Vermont Statutes
Chapter 7 - Cooperatives
§ 991. Definitions

§ 991. Definitions
In this subchapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:
(1) “Agricultural products” includes horticultural, viticultural, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee, and any farm products.
(2) “Association” means any corporation organized under this chapter.
(3) “Associations” organized hereunder means nonprofit associations.
(4) “Consumers’ cooperative” means a corporation organized under this chapter for the acquisition and distribution for the benefit of ultimate consumers of property, goods, commodities, or services.
(5) “Handcraft product” means any product fashioned primarily by hand with the final form and its characteristics shaped by hand and produced in the home or a small craft center by the artisan or craftsman in a skilled or artistic process rather than in an assembly line technique.
(6) “Marketing cooperative” means a corporation organized under this chapter for the marketing of agricultural or handcraft products.
(7) “Member” includes actual members of associations without capital stock and holders of common stock in associations organized with capital stock.
(8) “Person” includes individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations and associations.
(9) “Railroad cooperative” means any corporation organized under this chapter for the organization, acquisition, and operation of a general transportation business by railroad, including truck, bus, air, and water transportation subsidiaries of the railroad. (Amended 1973, No. 90, § 1.)