There is hereby created a special revenue account within the state Treasury to be known as "Agricultural Fees Fund". Expenditures from the fund shall be used exclusively by the commissioner of agriculture for the purpose of enforcement and administration of this chapter. Moneys paid into the account shall be from all moneys collected under this chapter, except those designated in article one-a; article two-g; article twenty-one; article twenty-one-a; article twenty-one-b; article twenty-three; article twenty-five; article twenty-six; article twenty-seven; and section twenty-three, article sixteen-a.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 1. Department of Agriculture
§19-1-1. Department of Agriculture
§19-1-2. Commissioner of Agriculture
§19-1-3a. Marketing and Economic Development Duties
§19-1-3b. Background Checks as Condition of Employment
§19-1-4. Duties of Commissioner
§19-1-4a. Commissioner Authorized to Accept Gifts, etc., and Enter Into Cooperative Agreements
§19-1-4b. Authority of Commissioner to Increase Certain Fees by Rules or Regulations
§19-1-4c. Agriculture Fees Fund
§19-1-4d. Farmland Preservation Fees Fund
§19-1-4e. Department of Agriculture Capital Improvements Fund
§19-1-5. Cooperative Statistical Work
§19-1-6. Duty of Assessor to Gather Statistics
§19-1-7. Shared Animal Ownership Agreement to Consume Raw Milk
§19-1-8. Penalty for Failure of Assessor to Perform Duties
§19-1-9. Agriculture Advisory Board
§19-1-10. Requirement for Social Security Number on Applications
§19-1-11. Rural Rehabilitation Loan Program
§19-1-12. Veterans and Heroes to Agriculture Program and Fund