West Virginia Code
Article 5. County Board of Education
§18-5-22b. Providing for Self-Administration of Asthma Medication; Definitions; Conditions; Indemnity From Liability; Rules

(a) For the purposes of this section, the following words have the meanings specified unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) "Medication" means asthma medicine, prescribed by:
(A) A physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches; or
(B) A physician assistant who has been delegated the authority to prescribe asthma medications by a supervising physician; or
(C) An advanced practice registered nurse who has a written collaborative agreement with a collaborating physician. Such agreement shall delegate the authority to prescribe the medications for a student that pertain to the student's asthma and that have an individual prescription label.
(2) "Self-administration" or "self-administer" means a student's discretionary use of prescribed asthma medication.
(b) A student enrolled in a public, private, parochial or denominational school located within this state may possess and self-administer asthma medication subject to the following conditions:
(1) The parents or guardians of the student have provided to the school:
(A) A written authorization for the self-administration of asthma medication; and
(B) A written statement from the physician or advanced practice registered nurse which contains the name, purpose, appropriate usage and dosage of the student's medication and the time or times at which, or the special circumstances under which, the medication is to be administered;
(2) The student has demonstrated the ability and understanding to self-administer asthma medication by:
(A) Passing an assessment by the school nurse evaluating the student's technique of self-administration and level of understanding of the appropriate use of the asthma medication; or
(B) In the case of nonpublic schools that do not have a school nurse, providing to the school from the student's physician or advanced practice registered nurse written verification that the student has passed such an assessment; and
(3) The parents or guardians of the student have acknowledged in writing that they have read and understand a notice provided by the county board or nonpublic school that:
(A) The school, county school board or nonpublic school and its employees and agents are exempt from any liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from the self-administration of asthma medication by the student; and
(B) The parents or guardians indemnify and hold harmless the school, the county board of education or nonpublic school and its employees or guardians and agents against any claims arising out of the self-administration of the medication by the student.
(c) The information provided to the school pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall be kept on file in the office of the school nurse or, in the absence of a school nurse, in the office of the school administrator.
(d) Permission for a student to self-administer asthma medication is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year if the requirements of this section are met.
(e) Permission to self-administer medication may be revoked if the administrative head of the school finds that the student's technique of self-administration and understanding of the use of the asthma medication is not appropriate or is willfully disregarded.
(f) A student with asthma who has met the requirements of this section may possess and use asthma medication:
(1) In school;
(2) At a school-sponsored activity;
(3) Under the supervision of school personnel; or
(4) Before or after normal school activities, such as before school or after school care on school operated property.
(g) The state board shall promulgate rules necessary to effectuate the provisions of this section in accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 18. Education

Article 5. County Board of Education

§18-5-1. Supervision and Control of County School Districts; Number, Nomination and Election of Members

§18-5-1a. Eligibility of Members; Training Requirements

§18-5-1b. Election; Terms of Office

§18-5-1c. Organization of Board; Evaluation

§18-5-2. Filling Vacancies

§18-5-3. Oath of Members

§18-5-4. Meetings; Employment and Assignment of Teachers; Budget Hearing; Compensation of Members; Affiliation With State and National Associations

§18-5-5. Corporate Character and General Powers of Board; Exemption of School Property From Legal Process and Taxes

§18-5-6. Validation of Titles to Land in Possession of Board

§18-5-7. Sale of School Property at Public Auction; Rights of Grantor of Lands in Rural Communities; Oil and Gas Leases; Disposition of Proceeds; Lease of School Property

§18-5-7a. Disposition of School Property in Flood Control Projects

§18-5-7b. Charitable or Community Use of Unneeded Buildings

§18-5-8. Condemnation of Land Necessary for Educational Purposes

§18-5-9. Schoolhouses, Buildings and Equipment; Health of Pupils; Repairs; Medical and Dental Clinics

§18-5-9a. Energy-Savings Contracts

§18-5-9b. Implementation of the Integrated Pest Management Program

§18-5-10. Approval by State Board of Plans and Specifications for Buildings

§18-5-11. Joint Establishment of Schools

§18-5-11a. Joint Governing Partnership Board Pilot Initiative

§18-5-12. Bond of Contractors

§18-5-13. Authority of Boards Generally

§18-5-13a. School Closing or Consolidation

§18-5-13b. County Superintendents’ Advisory Council, Purpose, Reports

§18-5-13c. Educational Services Cooperatives; Purpose; Establishment; Governance; Authorized Functions and Services

§18-5-13d. Use of School Facilities for Funeral and Memorial Services

§18-5-14. Policies to Promote School Board Effectiveness

§18-5-15. Ages of Persons to Whom Schools Are Open; Enrollment of Suspended or Expelled Student

§18-5-15a. Study of Multicultural Education for School Personnel

§18-5-15b. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

§18-5-15c. County Boards of Education; Training in Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect and Child Assault; Regulations; Funding

§18-5-15d. In-Service Training Programs in the Prevention, Transmission, Spread and Treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; Parent Attendance

§18-5-15f. Affirmation Regarding the Suspension or Expulsion of a Pupil From School

§18-5-15g. Vocational Education Classes for Homeschooled and Private Schooled Students

§18-5-16. Student Transfers; Definitions; Appeals; Calculating Net Enrollment; Fees for Transfer

§18-5-16a. Authorization to Transfer Pupils From One District to Another; Mandatory Transfer; Payment of Tuition; Net Enrollment

§18-5-17. Compulsory Preenrollment Hearing, Vision and Speech and Language Testing; Developmental Screening for Children Under Compulsory School Age

§18-5-18. Kindergarten Programs

§18-5-18a. Maximum Teacher-Pupil Ratio

§18-5-18b. School Counselors in Public Schools

§18-5-18c. Early Childhood Programs; Eligibility and Standards for Placement; Guidelines and Criteria

§18-5-18e. Study of Limits on the Number of Pupils per Teacher in a Classroom in Elementary and Middle Schools

§18-5-19. Night Schools and Other School Extension Activities; Use of School Property for Public Meetings, etc.

§18-5-19a. Special Classes for War Veterans; Authority of County Boards to Contract Therefor and to Receive Assistance

§18-5-19b. Adult Education Classes and Programs; Tuition and Student Assistance Loans; Authority of County Boards to Contract With Federal Agencies

§18-5-19c. Division of Technical and Adult Education Services

§18-5-19d. Conditional Immunity From Liability for Community Activities; Liability Insurance; Authority of State Board of Risk and Insurance Management

§18-5-20. School Libraries; Librarian

§18-5-21. Free Textbooks

§18-5-21a. Textbooks to Be Furnished Pupils Whose Parents Are Unable to Provide Same

§18-5-21b. Textbooks May Be Furnished to Pupils in Private Schools Whose Parents Are Unable to Provide Same

§18-5-21c. Distribution of Free Textbook Funds; Determination of Amount County Shall Receive

§18-5-21d. &Quot;free Textbook Account"; Use of Surplus; Order of Preference in Providing Free Textbooks; Purchase of Library Books, Supplementary Materials, and Used Textbooks

§18-5-21e. Rules and Regulations for Care, Distribution and Use of Free Textbooks; Reports by County Boards; Funds May Be Withheld From County for Violation of Rules

§18-5-22. Medical and Dental Inspection; School Nurses; Specialized Health Procedures; Establishment of Council of School Nurses

§18-5-22a. Policy for the Administration of Medications

§18-5-22b. Providing for Self-Administration of Asthma Medication; Definitions; Conditions; Indemnity From Liability; Rules

§18-5-22c. Providing for the Maintenance and Use of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors; Administration of Injections; Notice; Indemnity From Liability; Rules

§18-5-22d. Providing for the Maintenance and Use of Opioid Antagonist; Administration; Notice; Indemnity From Liability; Rules

§18-5-23. Dental Clinics and Treatment

§18-5-24. Purchase and Display of United States Flag; Penalty for Failure to Display

§18-5-25. Duties of Superintendent as Secretary of Board

§18-5-26. School Buildings as Child Care Facilities

§18-5-27. Parental Right to Inspect Instructional Materials; Listing Books on Syllabus; Right to File Complaint

§18-5-32. Assistant Superintendents; Directors and Supervisors of Instruction and Other Educational Activities

§18-5-33. Board May Fix Special Salary Schedules

§18-5-34. Other Authority and Duties of District Boards

§18-5-35. Group Insurance

§18-5-36. Payment for Fire Services on Public School Property

§18-5-36a. Authority to Offer Rewards

§18-5-39. Establishment of Summer School Programs; Tuition

§18-5-41. Content Based Censorship of American History Prohibited

§18-5-42. County-Wide Council on Productive and Safe Schools

§18-5-43. Duty of the County Board of Education to Report the County-Wide Productive and Safe School Plans to the West Virginia Board of Education

§18-5-44. Early Childhood Education Programs

§18-5-45. School Calendar

§18-5-45a. Legislative Findings; Time Lost Due to Work Stoppage or Strike; Effect on Pay and Extracurricular Activities; Closure of Schools Due to Work Stoppage or Strike Prohibited

§18-5-46. Requiring Teacher to Change Grade Prohibited; Teacher Recommendation Relating to Promotion

§18-5-47. County Board Flood Insurance Requirements

§18-5-48. Safety and Security Measures for School Facilities; Safe Schools Fund Created

§18-5-49. County Board Exceptional Needs Expenditures From Surplus Funds