West Virginia Code
Article 7A. State Teachers Retirement System
§18-7A-28. Options to Beneficiaries; Change of Certain Options Because of Divorce or Annulment; Limitation on Recalculated Monthly Benefits

The retirement board is hereby authorized to offer plans, optional with the beneficiary, for the payment of allowances due such beneficiary for retirement, withdrawal or prior service pensions under the retirement system. No plans shall be offered, however, which are not approved by competent actuaries.
When a beneficiary and his or her spouse have been approved for a retirement plan which provides for them a joint life annuity, and their marriage is subsequently dissolved, the board shall permit such beneficiary to convert to the maximum life annuity plan approved by the board: Provided, That the beneficiary shall furnish to the board proof of entry of a final decree of divorce or annulment: Provided, however, That a beneficiary who qualifies for the change of retirement plans afforded by this section shall be permitted only one such change: Provided further, That the recalculated monthly benefits, independently of increases granted by law after the beneficiary's retirement, shall not exceed the monthly benefits which would have been applicable under the maximum life annuity plan at the time the beneficiary retired; and with such recalculation to be effective on the first day of the month following submission to the board by the beneficiary of proof of entry of a final decree of divorce or annulment.
Upon remarriage, a retirant may name the new spouse as an annuitant for any of the survivorship retirement benefit options offered by the provisions of this section: Provided, That the beneficiary shall furnish to the retirement board satisfactory proof of the marriage: Provided, however, That the retirant certifies under penalty of perjury that no qualified domestic relations order that would restrict such a designation is in effect: Provided further, That no cause or action against the board may then arise or be maintained on the basis of having permitted the retirant to name a new spouse as annuitant for any of the survivorship retirement benefit options. The value of the new survivorship annuity shall be the actuarial equivalent of the retirant's benefit prospectively in effect at the time the new annuity is elected.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 18. Education

Article 7A. State Teachers Retirement System

§18-7A-1. Establishment of Retirement System

§18-7A-2. Supplemental Benefits

§18-7A-2a. Governing Boards of Educational Institutions Authorized to Pay Supplemental Retirement Benefits

§18-7A-3. Definitions

§18-7A-3a. Federal Qualification Requirements

§18-7A-4. Teachers Retirement Board

§18-7A-11. Records; Actuarial Data; Tables; Specification of Actuarial Assumptions

§18-7A-12. Reports by Retirement Board

§18-7A-13. Membership in Retirement System; Cessation of Membership; Reinstatement of Withdrawn Service

§18-7A-13a. Resumption of Service by Retired Teachers

§18-7A-13b. Option of Certain Present Members to Elect Between State and Federal Retirement Systems; Payment of Contributions to Federal System

§18-7A-14. Contributions by Members; Contributions by Employers; Forfeitures

§18-7A-14a. Options of Certain Members to Elect Between State Teachers Retirement System, a Combination of That System and a Supplemental Retirement System, and a Retirement Plan Other Than the State Teachers Retirement System

§18-7A-14b. Members' Option to Make Contributions for Periods of Temporary Total Disability

§18-7A-14c. Correction of Errors; Underpayments; Overpayments

§18-7A-15. Collection of Membership Contributions

§18-7A-16. Transfer of Appropriations

§18-7A-17. Statement and Computation of Teachers' Service

§18-7A-17a. Qualified Military Service

§18-7A-17b. Military Service Credit for Members of the West Virginia National Guard

§18-7A-18. Teachers Retirement System Fund; Transfers

§18-7A-18a. Calculation of Allocation to Teachers Retirement System Fund

§18-7A-19. Custody of Funds; Disbursements; Bond of Custodian; Annual Statement

§18-7A-20. Investment of Funds

§18-7A-21. Misuse of Funds; Penalties

§18-7A-22. Persons Eligible for Prior Service Pensions

§18-7A-23. Withdrawal and Death Benefits

§18-7A-23a. Terminal Benefits

§18-7A-25. Eligibility for Retirement Allowance

§18-7A-25a. Prohibited Forced Retirement of College and University Professors

§18-7A-25b. Withdrawal and Eligibility for Retirement Allowance for a Person Who First Becomes a Member of the Retirement System on or After July 1, 2015

§18-7A-26. Computation of Annuities

§18-7A-26a. Additional Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26b. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26c. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26d. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26e. Supplemental Benefits to Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26f. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26g. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26h. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Annuitants

§18-7A-26i. Supplemental Benefits for Retired Teachers

§18-7A-26j. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to July 1, 1981

§18-7A-26k. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Between July 1, 1981, and July 1, 1982

§18-7A-26l. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to July 1, 1982

§18-7A-26m. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers

§18-7A-26n. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired on or After July 1, 1984, but Prior to July 1, 1986

§18-7A-26o. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to July 1, 1986

§18-7A-26p. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired on or After July 1, 1986, but Prior to April 1, 1988

§18-7A-26q. Supplemental Benefits for Certain Teachers Who Retired Prior to April 1, 1988

§18-7A-26r. Minimum Benefit for Certain Retired Members; Legislative Declaration; State Interest and Public Purpose

§18-7A-26s. One-Time Supplement for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2001

§18-7A-26t. One-Time Supplement for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2006

§18-7A-26u. One-Time Bonus Payment for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2008

§18-7A-26v. One-Time Bonus Payment for Certain Annuitants Effective July 1, 2011

§18-7A-26w. Minimum Benefit for Certain Retired Members

§18-7A-27. Regular Interest

§18-7A-28. Options to Beneficiaries; Change of Certain Options Because of Divorce or Annulment; Limitation on Recalculated Monthly Benefits

§18-7A-28a. Federal Law Maximum Benefit Limitations

§18-7A-28b. Federal Law Minimum Required Distributions

§18-7A-28c. Direct Rollovers

§18-7A-28d. Rollovers and Transfers to Purchase Service Credit or Repay Withdrawn Contributions

§18-7A-28e. Limitations on Benefit Increases

§18-7A-29. Fraud; Penalties

§18-7A-30. Exemption From Taxation, Garnishment and Other Process; Exception for Qualified Domestic Relations Order

§18-7A-31. Unexpended Funds Under Prior Appropriations

§18-7A-32. Inconsistent Acts Repealed

§18-7A-33. Constitutionality

§18-7A-34. Loans to Members

§18-7A-35. Coverage for Nonteaching Employees; Prior Service Credit

§18-7A-35a. Prior Service Credit for Former Members of the State Teachers Retirement System Employed in a Nonteaching Capacity

§18-7A-35b. Temporary Early Retirement Incentives Program; Legislative Declarations and Findings; Termination Date

§18-7A-35c. Termination of Benefits; Procedure

§18-7A-36. Joint Study of State Retirement Systems; Report to Joint Committee on Government and Finance by Specified Date of Study Conclusions

§18-7A-37. Benefits Not Forfeited if System Terminates

§18-7A-38. Maximum Number of Days a Retired Teacher May Accept Employment; Calculating Days Worked for Retirants Engaged in Substitute Teaching

§18-7A-39. Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits Fund

§18-7A-40. Higher Education Employees