West Virginia Code
Article 11. Water Pollution Control Act
§22-11-5. Water Areas Beautification; Investigations; Law Enforcement

The division shall maintain a program and practices in the husbandry of waters of the state and the lands immediately adjacent thereto. The director shall make such investigations and surveys, conduct such schools and public meetings and take such other steps as may be expedient in the conservation, beautification, improvement and use of all such water areas of the state. The director shall cooperate with the Division of Natural Resources' chief law-enforcement officer in enforcing the provisions of law prohibiting the disposal of litter in, along and near such water areas.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 22. Environmental Resources

Article 11. Water Pollution Control Act

§22-11-1. Short Title

§22-11-2. Declaration of Policy

§22-11-3. Definitions

§22-11-4. General Powers and Duties of Director With Respect to Pollution

§22-11-5. Water Areas Beautification; Investigations; Law Enforcement

§22-11-6. Requirement to Comply With Standards of Water Quality and Effluent Limitations

§22-11-7. Cooperation With Other Governments and Agencies

§22-11-7a. Certification Agreements; Required Provisions

§22-11-7b. Water Quality Standards; Implementation of Antidegradation Procedures; Procedure to Determine Comp1iance With the Biologic Component of the Narrative Water Quality Standard

§22-11-8. Prohibitions; Permits Required

§22-11-9. Form of Application for Permit; Information Required

§22-11-10. Water Quality Management Fund Established; Permit Application Fees; Annual Permit Fees; Dedication of Proceeds; Rules

§22-11-11. Procedure Concerning Permits Required Under Article; Transfer of Permits; Prior Permits

§22-11-12. Inspections; Orders to Compel Compliance With Permits; Service of Orders

§22-11-13. Voluntary Water Quality Monitors; Appointment; Duties; Compensation

§22-11-14. Information to Be Filed by Certain Persons With Division; Tests

§22-11-15. Orders of Director to Stop or Prevent Discharges or Deposits or Take Remedial Action; Service of Orders

§22-11-16. Compliance With Orders of Director

§22-11-17. Power of Eminent Domain; Procedures; Legislative Finding

§22-11-18. Duty to Proceed With Remedial Action Promptly Upon Receipt of Permit; Progress Reports Required; Finances and Funds

§22-11-19. Emergency Orders

§22-11-20. Control by State as to Pollution; Continuing Jurisdiction

§22-11-21. Appeal to Environmental Quality Board

§22-11-22. Civil Penalties and Injunctive Relief; Administrative Penalties

§22-11-22a. Civil Penalties and Injunctive Relief; Civil Administrative Penalties for Coal Mining Operations

§22-11-23. Priority of Actions

§22-11-24. Violations; Criminal Penalties

§22-11-25. Civil Liability; Natural Resources Game Fish and Aquatic Life Fund; Use of Funds

§22-11-26. Exceptions as to Criminal Liabilities

§22-11-27. Existing Rights and Remedies Preserved; Article for Benefit of State Only

§22-11-28. Functions, Services and Reports of Director of the Division; Obtaining Information From Others

§22-11-29. Reimbursement of Response Costs

§22-11-30. Chesapeake Bay Restoration Initiative