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§ 901. Borrowing money - § 901. Borrowing money The Treasurer shall not make a...
§ 902. Authorization to borrow money - § 902. Authorization to borrow money (a) Notwithstanding any other...
§ 932. Claims against the State - § 932. Claims against the State (a) A person who...
§ 932a. Administrative reimbursement for property damages - § 932a. Administrative reimbursement for property damages (a) In lieu...
§ 933. Hearing - § 933. Hearing (a) Notwithstanding 12 V.S.A. § 5535, claims...
§ 935. Payment of claims - § 935. Payment of claims The amount paid under this...
§ 951. Applicability - § 951. Applicability This subchapter shall apply to all bonds...
§ 951a. Debt service funds - § 951a. Debt service funds (a) Three governmental debt service...
§ 952. Denominations; how issued - § 952. Denominations; how issued The bonds may be issued...
§ 953. Sales, record - § 953. Sales, record The State Treasurer, with the approval...
§ 954. Proceeds - § 954. Proceeds (a) The proceeds arising from the sale...
§ 955. Anticipation of proceeds - § 955. Anticipation of proceeds Pending the issue of said...
§ 956. Time available - § 956. Time available Unless otherwise specifically provided as to...
§ 957. Consolidation - § 957. Consolidation The bonds authorized by one or more...
§ 958. Expiration of office - § 958. Expiration of office Any bonds or notes issued...
§ 960. Issuance of bonds - § 960. Issuance of bonds Issuance of bonds authorized by...
§ 961. Refunding bonds - § 961. Refunding bonds (a) The State Treasurer, with the...
§ 962. Private use compliance, notice, and approval - § 962. Private use compliance, notice, and approval Any entity...
§ 972. Transportation Infrastructure Bonds - § 972. Transportation Infrastructure Bonds (a) The Treasurer may issue...
§ 973. Issuance of bonds - § 973. Issuance of bonds (a) Transportation Infrastructure Bonds may...
§ 974. Security documents - § 974. Security documents (a) The State Treasurer is authorized...
§ 975. Proceeds - § 975. Proceeds Proceeds from the sale of bonds may...
§ 975a. Authority of Treasurer - § 975a. Authority of Treasurer The Treasurer may fulfill debt...
§ 975b. Debt service appropriations - § 975b. Debt service appropriations The General Assembly shall appropriate...
§ 976. Anticipation of proceeds - § 976. Anticipation of proceeds (a) Pending the issue of...
§ 977. Refunding bonds - § 977. Refunding bonds The State Treasurer, with the approval...
§ 978. Pledge - § 978. Pledge The General Assembly hereby pledges and covenants...
§ 979. Authorities - § 979. Authorities In addition to the provisions of this...
§ 980. Authority to issue Transportation Infrastructure Bonds - § 980. Authority to issue Transportation Infrastructure Bonds The State...
§ 981. Form of bonds or notes - § 981. Form of bonds or notes Notwithstanding any general...
§ 982. Transfer agent - § 982. Transfer agent The State Treasurer shall act as...
§ 983. Confidential registry - § 983. Confidential registry The books of registry held by...
§ 984. Additional powers - § 984. Additional powers The State Treasurer or his or...
§ 985. Application - § 985. Application This subchapter supersedes any existing general or...
§ 991. Definitions - § 991. Definitions As used in this subchapter: (1) “Private...
§ 992. Allocation; authority - § 992. Allocation; authority (a) The State of Vermont hereby...
§ 993. Public approval, out-of-state issuers - § 993. Public approval, out-of-state issuers Notwithstanding any provision to...
§ 994. Advisory Committee - § 994. Advisory Committee (a) Creation; composition. (1) There is...
§ 995. Agreements for the exemption of interest - § 995. Agreements for the exemption of interest (a) It...
§ 996. Delegation authorized - § 996. Delegation authorized The legislative branch of a municipality...
§ 997. State covenant - § 997. State covenant To the extent that an issuer...
§ 998. Loans and grants - § 998. Loans and grants In the event the State...
§ 999. Interest remittance and payments - § 999. Interest remittance and payments The State Treasurer may...
§ 1000. Affordable amount of general obligation bond authorization - § 1000. Affordable amount of general obligation bond authorization When...
§ 1001. Capital Debt Affordability Advisory Committee - § 1001. Capital Debt Affordability Advisory Committee (a) Committee established....
§ 1001a. Reports - § 1001a. Reports (a) The Capital Debt Affordability Advisory Committee...
§ 1001b. Capital Expenditure Cash Fund - § 1001b. Capital Expenditure Cash Fund (a) Creation. There is...