Virginia constitution
Article IV: legislature
Section 14

For the punishment of crime.
Providing a change of venue in civil or criminal cases.
Regulating the practice in, or the jurisdiction of, or changing the rules of evidence in any judicial proceedings or inquiry before the courts or other tribunals, or providing or changing the methods of collecting debts or enforcing judgments or prescribing the effect of judicial sales of real estate.
Changing or locating county seats.
For the assessment and collection of taxes, except as to animals which the General Assembly may deem dangerous to the farming interests.
Extending the time for the assessment or collection of taxes.
Exempting property from taxation.
Remitting, releasing, postponing, or diminishing any obligation or liability of any person, corporation, or association to the Commonwealth or to any political subdivision thereof.
Refunding money lawfully paid into the treasury of the Commonwealth or the treasury of any political subdivision thereof.
Granting from the treasury of the Commonwealth, or granting or authorizing to be granted from the treasury of any political subdivision thereof, any extra compensation to any public officer, servant, agent, or contractor.
For registering voters, conducting elections, or designating the places of voting.
Regulating labor, trade, mining, or manufacturing, or the rate of interest on money.
Granting any pension.
Creating, increasing, or decreasing, or authorizing to be created, increased, or decreased, the salaries, fees, percentages, or allowances of public officers during the term for which they are elected or appointed.
Declaring streams navigable, or authorizing the construction of booms or dams therein, or the removal of obstructions therefrom.
Affecting or regulating fencing or the boundaries of land, or the running at large of stock.
Creating private corporations, or amending, renewing, or extending the charters thereof.
Granting to any private corporation, association, or individual any special or exclusive right, privilege, or immunity.
Naming or changing the name of any private corporation or association.
Remitting the forfeiture of the charter of any private corporation, except upon the condition that such corporation shall thereafter hold its charter subject to the provisions of this Constitution and the laws passed in pursuance thereof.