Vermont Statutes
Chapter 203 - Village of Alburgh
App § 807. Construction of individual sewer and drain connections

§ 807. Construction of individual sewer and drain connections
The owner of property abutting or adjacent to any street or alley in said corporation through which a public sewer has been constructed, shall construct under the direction of the trustees a suitable sewer or drain from the owner’s property and properly connect the same with said public sewer. If, after 20 days’ notice in writing by the trustees to the owner of such property, of such requirement such owner fails or neglects to construct or connect such sewer the trustees shall enter upon such property and make such connection, assessing therefor the actual cost of so doing against such property and the owner thereof. Said trustees shall file in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Alburgh an itemized statement of the costs of constructing and connecting said sewer, and the amount so assessed shall be and remain a lien upon said property and shall be enforced and collected in the same manner as is provided in this act for the enforcement and collection of assessments.