Vermont Statutes
Chapter 123 - Town of Hardwick
App § 705. Compensation

§ 705. Compensation
The Manager shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Selectboard.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 123 - Town of Hardwick

App § 101. Corporate existence retained

App § 102. General law, application

App § 103. Powers of the Town

App § 104. Additional powers

App § 105. Reservation of powers to the Town

App § 106. Ordinances: penalties for breach thereof

App § 107. Ordinances; adoption by the Selectboard

App § 108. Referendum

App § 109. Ordinances; adoption on petition

App § 110. Non-applicability of zoning and subdivision

App § 111. Applicability of referendum and initiative

App § 112. Authority of police officers

App § 113. Open meetings

App § 114. Form of government

App § 115. Change of form of government

App § 116. Intergovernmental relations

App § 118. Special service district

App § 301. Generally

App § 302. Elective officers

App § 303. Terms of office; Selectboard members

App § 304. Other elective offices

App § 306. Appointed officers

App § 307. Vacancies and appointments

App § 308. Bonding of officers

App § 309. Oath of office

App § 310. Town Clerk and Treasurer

App § 311. Recall of elected officials

App § 501. Powers and duties

App § 502. Organization

App § 504. Jurisdiction over offices and employees

App § 701. Appointed by Selectboard

App § 702. Manager nonpartisan

App § 703. Oath and bond

App § 704. Duties of the manager

App § 705. Compensation

App § 706. Absence

App § 901. Appointments

App § 902. Water supply; duties of Selectboard members

App § 903. Sewage collection and disposal; duties of Selectboard

App § 904. Electric Department commissioners

App § 905. Fire Department; appointments

App § 906. Police Department; appointments

App § 907. Fire and Police Departments; general provisions

App § 908. Cemetery Commission

App § 909. Board of Health

App § 1101. Application of general laws

App § 1102. Eligible voters

App § 1103. Polling places

App § 1104. Postponement and combining of Town meeting

App § 1105. Voting question by Australian ballot

App § 1106. Annual meeting; date and time

App § 1301. Applicability of State law to zoning and planning

App § 1303. Minutes

App § 1501. Fiscal year

App § 1502. Preparation and submission of budget

App § 1503. Saving clause

App § 1504. Appropriations

App § 1505. Amount to be raised by taxation

App § 1506. Budget limitations—borrowing

App § 1507. Transfers of appropriations

App § 1508. Taxation

App § 1701. Separability

App § 1705. Amendment of charter

App § 1706. Reference to statute