The director shall have the power and authority to regulate the number, kind and type of traps to be used in the catching or trapping of any game or fur-bearing animals.
Structure West Virginia Code
§20-2-1. Declaration of Policy
§20-2-1a. Wildlife Resources Division; Organization and Administration
§20-2-2. Violations of Article
§20-2-2a. Interference With Hunters, Trappers and Fishermen
§20-2-3. State Ownership of Wildlife
§20-2-4. Possession of Wildlife
§20-2-5. Unlawful Methods of Hunting and Fishing and Other Unlawful Acts; Sunday Hunting
§20-2-5e. Assessment Fee for Decoy Animals
§20-2-5f. Nonresident Dog Training for Coon Hunting; Training Season
§20-2-5g. Use of a Crossbow to Hunt
§20-2-5h. Elk Management Area; Elk Damage Fund; Criminal Penalties; Rule-Making
§20-2-5i. Waste of Game Animals, Game Birds, or Game Fish; Penalties
§20-2-5j. Leashed Dogs for Tracking Mortally Wounded Deer or Bear
§20-2-5k. Use of Air Rifles to Hunt
§20-2-6. Carrying Gun on Landowner's Land
§20-2-7. Hunting, Trapping or Fishing on Lands of Another; Damages and Restitution
§20-2-8. Posting Unenclosed Lands; Hunting, etc., on Posted Land
§20-2-9. Unlawful Posting of Lands
§20-2-10. Destruction, etc., of Signs Posted Under Chapter
§20-2-11. Sale of Wildlife; Transportation of Same
§20-2-12. Transportation of Wildlife Out of State; Penalties
§20-2-13. Importation of Wildlife; Certification and Inspection of Imported Wildlife
§20-2-14. Propagation of Wildlife for Commercial Purposes
§20-2-17. Hunting Fur-Bearing Animals; Possession of Fur; Disturbing Traps of Another
§20-2-18. Number and Types of Traps
§20-2-21. Reporting Beaver and Otter Pelts Taken and Tagged
§20-2-22. Tagging, Removing, Transporting and Reporting Bear, Deer, Wild Boar and Wild Turkey
§20-2-23. Outfitters and Guides -- Generally; Definitions
§20-2-23b. Whitewater Study and Improvement Fund
§20-2-23c. Voluntary Contributions to Whitewater Advertising and Promotion Fund
§20-2-23d. Bond; Revocation of License; Licensing Carrying Requirement; Criminal Penalties
§20-2-23e. Implementation of Allocation Methodology
§20-2-24. Outfitters and Guides -- Qualifications
§20-2-25. Same -- License Applications; National Forest Requirements
§20-2-26. Same -- License Fee; Bond; Revocation of License; Penalties
§20-2-27. Necessity for License
§20-2-28. When Licenses or Permits Not Required
§20-2-29. Conservation of Species and Request for Public Records
§20-2-31. Size and Form of License and Tag; Contents; Unlawful to Alter Licenses or Permits; Penalty
§20-2-32. Issuance of Licenses; Duplicate Licenses
§20-2-33. Authority of Director to Designate Agents to Issue Licenses; Bonds; Fees
§20-2-33b. Electronic Application Donation to Fund the Coyote Management Program
§20-2-34. Disposition of License Fees and Donations; Reports of Agents; Special Funds and Uses
§20-2-35. Period During Which License Valid
§20-2-36a. Hunting or Fishing When License Revoked; Penalty
§20-2-38. Refusal or Revocation of License or Permit
§20-2-42. Effective Date and Indexing of License and Stamp Fees
§20-2-42a. Class a Resident Hunting and Trapping License
§20-2-42b. Class B Resident Fishing License
§20-2-42c. Class C Courtesy Statewide Hunting and Fishing License
§20-2-42d. Class E Nonresident Hunting and Trapping License
§20-2-42e. Class Ee Nonresident Bear Hunting License
§20-2-42f. Class F Nonresident Fishing License
§20-2-42g. Class H Nonresident Small Game Hunting License
§20-2-42h. Class J Nonresident Small Game Shooting Preserve License
§20-2-42i. Class Ll Nonresident One-Day Fishing License
§20-2-42j. Class X Resident Hunting, Fishing and Trapping License
§20-2-42l. Class A-L Small Arms Hunting Stamp
§20-2-42m. Class I Nonresident National Forest Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Stamp
§20-2-42n. Class N Resident and Class Nn Nonresident Antlerless Deer Hunting Stamp
§20-2-42o. Class O Resident and Class Oo Nonresident Trout Fishing Stamp
§20-2-42p. Class Rg Resident and Class Rrg Nonresident Gun Deer Hunting Stamp for an Additional Deer
§20-2-42s. Class Uu Nonresident Archery Deer Hunting Stamp
§20-2-42t. Class Vv Nonresident Muzzle-Loading Deer Hunting Stamp
§20-2-42u. Class Ww Nonresident Turkey Hunting Stamp
§20-2-42v. Class Bg Resident Big Game Stamp
§20-2-42w. Class Y Special Crossbow Hunting Permit for Certain Disabled Persons
§20-2-42x. Class Xs Resident Senior Hunting, Fishing and Trapping License
§20-2-42y. Class Ah, Ahj, Aah, Aahj Apprentice Hunting and Trapping Licenses; Penalties
§20-2-42z. Class L Resident Five-Day Fishing License
§20-2-44b. Bear Damage Stamp; Proceeds to Be Paid Into Bear Damage Fund; Purposes, etc.
§20-2-46e. Class Q Special Hunting Permit for Disabled Persons
§20-2-47. License for Private Game Farm for Propagating Animals and Birds for Commercial Purposes
§20-2-49. Licenses for Dealers in Furs, Pelts, etc.
§20-2-50. Permit to Hunt, Kill, etc., Wildlife for Scientific or Propagation Purposes
§20-2-50a. Wildlife Damage Control Agents; Licensing
§20-2-51. Permit for Keeping Pets
§20-2-52. Permits for Roadside Menageries
§20-2-53. License for Privately Owned Commercial Fishing Preserve
§20-2-54. License for Privately-Owned Commercial Shooting Preserves
§20-2-55. License to Catch and Sell Minnows or Other Bait Fish
§20-2-56a. Bird Dog Training Permit
§20-2-58. Shooting Across Road or Near Building or Crowd; Penalty
§20-2-59. License to Take Fish and Mussels for Commercial Purposes in Certain Waters
§20-2-60. Required Attire for Deer Hunters; Exemption; Penalty
§20-2-62. Persons Exempt From Obtaining Hunting and Fishing Licenses; Qualification
§20-2-64. Regulating Release of Fish, Water Animal and Other Aquatic Organisms; Stocking Permit