West Virginia Code
Article 16. Chiropractors
§30-16-13. Protected Action, Immunity and Communication

(a) There is no monetary liability on the part of, and no cause of action for damages arising against, any current or former member, officer, administrator, peer review committee member, staff member, committee member, examiner, representative, agent, employee, consultant, witness or any other person serving or having served the board, either as a part of the board's operation or as an individual, as a result of any act, omission, proceeding, conduct or decision related to his or her duties undertaken or performed in good faith and within the scope of the function of the board.
(b) A current or former member, officer, administrator, staff member, committee member, examiner, representative, agent, employee, consultant or any other person serving or having served the board may request the state to defend him or her against any claim or action arising out of any act, omission, proceeding, conduct or decision related to his or her duties undertaken or performed in good faith and within the scope of the function of the board.
(c) Every communication made by or on behalf of any person, institution, agency or organization to the board or to any person designated by the board relating to an investigation or the initiation of an investigation, whether by way of report, complaint or statement, is privileged. No action or proceeding, civil or criminal, is permitted against the person, institution, agency or organization by whom or on whose behalf the communication was made in good faith.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 30. Professions and Occupations

Article 16. Chiropractors

§30-16-1. Purpose and Legislative Intent

§30-16-2. License Required; Exceptions

§30-16-3. Definitions

§30-16-4. West Virginia Board of Chiropractic; Establishment and Composition

§30-16-5. Powers and Duties of the Board

§30-16-6. Application for License; Requirements for Licensure

§30-16-7. Examination; Certificates of License

§30-16-7a. Special Volunteer Chiropractor License; Civil Immunity for Voluntary Services Rendered to Indigents

§30-16-8. Licensing of Foreign Graduates

§30-16-9. Licensure by Endorsement; Temporary Licensure; Restricted Licensure

§30-16-10. Licensing Chiropractors From Other States; Fee

§30-16-11. Disciplinary Actions

§30-16-12. Impaired Chiropractors

§30-16-13. Protected Action, Immunity and Communication

§30-16-14. Enforcement

§30-16-15. Annual Renewal; Failure to Renew; Reinstatement

§30-16-16. Initiation of Suspension or Revocation Proceedings Allowed and Required; Reporting of Information to Board Pertaining to Professional Malpractice and Professional Incompetence Required; Penalties

§30-16-17. Who May Practice Chiropractic; Title of Chiropractor; Minimum Education Required for Spinal Manipulation

§30-16-18. Scope of Practice; Chiropractic Assistants; Expert Testimony

§30-16-19. Duty of Chiropractor to Observe Health Rules; Reports of Health Officer and Local Registrar of Vital Statistics

§30-16-20. Use of Physiotherapeutic Devices; Electrodiagnostic Devices; Specialty Practice

§30-16-21. Chiropractic Corporations

§30-16-22. Offenses; Penalties