exception by either party.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 56. Pleading and Practice

Article 6. Trial

§56-6-1. Law Docket

§56-6-2. Chancery Docket

§56-6-3. Application for Hearing

§56-6-4. Direction and Trial of Issues Out of Chancery

§56-6-5. Trial of Action at Law; Separate Verdicts on Different Issues; Interrogatories to Jury

§56-6-6. Time for Trial, Execution of Order and Rendering of Final Judgment

§56-6-7. Continuance Upon Affidavit Because of Absence of Witness

§56-6-8. Continuance of Causes at End of Term

§56-6-9. Case Not to Be Discontinued by Failure to Sign Judgment

§56-6-10. Stay of Proceedings Until Other Action, Suit or Proceeding Decided

§56-6-11. Execution of Order of Inquiry and Trial of Case by Court; Six-Member Jury in Civil Trials; Twelve-Member Jury in Eminent Domain and Criminal Trials

§56-6-12. Qualifications of Jurors; Examination on Voir Dire; Peremptory Challenges

§56-6-12a. Alternate Jurors for Protracted Civil Cases; Qualifications and Challenges

§56-6-13. Special Jury in Civil Cases

§56-6-14. Juror Having Matter of Fact to Be Tried Disqualified

§56-6-15. Exceptions Against Jurors After Being Sworn

§56-6-16. Irregularities Affecting the Jury; Time for Objection

§56-6-17. View by Jury

§56-6-18. Disclosure by Juror of Knowledge of Facts in Issue

§56-6-19. Instructions to Jury Generally; Form and Manner of Giving

§56-6-20. Reading Instructions to Jury; Instructions Part of Record

§56-6-21. Time for Examining Instructions, Objecting Thereto and Settlement Thereof

§56-6-22. Oral Instructions by Court; Written Instructions During Trial

§56-6-23. Papers Taken by Jury

§56-6-24. Argument of Counsel

§56-6-25. Time Limitation as to Nonsuit

§56-6-26. How Verdict May Be Affected by Faulty Count

§56-6-27. Interest on Claim and Verdict

§56-6-28. New Trial

§56-6-29. Judgment or Decree to Be for Aggregate of Principal and Interest to Date of Verdict

§56-6-30. Action on Contract for Payments in Installments or on Bond With Collateral Condition

§56-6-31. Interest on Judgment or Decree

§56-6-32. Recovery Against One or More Contract Defendants

§56-6-33. Judgment or Decree Against Personal Representative or Committee; Costs

§56-6-34. Issuance of Executions During Term

§56-6-35. Bills of Exceptions Generally

§56-6-36. Certificate in Lieu of Bill of Exceptions

§56-6-36a. Settling, Signing and Certifying Bill of Exceptions or Certificate in Lieu Thereof by Judge Other Than Judge Before Whom Case Was Tried

§56-6-37. How Certificate of Trial Judge or Bills of Exceptions to Be Considered; Instructions in Transcript All Presumed to Be Given by Court

§56-6-38. Hearing of Chancery Causes in Open Court; Oral Testimony; Rules of Evidence; Transcript for Appeal

§56-6-39. Hearing of Motion; Action or Chancery Cause in Vacation; Certification, Entry and Effect of Order or Decree

§56-6-40. Contempt Proceedings in Vacation

§56-6-41. Certification and Entry of Vacation Orders