Vermont Statutes
Chapter 7 - Cooperatives
§ 998. Members

§ 998. Members
Under the terms and conditions prescribed in its bylaws, a marketing cooperative may admit as members, or issue common stock to, only cooperative marketing associations legally formed under the laws of this State, or persons engaged in the production of the agricultural or handcraft products to be handled by or through the association, including the lessees and tenants of land used therefor, and any lessors and landlords who receive any part of the agricultural or handcraft products produced on the leased premises or of the sale price of such product as rent. Under the terms and conditions prescribed in its bylaws, a consumers’ cooperative may admit as members any natural persons, associations, incorporated or unincorporated groups organized on a cooperative basis, or any nonprofit groups. Under the terms and conditions prescribed in its bylaws, a railroad cooperative may admit as members, or issue stock to, any nonprofit organizations, any persons, corporations, or associations who are patrons of its services. (Amended 1973, No. 90, § 3.)