Vermont Statutes
Chapter 203 - Village of Alburgh
App § 805. Recordation and collection of sidewalk and curbing assessments

§ 805. Recordation and collection of sidewalk and curbing assessments
(a) Said Board of Trustees shall, as soon as may be after they have caused said report and assessments to be recorded in the Village Clerk’s office of the Village of Alburgh, place a list of said assessments in the hands of the Village Treasurer for collection. The Village Treasurer shall thereupon forthwith notify, in writing, the owner or owners of land or buildings so assessed, their agents, or attorneys, stating therein the amount of such assessment. All such assessments shall be paid to the Village Treasurer within 60 days after the same have been filed for record in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Alburgh, and such assessments and the interest thereon shall be and remain a lien upon the lands and buildings assessed until the same are fully paid.
(b) If an owner or owners of any land or buildings assessed under the provisions of this charter shall neglect or refuse to pay any such assessment, with interest, as hereinbefore provided, to the Village Treasurer within the time prescribed for such payment, the Village Treasurer shall issue his or her warrant to the Village Collector of Taxes for the collection of said assessment, which warrant shall be in the form now prescribed by law for collection of town or other taxes, and such Collector shall have authority to sell at public auction so much of said lands as will satisfy such assessments, and the legal fees and shall proceed in the same manner and have the same fees as a collector of taxes in a town in selling land for the payment of taxes.
(c) Whenever a description of lands or buildings is required for the purposes of making assessments under the provisions of this charter, reference to the conveyance to the owner, giving date thereof, the name of the person from whom acquired, and the volume and page of the land records in the Town Clerk’s office in which the same is recorded, shall be sufficient.