West Virginia Code
Article 21. Coalbed Methane Wells and Units
§22-21-5. Duties of the Coalbed Methane Review Board; Meetings; Notice, Powers and Duties Generally

(a) The board shall meet and hold conferences and hearings at times and places designated by the chairman. The chairman may call a meeting of the board at any time. The chairman shall call a meeting of the board: (1) Upon receipt from the chief of a completed application for a permit to establish one or more coalbed methane gas drilling units pursuant to this article; (2) upon receipt from the chief of a request pursuant to section seven of this article or comments or objections pursuant to sections ten and eleven of this article; or (3) within twenty days upon the written request by another member of the board. Notice of all meetings shall be given to each member of the board by the chairman at least ten days in advance thereof, unless otherwise agreed by the members.
(b) At least ten days prior to every meeting of the board called pursuant to the provisions of this section, the chairman shall also notify the applicant, all persons to whom copies of the application were required to be mailed pursuant to the provisions of section nine of this article and all persons who filed written protests or objections with the board in accordance with the provisions of section ten or eleven of this article.
(c) A majority of the members of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. A majority of the members of the board is required to determine any issue brought before it.
(d) The board shall execute and carry out, administer and enforce the provisions of this article in the manner provided herein. Subject to the provisions of section three of this article, the board has jurisdiction and authority over all persons and property necessary therefor: Provided, That the provisions of this article do not grant to the board authority or power to fix prices of coalbed methane gas.
(e) Within eighteen months of the effective date of this article, the board shall initiate rule-making proceedings to investigate the feasibility of establishing blanket bonds for financial security in addition to the provisions for bonds for financial security under section thirteen of this article.
(f) The board may:
(1) Take evidence and issue orders concerning applications for drilling permits and coalbed methane gas drilling units in accordance with the provisions of this article;
(2) Promulgate, pursuant to the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, and enforce reasonable rules necessary to govern the practice and procedure before the board;
(3) Propose legislative rules pursuant to the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code necessary to implement the powers and duties provided the board under this article, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), section four of this article;
(4) Make relevant investigations of records and facilities it considers proper; and
(5) Issue subpoenas for the attendance of and sworn testimony by witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum for the production of any books, records, maps, charts, diagrams and other pertinent documents in its own name or at the request of any party pursuant to article five, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 22. Environmental Resources

Article 21. Coalbed Methane Wells and Units

§22-21-1. Declaration of Public Policy; Legislative Findings

§22-21-2. Definitions

§22-21-3. Application of Article; Exclusions; Application of Chapter Twenty-Two-B to Coalbed Methane Wells

§22-21-4. Chief; Powers and Duties Generally

§22-21-5. Duties of the Coalbed Methane Review Board; Meetings; Notice, Powers and Duties Generally

§22-21-6. Permit Required for Coalbed Methane Well; Permit Fee; Application; Soil Erosion Control Plan; Penalties

§22-21-7. Consent and Agreement of Coal Owner or Operator

§22-21-8. Performance Bonds; Corporate Surety or Other Security

§22-21-9. Notice to Owners

§22-21-10. Procedure for Filing Comments

§22-21-11. Objections or Comments to Coalbed Methane Wells by Coal Owner or Operator; Hearings

§22-21-12. Review of Application; Issuance of Permit in the Absence of Objections; Copy of Permits to County Assessor

§22-21-13. Review Board Hearing; Findings; Order

§22-21-14. Protective Devices Required When a Coalbed Methane Well Penetrates Workable Coalbed; When a Coalbed Methane Well Is Drilled Through Horizon of Coalbed From Which Coal Has Been Removed; Notice of Stimulation; Results of Stimulation

§22-21-15. Drilling Units and Pooling of Interests

§22-21-16. Notice to Owners

§22-21-17. Review of Application; Hearing; Pooling Order; Spacing; Operator; Elections; Working Interests, Royalty Interests, Carried Interests, Escrow Account for Conflicting Claims, Division Order

§22-21-18. Operation on Drilling Units

§22-21-19. Validity of Unit Agreements

§22-21-20. Spacing

§22-21-21. Dry or Abandoned Wells

§22-21-22. Notice of Plugging and Reclamation of Well; Right to Take Well; Objection; Plugging Order; Plugging for Mine-Through

§22-21-23. Method of Plugging

§22-21-24. Existing Mining Rights

§22-21-25. Judicial Review; Appeal to Supreme Court of Appeals; Legal Representation for Review Board

§22-21-26. Limitation on Actions in Trespass

§22-21-27. Injunctive Relief

§22-21-28. Penalties

§22-21-29. Construction