(a) A telemarketer shall keep for a period of four years from the date the record is produced the following records related to its telemarketing activities:
(1) One of each advertisement, brochure and other promotional materials;
(2) The name and last known address of each prize recipient and the prize awarded for prizes that are represented, directly or by implication, to have a value of $25 or more;
(3) The name and last known address of each customer, the goods or services purchased, the date such goods or services were shipped or provided, and the amount paid by the customer for the goods or services;
(4) The name, last known home address and telephone number, and the job title for all current and former employees directly involved in telephone sales;
(5) All verifiable authorizations required to be provided or received under this article; and
(6) A copy of all scripts, outlines or presentation material the seller will require the telemarketer to use when soliciting, as well as all sales information to be provided by the seller to a purchaser in connection with any solicitation.
(b) A seller or telemarketer may keep the records required by subsection (a) of this section in any form, and in any manner, format, or place as they keep such records in the ordinary course of business. Failure to keep all records required by subsection (a) of this section shall be a violation of this article.
(c) The telemarketer is responsible for complying with the above provisions.
(d) In the event of any dissolution or termination of the seller's or telemarketer's business, the principal of that telemarketer shall maintain all records as required under this section. In the event of any sale, assignment or other change in ownership of the seller's business, the successor shall maintain all records required under this section.
(e) (1) The division may require a telemarketer to file true copies of all scripts, outlines and promotional material and any modifications thereto with the division of consumer protection for a time period to be determined by the division. Such filing may be required upon an investigation and finding by the division that:
(A) A telemarketer is using scripts, outlines or presentation material that contain material misrepresentations or that fail to state material facts; or
(B) A telemarketer is deviating from scripts, outlines or presentation material so as to make material misrepresentations or to fail to state material facts.
(2) The Attorney General shall comply with the requirements of article five, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code for hearings requested pursuant to Part III.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 46A. West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act
§46A-6F-101. Applicability of Definitions
§46A-6F-103. Consumer; Purchaser
§46A-6F-104. Consumer Goods or Services
§46A-6F-107. Investment Opportunity
§46A-6F-108. Material Aspect or Element
§46A-6F-110. Prize, Gift or Award
§46A-6F-112. Telemarketing Solicitation
§46A-6F-114. Telemarketer in Good Standing
§46A-6F-204. Inapplicability of Article to Person Who Does Not Make the Major Sales Presentation
§46A-6F-205. Inapplicability of Article to Person Who Solicits Sales by Catalog
§46A-6F-206. Inapplicability of Article to Business-to-Business Sale
§46A-6F-209. Inapplicability of Article to Supervised Financial Organization
§46A-6F-212. Inapplicability of Article to Certain Telephone and Communications Companies
§46A-6F-214. Inapplicability of Article to Issuer of Certain Securities
§46A-6F-215. Inapplicability of Article to Book, Video, Record, or Multimedia Club
§46A-6F-218. Inapplicability of Article to Person Soliciting the Sale of a Magazine or Newspaper
§46A-6F-301. Registration of Telemarketers
§46A-6F-302. Security Requirement
§46A-6F-303. Failure to Register or Meet Security Requirement; Remedies
§46A-6F-304. Record Keeping Requirements
§46A-6F-401. Mandatory Disclosures
§46A-6F-402. Accepting Returns or Canceling Services
§46A-6F-501. Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices
§46A-6F-503. Operating a Criminal Recovery Service; Penalties
§46A-6F-601. Abusive Acts or Practices