West Virginia Code
Article 7A. State Teachers Retirement System
§18-7A-35b. Temporary Early Retirement Incentives Program; Legislative Declarations and Findings; Termination Date

Under the prior enactment of this section, the Legislature found and declared that a compelling state interest existed in providing a temporary, early retirement incentives program for encouraging the early, voluntary retirement of those public employees who were current, active, contributing members of this retirement system on April 1, 1988, in the reduction of the number of the employees and in reduction of governmental costs for the employees. The Legislature further found that maintaining an actuarily sound retirement fund is essential and that the reemployment in any manner, including reemployment on a contract basis, by the state of any person who retired under this section is contrary to the intent of the early retirement program and severely threatens the fiscal integrity of the retirement fund. The early retirement program under the prior enactment of this section, offered employees three retirement incentive options. Any person who retired under the provisions of the prior enactment of this section are subject to the restrictions contained in this section.
(a) For the purposes of this section: (1) "Contract" means any personal service agreement, not involving the sale of commodities, that cannot be performed within sixty days or for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500 in any twelve-month period. The term "contract" does not include any agreement obtained by a retirant through a bidding process and which is for the furnishing of any commodity to a government agency; (2) "governmental entity" means the State of West Virginia; a Constitutional branch or office of the state government, or any subdivision of state government; a county, city or town in the state; a county board of education; a separate corporation or instrumentality established pursuant to a state statute; any other entity currently permitted to participate in any state public retirement system or the Public Employees Insurance Agency; or any officer or official of any entity listed in this subsection who is acting in his or her official capacity; (3) "substitute teacher" means a teacher, public school librarian, registered professional nurse employed by the county board of education or any other person employed for counselling or instructional purposes in a public school in this state who is temporarily fulfilling the duties of an existing person employed in a specific position who is temporarily absent from that specific position; and (4) "part-time elected or appointed office" means any elected or appointed office that compensates its members in an amount less than $2,500 or requires less than sixty days of service in any twelve-month period.
(b) Any member who participated in the retirement incentive program under the prior enactment of this section is not eligible to accept further employment or accept, directly or indirectly, work on a contract basis from a governmental entity: Provided, That the executive director may approve, upon written request for good cause shown, an exception allowing a retirant to perform work on a contract basis: Provided, however, That a person may retire under this section and thereafter serve in an elective office: Provided further, That he or she shall not receive the incentive option he or she elected under the prior enactment of this section during the term of service in that office for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500, but shall receive his or her annuity calculated on regular basis, as if originally taken not under the prior enactment of this section but on a regular basis. At the end of the term and cessation of service in the office, the incentive option resumes. In respect of an appointive office, as distinguished from an elective office, any person retiring under this section and thereafter serving in the appointive office for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500 shall not receive the incentive option he or she elected under the prior enactment of this section during the term of service in that office, but the incentive option resumes during that period: And provided further, That at the end of the term and cessation of service in the appointive office the incentive option provided for under the prior enactment of this section resumes: And provided further, That any person elected or appointed to office by the state or any of its political subdivisions who waives whatever salary, wage or per diem compensation he or she may be entitled to by virtue of service in that office and who does not receive any income from service in that office except the reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs and expenses that are permitted by the statutes governing the office shall continue to receive the incentive option he or she elected under this section. The service may not be counted as contributed or credited service for purposes of computing retirement benefits.
(c) If the elected or appointed office is a part-time elected or appointed office, a person electing retirement under this section may serve in the elective or appointive office with no loss of the benefits provided under the prior enactment of this section.
(d) Prior to the initiation or renewal of any contract for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500 and entered into pursuant to this section or the acceptance of any elective or appointive office for which the total compensation exceeds $7,500, a person who has elected to retire under the early retirement provisions of the prior enactment of this section shall complete a disclosure and waiver statement executed under oath and acknowledged by a notary public. The board shall propose rules for promulgation, pursuant to article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, regarding the form and contents of the waiver and disclosure statement. The disclosure and waiver statement shall be forwarded to the appropriate state public retirement system administrator who shall take action to ensure that the early retirement incentive option benefit is reduced in accordance with the provisions of this section. The administrator shall then certify that action in writing to the appropriate governmental entity.
(e) In any event, an eligible member who retired under the prior enactment of this section may continue to receive his or her incentive annuity and be employed as a substitute teacher, as adjunct faculty, as a school service personnel substitute, or as a part-time member of the faculty of southern West Virginia community college or West Virginia northern community college: Provided, That the board of directors determines that the part-time employment is in accordance with policies to be adopted by the board regarding adjunct faculty. For purposes of this section, a "part-time member of the faculty" means an individual employed solely to provide instruction for not more than twelve college credits per semester.
(f) Any incentive retirants, under the prior enactment of this section, may not receive an annuity and enter or reenter any governmental retirement system established or authorized to be established by the state, notwithstanding any provision of the code to the contrary, unless required by Constitutional provision.
(g) The additional annuity allowed for temporary early retirement is intended to be paid from the retirement incentive account created as a special account in the State Treasury and from the funds in the special account established with moneys required to be applied or transferred by heads of spending units from the unused portion of salary and fringe benefits in their budgets accruing in respect to the positions vacated and subsequently canceled under this temporary early retirement program. Salary and fringe benefit moneys actually saved in a particular fiscal year constitute the fund source. No additional annuity shall be disallowed even though initial receipts may not be sufficient, with funds of the system to be applied for the purpose, as for the base annuity.
(h) The executive secretary of the retirement system shall file a quarterly report to the Legislature detailing the number of retirees who have elected to accept early retirement incentive options, the dollar cost to date by option selected, and the projected annual cost through the year 2000.
(i) Termination of temporary retirement incentives program. -- The right to retire under this section terminated on June 30, 1989.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 18. Education

Article 7A. State Teachers Retirement System

§18-7A-1. Establishment of Retirement System

§18-7A-2. Supplemental Benefits

§18-7A-2a. Governing Boards of Educational Institutions Authorized to Pay Supplemental Retirement Benefits

§18-7A-3. Definitions

§18-7A-3a. Federal Qualification Requirements

§18-7A-4. Teachers Retirement Board

§18-7A-11. Records; Actuarial Data; Tables; Specification of Actuarial Assumptions

§18-7A-12. Reports by Retirement Board

§18-7A-13. Membership in Retirement System; Cessation of Membership; Reinstatement of Withdrawn Service

§18-7A-13a. Resumption of Service by Retired Teachers

§18-7A-13b. Option of Certain Present Members to Elect Between State and Federal Retirement Systems; Payment of Contributions to Federal System

§18-7A-14. Contributions by Members; Contributions by Employers; Forfeitures

§18-7A-14a. Options of Certain Members to Elect Between State Teachers Retirement System, a Combination of That System and a Supplemental Retirement System, and a Retirement Plan Other Than the State Teachers Retirement System

§18-7A-14b. Members' Option to Make Contributions for Periods of Temporary Total Disability

§18-7A-14c. Correction of Errors; Underpayments; Overpayments

§18-7A-15. Collection of Membership Contributions

§18-7A-16. Transfer of Appropriations

§18-7A-17. Statement and Computation of Teachers' Service

§18-7A-17a. Qualified Military Service

§18-7A-17b. Military Service Credit for Members of the West Virginia National Guard

§18-7A-18. Teachers Retirement System Fund; Transfers

§18-7A-18a. Calculation of Allocation to Teachers Retirement System Fund

§18-7A-19. Custody of Funds; Disbursements; Bond of Custodian; Annual Statement

§18-7A-20. Investment of Funds

§18-7A-21. Misuse of Funds; Penalties

§18-7A-22. Persons Eligible for Prior Service Pensions

§18-7A-23. Withdrawal and Death Benefits

§18-7A-23a. Terminal Benefits

§18-7A-25. Eligibility for Retirement Allowance

§18-7A-25a. Prohibited Forced Retirement of College and University Professors

§18-7A-25b. Withdrawal and Eligibility for Retirement Allowance for a Person Who First Becomes a Member of the Retirement System on or After July 1, 2015

§18-7A-26. Computation of Annuities

§18-7A-26a. Additional Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26b. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26c. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26d. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26e. Supplemental Benefits to Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26f. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26g. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26h. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26i. Supplemental Benefits for Retired Teachers

§18-7A-26j. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to July 1, 1981

§18-7A-26k. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Between July 1, 1981, and July 1, 1982

§18-7A-26l. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to July 1, 1982

§18-7A-26m. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers

§18-7A-26n. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired on or After July 1, 1984, but Prior to July 1, 1986

§18-7A-26o. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to July 1, 1986

§18-7A-26p. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired on or After July 1, 1986, but Prior to April 1, 1988

§18-7A-26q. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to April 1, 1988

§18-7A-26r. Minimum Benefit for Certain Retired Members; Legislative Declaration; State Interest and Public Purpose

§18-7A-26s. One-Time Supplement for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2001

§18-7A-26t. One-Time Supplement for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2006

§18-7A-26u. One-Time Bonus Payment for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2008

§18-7A-26v. One-Time Bonus Payment for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2011

§18-7A-26w. Minimum Benefit for Certain Retired Members

§18-7A-27. Regular Interest

§18-7A-28. Options to Beneficiaries; Change of Certain Options Because of Divorce or Annulment; Limitation on Recalculated Monthly Benefits

§18-7A-28a. Federal Law Maximum Benefit Limitations

§18-7A-28b. Federal Law Minimum Required Distributions

§18-7A-28c. Direct Rollovers

§18-7A-28d. Rollovers and Transfers to Purchase Service Credit or Repay Withdrawn Contributions

§18-7A-28e. Limitations on Benefit Increases

§18-7A-29. Fraud; Penalties

§18-7A-30. Exemption From Taxation, Garnishment and Other Process; Exception for Qualified Domestic Relations Order

§18-7A-31. Unexpended Funds Under Prior Appropriations

§18-7A-32. Inconsistent Acts Repealed

§18-7A-33. Constitutionality

§18-7A-34. Loans to Members

§18-7A-35. Coverage for Nonteaching Employees; Prior Service Credit

§18-7A-35a. Prior Service Credit for Former Members of the State Teachers Retirement System Employed in a Nonteaching Capacity

§18-7A-35b. Temporary Early Retirement Incentives Program; Legislative Declarations and Findings; Termination Date

§18-7A-35c. Termination of Benefits; Procedure

§18-7A-36. Joint Study of State Retirement Systems; Report to Joint Committee on Government and Finance by Specified Date of Study Conclusions

§18-7A-37. Benefits Not Forfeited if System Terminates

§18-7A-38. Maximum Number of Days a Retired Teacher May Accept Employment; Calculating Days Worked for Retirants Engaged in Substitute Teaching

§18-7A-39. Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Fund

§18-7A-40. Higher Education Employees