Vermont Statutes
Chapter 123 - Town of Hardwick
App § 501. Powers and duties

§ 501. Powers and duties
(a) The members of the Selectboard shall constitute the legislative body of the Town of Hardwick for all purposes required by law and except as otherwise herein specifically provided and shall have all powers and authority given to and perform all duties required of town legislative bodies or selectboards under the Constitution and laws of the State of Vermont.
(b) Within the limitations of the foregoing, the Selectboard shall have the power to:
(1) Appoint and remove the Town Manager and supervise, create, change, and abolish offices, commissions, or departments other than the offices, commissions, or departments established by this charter or by law. The Selectboard may prescribe the duties of all offices, commissions, or departments created by them.
(2) Assign additional duties to officers, commissions, or departments established by this charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, commission, or department duties assigned to a particular office, commission, or department established by this charter or by law.
(3) Appoint members of all boards, commissions, committees, or similar bodies unless specifically provided otherwise by this charter or law.
(4) Make, amend, and repeal ordinances in compliance with sections 107 and 108 of this charter.
(5) Inquire into the conduct of any officer, employee, commission, or department and investigate any and all municipal affairs when deemed necessary for the proper and orderly conduct of Town government.
(6) Submit an annual budget to the voters, to be voted on at Town meeting, in accordance with the provision of subchapter 15 of this charter dealing with the budget.
(7) Exercise each and every power not specifically set forth in this section, which is granted to the Selectboard by the laws of this State. (Amended 2021, No. M-17 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. June 7, 2022.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 123 - Town of Hardwick

App § 101. Corporate existence retained

App § 102. General law, application

App § 103. Powers of the Town

App § 104. Additional powers

App § 105. Reservation of powers to the Town

App § 106. Ordinances: penalties for breach thereof

App § 107. Ordinances; adoption by the Selectboard

App § 108. Referendum

App § 109. Ordinances; adoption on petition

App § 110. Non-applicability of zoning and subdivision

App § 111. Applicability of referendum and initiative

App § 112. Authority of police officers

App § 113. Open meetings

App § 114. Form of government

App § 115. Change of form of government

App § 116. Intergovernmental relations

App § 118. Special service district

App § 301. Generally

App § 302. Elective officers

App § 303. Terms of office; Selectboard members

App § 304. Other elective offices

App § 306. Appointed officers

App § 307. Vacancies and appointments

App § 308. Bonding of officers

App § 309. Oath of office

App § 310. Town Clerk and Treasurer

App § 311. Recall of elected officials

App § 501. Powers and duties

App § 502. Organization

App § 504. Jurisdiction over offices and employees

App § 701. Appointed by Selectboard

App § 702. Manager nonpartisan

App § 703. Oath and bond

App § 704. Duties of the manager

App § 705. Compensation

App § 706. Absence

App § 901. Appointments

App § 902. Water supply; duties of Selectboard members

App § 903. Sewage collection and disposal; duties of Selectboard

App § 904. Electric Department commissioners

App § 905. Fire Department; appointments

App § 906. Police Department; appointments

App § 907. Fire and Police Departments; general provisions

App § 908. Cemetery Commission

App § 909. Board of Health

App § 1101. Application of general laws

App § 1102. Eligible voters

App § 1103. Polling places

App § 1104. Postponement and combining of Town meeting

App § 1105. Voting question by Australian ballot

App § 1106. Annual meeting; date and time

App § 1301. Applicability of State law to zoning and planning

App § 1303. Minutes

App § 1501. Fiscal year

App § 1502. Preparation and submission of budget

App § 1503. Saving clause

App § 1504. Appropriations

App § 1505. Amount to be raised by taxation

App § 1506. Budget limitations—borrowing

App § 1507. Transfers of appropriations

App § 1508. Taxation

App § 1701. Separability

App § 1705. Amendment of charter

App § 1706. Reference to statute