West Virginia Code
Article 16. Chiropractors
§30-16-4. West Virginia Board of Chiropractic; Establishment and Composition

(a) The "West Virginia Board of Chiropractic" is continued. Effective July 1, 2012, the board is composed of four licensed chiropractors and one person to represent the interest of the public. All are appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, from a list of three names recommended by the West Virginia Chiropractic Society, Incorporated. Each chiropractic member of the board shall have been a resident of and engaged in the active practice of chiropractic in the state for a period of at least five years preceding his or her appointment.
(b) As existing board members' terms expire, newly appointed board members are appointed by the Governor for a term of office of three years. No member may serve more than two full consecutive three-year terms. When a vacancy in the membership of the board occurs for a cause other than the expiration of a term, the Governor shall appoint a new member from a list of three names recommended by West Virginia Chiropractic Society, Incorporated, to fill the unexpired portion of the term of office.
(c) The Governor may remove any member of the board in case of incompetency, neglect of duty, gross immorality or malfeasance in office.
(d) The board shall conduct an annual training program to familiarize new board members with their duties.
(e) Each member of the board is entitled to receive compensation in the amount paid to members of the Legislature for interim duties for each day or substantial portion that he or she is engaged in the work of the board or of its committees. Members are entitled to be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out his or her duties.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 30. Professions and Occupations

Article 16. Chiropractors

§30-16-1. Purpose and Legislative Intent

§30-16-2. License Required; Exceptions

§30-16-3. Definitions

§30-16-4. West Virginia Board of Chiropractic; Establishment and Composition

§30-16-5. Powers and Duties of the Board

§30-16-6. Application for License; Requirements for Licensure

§30-16-7. Examination; Certificates of License

§30-16-7a. Special Volunteer Chiropractor License; Civil Immunity for Voluntary Services Rendered to Indigents

§30-16-8. Licensing of Foreign Graduates

§30-16-9. Licensure by Endorsement; Temporary Licensure; Restricted Licensure

§30-16-10. Licensing Chiropractors From Other States; Fee

§30-16-11. Disciplinary Actions

§30-16-12. Impaired Chiropractors

§30-16-13. Protected Action, Immunity and Communication

§30-16-14. Enforcement

§30-16-15. Annual Renewal; Failure to Renew; Reinstatement

§30-16-16. Initiation of Suspension or Revocation Proceedings Allowed and Required; Reporting of Information to Board Pertaining to Professional Malpractice and Professional Incompetence Required; Penalties

§30-16-17. Who May Practice Chiropractic; Title of Chiropractor; Minimum Education Required for Spinal Manipulation

§30-16-18. Scope of Practice; Chiropractic Assistants; Expert Testimony

§30-16-19. Duty of Chiropractor to Observe Health Rules; Reports of Health Officer and Local Registrar of Vital Statistics

§30-16-20. Use of Physiotherapeutic Devices; Electrodiagnostic Devices; Specialty Practice

§30-16-21. Chiropractic Corporations

§30-16-22. Offenses; Penalties