West Virginia Code
Article 8. Levies
§11-8-10a. Adjourned Session of County Court to Hear Objections to Proposed Levies; Approval of Estimate and Levy by Tax Commissioner; First Levy for Bonded Indebtedness, Second for Indebtedness Not Bonded, Then for Current Expenses

The county court shall, when it reconvenes upon the third Tuesday in April, hear and consider any objections made orally or in writing by the prosecuting attorney, by the Tax Commissioner or his representative, or by any taxpayer of the county, to the estimate and proposed levy or to any item thereof. The court shall enter of record any objections so made and the reasons and grounds therefor.
The failure of any officer or taxpayer to offer objections shall not preclude him from pursuing any legal remedy necessary to correct any levy made by any fiscal body under this article.
The court, after hearing objections, shall reconsider the proposed original estimate and proposed rates of levy, and if the objections are well taken, shall correct the estimate and levy. No such estimate and levy, however, shall be entered until the same shall have first been approved, in writing, by the Tax Commissioner. When the same shall have been approved by the Tax Commissioner, the clerk shall then enter the estimate and levy, together with the order of the court approving them and the written approval of the Tax Commissioner thereof, in the proper record book.
The county court shall then levy as many cents per one hundred dollars' assessed valuation on each class of property in the county or its subdivisions, as the case may be, as will produce the amounts, according to the last assessments, shown to be necessary by the statement in the following order:
First, for the bonded debt and for the contractual debt not bonded, if any, of the county incurred prior to the adoption of the Tax Limitation Amendment;
Second, for the bonded debt and for the contractual debt not bonded, if any, of any magisterial or special taxing district for which the county court is required to lay the levy;
Third, for general current expenses of the county.
The rates of levy for each purpose shall not exceed the amounts fixed by section six-b unless another rate is authorized by the Tax Commissioner in accordance with this article. When less than the maximum levies are imposed, the levies on each class of property shall be in the same proportions as the maximum authorized.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 11. Taxation

Article 8. Levies

§11-8-1. Declarations

§11-8-2. Legislative Findings

§11-8-3. Purposes

§11-8-4. Definition of Taxing Units

§11-8-5. Classification of Property for Levy Purposes

§11-8-6. Aggregate of Taxes on Different Classifications; Taxing Units Authorized to Lay Levies

§11-8-6a. Levies on Each Classification by Board of Public Works

§11-8-6b. Maximum Levies on Each Classification by County Courts; Order of Levies

§11-8-6c. Maximum Levies on Each Classification by County Boards of Education; Order of Levy; Exceeding Levy for School Bond Issues

§11-8-6d. Maximum Levies on Each Classification by Municipalities; Order of Levy

§11-8-6e. Effect on Regular Levy Rate When Appraisal Results in Tax Increase; Public Hearings

§11-8-6f. Regular School Board Levy Rate; Creation and Implementation of Growth County School Facilities Act; Creation of Growth County School Facilities Act Fund

§11-8-6g. Effect on Special Levy Rates When Appraisal Results in Tax Revenue Increase; Public Hearings

§11-8-7. Increase of Current Expense Levies When Debt Levies Not Required

§11-8-8. Levies by Board of Public Works; Certification

§11-8-9. Meetings of Local Levying Bodies

§11-8-10. Levy Estimate by County Court; Certification to Tax Commissioner and Publication

§11-8-10a. Adjourned Session of County Court to Hear Objections to Proposed Levies; Approval of Estimate and Levy by Tax Commissioner; First Levy for Bonded Indebtedness, Second for Indebtedness Not Bonded, Then for Current Expenses

§11-8-11. Certification of Levy Order; Duties of Clerk, Assessor and Collecting Officer; Delinquent Lists

§11-8-12. Levy Estimate by Board of Education; Certification and Publication

§11-8-12a. Adjourned Session of Board of Education to Hear Objections to Proposed Levies; Approval of Estimate and Levy by Tax Commissioner; First Levy for Bonded and Other Indebtedness and Indebtedness Not Bonded, Second for Permanent Improvement Fu...

§11-8-13. Certification of Levy Order to Tax Commissioner and County Superintendent; Reports by Superintendent of Levies; Extension and Collection of Levies

§11-8-14. Levy Estimate by Municipality; Certification to Tax Commissioner and Publication

§11-8-14a. Adjourned Session of Municipal Governing Body to Hear Objections; Approval of Levies by Tax Commissioner; First Levy for Bonded Indebtedness and Indebtedness Not Bonded, Then for Current Expenses

§11-8-14b. Levy of Additional Tax

§11-8-15. Certification of Municipal Levies

§11-8-16. What Order for Election to Increase Levies to Show; Vote Required; Amount and Continuation of Additional Levy; Issuance of Bonds

§11-8-17. Special Levy Elections; Notices; Conduct of Election; Supplies; Canvass of Returns; Form of Ballot

§11-8-18. Tax Commissioner to Furnish Forms of Statements and Attorney General to Furnish Forms for Elections

§11-8-20. Levy Apportioned to Taxing District for Current Expense but Not Needed May Be Used for Its Debt Purposes or Passed on to Lesser Taxing District for Debt Purposes

§11-8-21. Amount of Levy, With Consent of Tax Commissioner, When Fiscal Body Required by Law to Levy for Indebtedness, Property Within Municipality Not Being Subject to Levy

§11-8-22. Supersedeas to Levy Order; Rescission or Reversal; Return of Money Collected; Recovery by Action

§11-8-23. Statement of Fiscal Body When Levies Not Sufficient to Meet Requirements of Existing Contractual Indebtedness

§11-8-24. Petition for Review of Findings of Tax Commissioner and Levy Order; Notice of Intention to File; Intervention; Hearing and Findings; Appeal to Supreme Court of Appeals; Refund if Liens Found Excessive; Recovery by Action

§11-8-25. Funds Expended Only for Purposes for Which Raised

§11-8-25a. Right of County Court to Expend Surplus Funds for Equalization and Revaluation

§11-8-26. Unlawful Expenditures by Local Fiscal Body

§11-8-26a. Revision of Levy Estimate

§11-8-27. When Indebtedness, Contracts or Drafts Are Void

§11-8-28. Suit to Recover Unlawful Expenditure or to Cancel Obligation

§11-8-29. Personal Liability of Official Participating in Unlawful Expenditure

§11-8-30. Recovery of Unlawful Expenditure From Participating Official by Action; Costs

§11-8-31. Criminal Liability of Official Violating Provisions of Article; Proceeding for Removal

§11-8-31a. Recovery of Attorneys' Fees Authorized

§11-8-32. Publication

§11-8-33. Exceptions as to Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1961, and as to City of Huntington