The commissioner shall organize his or her department and may employ a general counsel and other such legal, business, science, and technical professionals, para-professionals, and experts, and employees as may be necessary to perform the duties of the office. He or she shall fix their compensation and may require them to give bond for the faithful performance of their duties.
The commissioner shall certify to the State Auditor, from time to time, an itemized account of all expenditures made by him or her for employee hire and other purposes, whereupon the Auditor shall draw his or her warrant on the State Treasurer for the payment thereof out of the funds appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose, but in no case to exceed such appropriation.
The commissioner shall, within 10 days after the expiration of each month, submit to the Auditor and Treasurer an itemized statement of all moneys received by him or her during that month, and at the same time pay such money into the State Treasury.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 1. Department of Agriculture
§19-1-1. Department of Agriculture
§19-1-2. Commissioner of Agriculture
§19-1-3a. Marketing and Economic Development Duties
§19-1-3b. Background Checks as Condition of Employment
§19-1-4. Duties of Commissioner
§19-1-4a. Commissioner Authorized to Accept Gifts, etc., and Enter Into Cooperative Agreements
§19-1-4b. Authority of Commissioner to Increase Certain Fees by Rules or Regulations
§19-1-4c. Agriculture Fees Fund
§19-1-4d. Farmland Preservation Fees Fund
§19-1-4e. Department of Agriculture Capital Improvements Fund
§19-1-5. Cooperative Statistical Work
§19-1-6. Duty of Assessor to Gather Statistics
§19-1-7. Shared Animal Ownership Agreement to Consume Raw Milk
§19-1-8. Penalty for Failure of Assessor to Perform Duties
§19-1-9. Agriculture Advisory Board
§19-1-10. Requirement for Social Security Number on Applications
§19-1-11. Rural Rehabilitation Loan Program
§19-1-12. Veterans and Heroes to Agriculture Program and Fund