Any person marketing eggs which he or she has produced is exempt from the provisions of section seven of this article except that carton labeling shall be according to legislative rule, cartons shall be clean and free of debris and eggs shall be held under refrigeration according to legislative rule. The commissioner may exempt small producers from portions of this article by legislative rule.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 10A. The West Virginia Egg Marketing Law of 1998
§19-10A-1. Purpose; and Short Title
§19-10A-3. Permits and Registration
§19-10A-5. Container Requirements
§19-10A-8. Invoice Requirements
§19-10A-10. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner
§19-10A-11. Egg Handling Facilities, Temperature and Humidity, Sanitation and Cleaning
§19-10A-12. Access to Premises
§19-10A-14. Persons Punishable as Principals