Vermont Statutes
Chapter 3 - City of Burlington
App § 64b. Revenue bonds authorized

§ 64b. Revenue bonds authorized
(a) The following terms when used in this section shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meanings:
(1) The term “revenue producing facility” shall mean any building, activity, function, or service that any executive officer or department of the City is authorized to construct, operate, or carry out and for which the City receives revenue in the form of rent admission or use fees, concession fees, or other consideration. Provided, the facilities and activities of the Burlington Electric Light Department, the Burlington Water Resources Department, and the airport as herein defined shall be excluded from this definition of revenue producing facility.
(2) The term “airport” shall mean the entire airport now owned by the City, including runways, hangars, loading facilities, repair shops, terminals, retail stores in such terminals, restaurants, parking areas, and other facilities necessary or convenient for the operation of the airport, together with any improvements thereto hereafter constructed or acquired.
(3) The term “bonds” shall mean any bonds, notes, or obligations of the City issued pursuant to this section.
(4) The term “City” shall mean the City of Burlington.
(5) The term “improvement” shall mean any improvement, expansion, betterment, addition, alteration, reconstruction, extraordinary repair, equipping, or reequipping of the airport.
(6) The term “related laws” shall mean those acts of the Vermont General Assembly that are specifically applicable to the City of Burlington and are set out in Part I, Subpart B of the Burlington Code of Ordinances but that do not specifically amend sections of the Burlington City charter.
(7) The term “revenues” shall mean all rates, fees, charges, rents, and other income derived from the ownership or operation of a revenue producing facility or of the airport and may include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, investment earnings and the proceeds of insurance, condemnation, sale, or other disposition of revenue producing facility or airport assets and proceeds of borrowing hereunder.
(b) The City is hereby authorized and empowered to improve its revenue producing facilities and its airport for the purpose of providing expanded service and facilities to the users of such revenue producing facilities and airport.
(c)(1) The City is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds, from time to time, for the purpose of financing the costs of any improvement to a revenue producing facility or the airport; provided, however, that no bonds other than refunding bonds shall be issued under this section unless and until a majority of the legal voters of the City present and voting thereon at any annual or special City meeting duly warned for the purpose shall have first voted to authorize the issuance of such bonds. Said bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable solely and exclusively from the revenues of the revenue producing facility and/or the airport as the case may be and shall not constitute general indebtedness of the City nor be an obligation or liability upon the City to pay the same from any funds of the City other than the revenues of said revenue producing facility or airport. No airport revenues may be pledged or payable to support a revenue producing facility, nor may the revenues of a revenue producing facility be pledged or payable to support the airport. No owner or owners of any bonds issued under this section shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay said bonds or the interest thereon. Said bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any debt limitation or restriction and shall not be within any statutory limitation upon the power of the City to issue bonds. It shall be plainly stated on the face of each bond that it does not constitute an indebtedness of the City but is payable solely from the revenues of the revenue producing facility or of the airport.
(2) Bonds issued under this section may be issued in one or more series, may bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times both exceeding 40 years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates (whether variable or fixed), be in such denominations, be in registered form, have such rank or priority, be executed in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption, with or without premium, be declared or become due before the maturity date thereof as may be determined or authorized by resolution of the City Council. Said bonds may be sold at public or private sale for such price or prices as the City Council shall determine.
(3) In case any officer of the City whose signature appears on any bond or coupon shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bond, such a signature shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if he or she had remained in office until such delivery. Any provision of any law to the contrary notwithstanding, any bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be investment securities under the Uniform Commercial Code. Any bonds issued by the City pursuant to the provisions of this section are declared to be issued for an essential public and governmental purpose and to be public instrumentalities, and, together with interest and income thereon, shall be exempt from taxes. The resolution authorizing the issuance of said bonds may provide that the bonds shall contain a recital that they are issued pursuant to this section, which recital shall be conclusive evidence of their validity and of the regularity of their issuance.
(d) In order to secure the payment of any of the bonds issued pursuant to this section, the interest thereon, or in connection with such bonds, the City shall have power as to such bonds, to the extent not inconsistent with the mandatory provisions of this section:
(1) to pledge all or any part of the revenues derived from the revenue producing facility to secure payment of bonds issued for a revenue producing facility or from the airport to secure payment of bonds issued for the airport;
(2) to provide for the terms, forms, registration, exchange execution, and authentication of such bonds;
(3) to provide for the replacement of lost, destroyed, or mutilated bonds;
(4) to covenant as to the use and disposition of the proceeds from the sale of such bonds and as to the use and disposition of revenues, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the establishment of reserves for debt service of other capital or current expenses from bond proceeds or revenues or both;
(5) to covenant as to the rates, charges, and rents of the revenue producing facility or airport, provided that the City shall always collect revenues adequate at all times to provide for the proper operation and maintenance of the revenue producing facility or airport and for the payment of the principal of and interest on all bonds payable from said revenues and all other required payments in connection therewith;
(6) to redeem such bonds, and to covenant for their redemption, and to provide the terms and conditions thereof;
(7) to covenant and prescribe as to what happenings or occurrences shall constitute “events of default” and the terms and conditions upon which such declaration and its consequences may be waived;
(8) to covenant as to the rights, liabilities, powers, and duties arising upon the breach by it of any covenant, conditions, or obligations;
(9) to vest in a trustee or trustees the right to receive all or any part of the income and revenue pledged and assigned to, or for the benefit of, the owner or owners of bonds issued hereunder, and to hold, apply, and dispose of the same and the right to enforce any covenant made to secure or pay the bonds or made in relation to the bonds; to execute and deliver a trust agreement or trust agreements that may set forth the powers and duties and the remedies available to such trustee or trustees and limiting the liabilities thereof and describing what occurrences shall constitute “events of default” and prescribing the terms and conditions upon which such trustee or trustees or the owner or owners of bonds of any specified amount of percentage of such bonds may exercise such rights and enforce any and all such covenants and resort to such remedies as may be appropriate;
(10) to make covenants other than, and in addition to, the covenants herein authorized, of like or different character, necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of this section;
(11) to execute all instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers herein granted or in the performance of its covenants or duties.
(e)(1) Any pledge hereunder shall be valid and binding and shall be deemed continuously perfected from time to time when the pledge is made; unless otherwise provided in the resolution making the pledge, the pledge of revenues shall include any contract or other rights to receive the same, whether then existing or thereafter coming into existence and whether then held or thereafter acquired by the City, and the proceeds thereof; the revenues, rights and proceeds so pledged and then held or thereafter acquired by the City shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery or segregation thereof or further act; and the lien of any such pledge shall be valid and binding as against the City, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof. The resolution by which a pledge is made need not be filed or recorded except in the records of the proceedings of the City Council and no filing need be made under the Uniform Commercial Code.
(2) A resolution pledging revenues hereunder may provide for priorities among payments to be made from such revenues, whether required by statute, the City charter, such resolution, or otherwise. The pledge may include revenues otherwise accruing to particular funds established by statute or the City charter. In the event bonds are issued junior and subordinate to other bonds, revenues remaining from time to time that are permitted by the terms of the senior bonds to be used to pay or secure the junior bonds may be pledged for that purpose by the resolution under which the junior bonds are issued. A pledge of revenues under this section shall constitute a sufficient appropriation thereof for the purpose of any provision for appropriation and such revenues may be applied as required by the pledge without further appropriation.
(f) The City may issue refunding bonds for the purpose of paying any of its bonds issued hereunder at maturity or upon acceleration or redemption. The refunding bonds may be issued at such time prior to the maturity or redemption of the refunded bonds as the City deems to be in the public interest. The refunding bonds may be issued in sufficient amounts to pay or provide the principal of the bonds being refunded, together with any redemption premium thereon, any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of payment of such bonds, the expenses of issue of the refunding bonds, the expenses of redeeming the bonds being refunded, and such reserves for debt service or other capital or current expenses from the proceeds of such refunding bonds as may be required by a resolution under which bonds are issued. The issue of refunding bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the security therefor, the rights of the owners thereof, and the rights, duties, and obligations of the City with respect thereto shall be governed by the provisions of this section relating to the issue of bonds other than refunding bonds insofar as the same may be applicable.
(g) Unless otherwise provided in the authorizing proceedings, if bonds are authorized under this section, temporary notes may be issued in anticipation thereof. The City Council may delegate the sale (but not the authorization) of temporary notes to an officer or officers of the City. The principal of and interest on notes may be renewed or paid from time to time by the issue of other notes. Except as otherwise provided, notes issued under this subsection shall be governed by the provisions of this section relating to bonds insofar as the same may be applicable.
(h) Except as otherwise permitted by this section, all monies received from the issue of bonds for improvements to revenue producing facilities or for airport improvements (other than refunding bonds) shall be used solely to defray the cost of improving the revenue producing facility or the airport of the City as the case may be. The cost of improving shall include all costs of improvement, including all preliminary expenses, the cost of acquiring all property, franchises, easements, and rights necessary or convenient therefor, engineering and legal expenses, expenses for estimates of costs and revenues, expenses for plans, specifications, and surveys, other expenses incident or necessary to determining the feasibility or practicability of a project, administrative expenses, interest prior to and during the carrying out of any project and for a reasonable period thereafter, such reserves for debt service or other capital or current expenses as may be required by the resolution under which the bonds are issued, and such other expenses as may be incurred in the financing herein authorized, the improvement of the revenue producing facility or the airport, the placing of an improvement in operation, including the creation of cash working funds, and the performance of the things herein required or permitted in connection therewith.
(i) Any owner or owners of bonds, and a trustee or trustees for holders of such bonds shall have the right in addition to all other rights.
(1) By mandamus or other suit, action, or proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce his or her or their rights against the City, the City Council and any other proper officer, agent, or employee of any of them, including the right to require the City, the City Council, and any proper officer, agent, or employee of any of them, to fix and collect rates, charges, and rents adequate to carry out any agreement as to, or pledge of revenues, and to require the City, the City Council, and any officer, agent, or employee of any of them to carry out any other covenants or agreements and to perform its and their duties under this section;
(2) By actions or suit in equity to enjoin any acts or things that may be unlawful or a violation of the rights of such holder of bonds.
(j) The City shall have power by resolution of its City Council to confer upon any owner or owners of a specified amount or percentage of bonds, including a trustee or trustees for such owners, the right in the event of an “event of default” as defined in such resolution or as may be defined in any agreement with the owner or owners of such bonds or the trustee or trustees therefor:
(1) By suit, action, or proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction to obtain the appointment of a receiver of the revenue facility or the airport as applicable or any part or parts thereof. If such receiver be appointed, he or she may enter and take possession of such revenue producing facility or airport or any part or parts thereof and operate and maintain the same, and collect and receive all revenues thereafter arising therefrom in the same manner as the City itself might do and shall deposit such monies in a separate account or accounts and apply the same in accordance with the obligations of the City as the court shall direct.
(2) By suit, action, or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction to require the City to account as if it were the trustee of an express trust. Any such resolution shall constitute a contract between the City and the owners of bonds of such issue.
(k) The powers conferred by this section shall be in addition and supplemental to the power conferred by any other law or by any other section of this City charter or the related laws of the City. Bonds may be issued hereunder for the improvement of a revenue producing facility and/or the airport, notwithstanding that any other law may provide for the issuance of bonds for the like purpose and without regard to the requirements, restrictions, or procedural provisions contained in any other law. Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the City from issuing general obligation bonds or notes in accordance with applicable law to finance improvements to a revenue producing facility or to the airport. Such financing shall not be governed by the provisions of this section. It shall not be necessary for the City proceeding under this charter to obtain a certificate of convenience or necessity, franchise, license, permit, or other authorization or approval from any bureau, board, commission, or other instrumentality of the State of Vermont or the City for the issuance of bonds hereunder except as expressly provided in this section.
(l) This section is remedial in nature and the powers hereby granted shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes hereof, and to this and the City shall have power to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes hereof in addition to the powers expressly conferred in this section.
(m) It is hereby declared that the subsections, clauses, sentences, and parts of this section are severable, are not matters of mutual essential inducement, and any of them shall be exscinded if this section would otherwise be unconstitutional or ineffective; it is the intention to confer upon the City the whole or any part of the powers in this charter provided for, and if any one or more subsections clauses, sentences, and parts of this section shall for any reason be questioned in any court, and shall be adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remaining provisions thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the specific provision or provisions so held unconstitutional or invalid, and the inapplicability or invalidity of such subsection, clause, sentence, or part of this section in any one or more instances shall not be taken to affect or prejudice in any way its applicability or validity in any other instance.
(n) The powers granted to the City hereunder shall be exercised by its City Council. No provisions hereof shall be deemed to permit the exercise or any power in violation of the rights of bonds or note owners.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 3 - City of Burlington

App § 1. Boundaries defined; powers

App § 2. Election boundaries

App § 3. Election of Mayor and City Councilors

App § 4. Election of School Commissioners

App § 5. Election to be by ballot; method of election; runoff elections

App § 6. Requirements generally

App § 7. Age and residence requirements

App § 8. Person to vote in ward or City district in which the person resides; residence requirement

App § 9. Adopted

App § 10. Specified; election; term

App § 11. Performance of duties; terms

App § 13. Vacancies to be filled by City Council

App § 14. List of voters to be prepared; posting

App § 15. Notice of meeting to alter or correct list required

App § 16. Additions or corrections permitted

App § 17. Chief Administrative Officer to post lists; copies to be filed in Chief Administrative Officer’s office

App § 18. Copies of list to be given inspectors

App § 19. Where elections held; early voter absentee ballots

App § 20. Ward clerk to keep records; certificates of election to be furnished successful candidates; election results to be published

App § 21. Duties of election inspectors

App § 22. Ballots

App § 23. Retained ballots to be delivered to inspectors on demand

App § 24. Record of ballots delivered required; receipts

App § 25. Requirements generally

App § 26. Questions at special meeting to be decided by ballot

App § 27. Presiding officer; powers

App § 28. Warning required; location; voting

App § 29. Checklists to be prepared and posted

App § 30. General laws applicable; exceptions

App § 31. Duties of election inspectors and ward clerks

App § 31a. Establishment of voting precincts within wards permitted

App § 35a. “Ward” defined

App § 36. Administration; vested in Mayor and City Council; selection and terms of same

App § 37. Manner of convening

App § 38. Regular meetings

App § 39. Special meetings

App § 40. Quorum; attendance of certain officers may be required

App § 41. Meetings to be public; except

App § 42. Composition; meetings

App § 43. Composition; Board for Registration of Voters; duties; appointments; offices

App § 44. Authorized

App § 45. Mayor not to participate in enactment of ordinances; approval by Mayor of Council actions required

App § 46. Approval or veto of ordinances by Mayor; reconsideration; item veto on appropriations

App § 47. Ordinances to become valid at expiration of certain period if not returned

App § 48. Enumerated

App § 49. Authority to enact

App § 50. City Council to establish penalty

App § 51. Ordinance enforcement

App § 52. Court authorized to order abatement

App § 54. Offenders may be liable in damages

App § 55. City Council may authorize sale or lease

App § 56. Council to have powers conferred by statute regarding public burial grounds

App § 57. Manner of taking land for reservoirs, aqueducts, water pipes, etc

App § 58. Council to issue citation that land is to be taken; service

App § 59. Refunding bonds; Council may authorize issuance of bonds

App § 60. Same-issuance prior to maturity or redemption; amounts; issuance, maturities, security, rights of owners, and rights, duties, and obligations of City; general laws relating to refunding of municipal bonds and indebtedness inapplicable

App § 61. Bonds to be signed and contain statement that they conform to applicable provisions

App § 62. Council; School Board; not to pledge credit of City; exceptions

App § 63. Council may pledge credit of City when authorized by voters to do so

App § 64. State law not applicable to section 63

App § 64a. Council authorized to erect sewage disposal plant and issue bonds therefore

App § 64b. Revenue bonds authorized

App § 65. Source of funds for appropriations; operating expenses for departments; creation of special funds

App § 66. Annual school appropriations

App § 67. Appropriations for park and recreation purposes

App § 68. Authorized expenditures

App § 69. Fiscal year; reports required

App § 70. Excess expenditures prohibited; assessments for street improvements credited to Streets Division of the Public Works Department

App § 71. Approval of property owners required

App § 81. Tax classification; repeal of inventory tax

App § 83. Preparation; contents

App § 84. Composition of books

App § 85. Arrangement of information in books

App § 86. Summary of assessed valuations to be made and constitute an abstract

App § 87. Notice that abstract completed to be given; meetings of assessors

App § 88. Abstracts and certificate to be completed by May fifth

App § 89. Notice of changes and that abstracts and lists are open for inspection to be filed

App § 90. Aggrieved persons permitted to appear before assessors; preliminary review

App § 91. Appeal of assessors decision

App § 92. Board of Tax Appeals to hear appeals; deadline for hearings; manner of conducting; possible Board of Civil Authority review

App § 93. Alterations in valuation to be entered in “corrected valuation” column

App § 94. Completion of grand list; collection

App § 95. Abstracts sufficient for returns to Secretary of State

App § 96. Board of Tax Appeals and Board of Civil Authority to transmit certified copy of appeal proceedings to assessors

App § 97. Forms for books may be altered as directed by State Tax Commissioner; extension of time

App § 98. Council to assess

App § 98a. A tax ceiling reduction after reappraisal

App § 99. Additional assessment; amount

App § 100. Annual assessment for redemption of bonds authorized

App § 101. Annual assessment to pay bond interest authorized

App § 102. Annual local education spending

App § 102a. Annual assessment for Fire and Police Departments use authorized

App § 102b. Annual assessment for streets use authorized

App § 102c. Annual assessment for library use authorized

App § 102d. Local option sales tax authority

App § 102e. Annual assessment for park use

App § 102f. Annual assessment for Housing Trust Fund use authorized

App § 103. Taxes to be paid in money

App § 104. Taxes to be paid in installments

App § 105. Chief Administrative Officer to give notice upon receipt of tax bills

App § 106. Delinquency assessments

App § 107. When Treasurer to issue warrant against delinquent persons

App § 108. Chief Administrative Officer to collect delinquent taxes

App § 109. Collection after time warrant returnable permitted

App § 110. Chief Administrative Officer to proceed in manner prescribed by law

App § 111. Fees for collection of delinquent taxes

App § 112. Failure of owners to pay assessments; warrant to be issued; Chief Administrative Officer to collect

App § 113. Assessments may be collected by suit

App § 114. Council to establish and prescribe nature of connections

App § 115. Descriptions recorded in Chief Administrative Officer’s office sufficient for assessment purposes

App § 116. Duties generally

App § 117. Order of succession; Mayor to notify Chief Administrative Officer of his or her intended absence

App § 118. Mayor to administer oaths

App § 119. Remission of fines authorized

App § 120. Enumerated

App § 120a. Merger of boards

App § 122. Enumerated

App § 124. Chair; clerk, records

App § 125. Mayor and City Councilors

App § 126. Commissioners and Board of Tax Appeals

App § 127. Department heads and other officers

App § 128. Manner of filling

App § 129. Appointing body or person has power to remove

App § 130. Manner of filling vacancy and residency requirement

App § 131. Dual positions prohibited

App § 132. Mayor, City Council, and other City officials

App § 133. Conflicts of interest

App § 134. Required of Treasurer and other officers handling City funds

App § 135. City Council to approve surety company; costs to be paid by City

App § 136. Officer to be removed from neglect to give bond after notice

App § 137. Form

App § 138. Duties of Chief Administrative Officer generally

App § 139. Public records to remain in Chief Administrative Officer’s office; Council may regulate removal

App § 140. Certified copies of records to be made

App § 141. Certification that notices, ordinances, etc., have been posted required

App § 142. Assistants

App § 144. Chief Administrative Officer to keep record of notes and bonds issued

App § 145. Record of school bonds to be kept

App § 146. Redeemed bonds, notes, and interest coupons to be kept

App § 147. Chief Administrative Officer to keep separate account of school appropriations

App § 148. Duties

App § 149. Subject to same penalties as State’s Attorneys

App § 150. Duties; liabilities; etc

App § 151. Powers; duties; liabilities; etc

App § 152. Powers and duties

App § 153. Duties

App § 154. Composition

App § 155. Board to act as board of audit; uniform system to be adopted

App § 156. Monthly reports; annual audit

App § 157. Preparation and submission of budget

App § 158. Sinking Fund abolished

App § 159. Selection of official depositary

App § 160. Care and control of public buildings

App § 161. Repairs to public buildings

App § 162. Board authorized to rent portions of public buildings

App § 163. Composition

App § 164. Terms; elections

App § 165. Manner of filling vacancies

App § 166. Meetings

App § 167. Duties

App § 168. Adoption of budget

App § 169. Powers generally; authority to establish graded schools

App § 170. Authority to establish bylaws and regulations

App § 171. Appointment; compensation; removal; term

App § 172. Duties of Superintendent; commissioners to file monthly report

App § 173. Appointment; duties

App § 174. City to provide, equip, and maintain

App § 175. Commissioners to control location, construction, sale, and purchase

App § 176. Statement showing necessity for construction or purchase required

App § 177. Council to approve purchase or construction

App § 178. Funds for construction or purchase to be provided by tax levy

App § 179. Composition

App § 180. Duties

App § 181. Liabilities to be approved and budget preparation

App § 183. Board of Police Commissioners; composition; terms

App § 184. Same—Powers and duties

App § 185. Officers of police force designated

App § 186. Manner of filling vacancies

App § 187. Force to be maintained; selection of members

App § 188. Manner of appointment

App § 189. Members of force to be retained as long as they remain competent

App § 190. Chief may remove member for cause; hearing

App § 191. Political activity restricted

App § 192. Authority to appoint; defined; powers

App § 193. Service and process; fees allowed

App § 194. Police to have same powers as constables; jurisdiction limited

App § 195. Compensation to be set by Council

App § 195a. Authority of University of Vermont police officers

App § 196. Composition

App § 197. Authority to establish rules and regulations for Fire Department

App § 198. Fire Department; created; members; appointment

App § 199. Department to be under supervision of Chief Engineer

App § 200. Powers of fire commissioners

App § 201. Powers relating to Fire Department

App § 202. Political activity restricted

App § 203. Commissioners to manage parks; composition of Board

App § 204. Records to be kept; annual reports to City Council required

App § 205. Parks and Recreation Department; appointment of Superintendent, and engineer

App § 206. Establishment and maintenance of athletic activities authorized; charging admission fees permitted

App § 207. Authorization to establish and alter rules for park operation

App § 208. Determination of location of sewers, water pipes, wires, etc

App § 209. Regulation of planting and care of trees in parks

App § 210. Direction that trees be planted along public grounds and assess abutting land

App § 211. Authority to regulate parking

App § 212. Authority to declare weeds, underbrush, etc., a nuisance and direct removal

App § 213. Issuance of bonds to provide funds for parks authorized

App § 214. Bills and expenses to be approved

App § 215. Definition of “park property”

App § 217. Condemnation of land for park and/or recreational purposes authorized

App § 218. Composition; appointment; terms

App § 219. Duties

App § 220. Bylaws and regulations of Board to have force of ordinances

App § 222. Duties

App § 225. Powers of Board

App § 226. Composition; appointment; term

App § 227. Superintendent/General Manager; duties

App § 228. Powers of City

App § 229. Authority to create; powers and duties

App § 231. Power and duties

App § 234. Purposes and powers

App § 235. Council may lay out certain streets; owners’ petition

App § 236. Prior actions regarding streets ratified

App § 237. Rights of property owners

App § 238. Rights of property owners when street discontinued

App § 239. Power granted

App § 240. Estimation of probable expenses authorized

App § 241. Decisions regarding assessments to be recorded

App § 242. Proceedings for objections to assessment

App § 243. Assessment lien suspended until final determination

App § 244. Petition for relief not to delay opening or altering of street

App § 245. Copy of final determination to be recorded; assessment to become lien

App § 246. Warrant to be issued upon failure to pay assessment; collection

App § 247. Court to have jurisdiction to determine questioned assessments

App § 248. Establishment and maintenance authorized; assessments

App § 249. Establishment and construction through private lands authorized

App § 250. Assessment of landowners authorized

App § 251. Assessment proceedings and rights

App § 252. Required; contents

App § 253. When given

App § 254. Acceptance of service

App § 255. Manner of serving

App § 256. Service on nonresidents

App § 257. Chief Administrative Officer to mail copy of citation to last known address of nonresident

App § 258. Return of citation prima facie evidence of service

App § 259. Proceedings to be postponed until all interested parties notified

App § 260. Manner of giving notice to additional interested parties

App § 261. Proceedings not to be voided for failure to give notice

App § 262. City Council may order improvements upon petition of owners

App § 263. Authorization to make improvements without petition; assessment of costs

App § 264. Notice of hearing

App § 265. Statement to be made

App § 266. Chief Administrative Officer to record assessments; notification of owners

App § 267. Deadline for paying

App § 276. Composition; terms; powers; airport management

App § 277. Composition

App § 278. Adoption of bylaws authorized; meetings

App § 279. Local Board to be in lieu of statutory Board; general powers

App § 280. Designated

App § 281. Board of Health authorized to make rules and regulations

App § 282. Powers and duties of Health Officer

App § 283. Generally

App § 284. Maintenance of Retirement Fund; Retiring Board; sources of Retirement Fund

App § 285. Trustees of Fund designated; powers; officers

App § 286. Board of Medical Examiners—Created; duties; composition; terms; compensation

App § 287. Retirement generally

App § 288. Reexamination of person on retired list; reappointment, etc

App § 289. Record of proceedings to be kept; report to City Council required

App § 299. Rights, duties, and liabilities of City to remain as existing at time of organization

App § 300. Copy of charter to be kept in office of Chief Administrative Officer

App § 301. Designation of chapter

App § 303. Alteration, amendment, or repeal of charter

App § 306. Reserve Fund of Light Department not to be increased without vote

App § 321. Creation of Downtown Improvement District, Church Street Marketplace District, and Marketplace

App § 322. Establishment of Commission

App § 323. Expansion of Church Street Marketplace District and/or Marketplace

App § 324. Purposes and powers

App § 325. Annual taxation for Downtown Improvement District; free parking for two hours in public lots and garages; annual budget of Church Street Marketplace District

App § 326. Common area fees

App § 327. Powers supplemental; construction

App § 330. Board of Tax Appeals

App § 331. Creation of Community and Economic Development Office

App § 332. Purposes and powers

App § 333. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 351. Creation of Burlington City Arts

App § 352. Purposes and powers

App § 353. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 361. Creation of Human Resources Department

App § 362. Purposes and powers

App § 363. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 370. Creation of Department of Permitting and Inspections

App § 371. Purposes and powers

App § 372. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 373. Powers, duties, and responsibilities of Zoning Administrative Officer

App § 401. Revisions effective without publication

App § 405. Authority to establish system

App § 406. Authority to appoint boards and officers, appropriate funds, provide rate of contributions, and designate sums payable

App § 407. Direction to budget funds for system

App § 408. Existing provisions to remain valid until new provisions adopted

App § 415. Authority to construct and maintain an electric plant

App § 416. Authority to construct, maintain, and operate a gas-generating and distribution plant

App § 417. Authority to acquire property for purposes of sections 415 and 416 of this charter

App § 418. Authority to sell services, merchandise, and equipment incidental to use of electricity or gas

App § 419. Operation of gas business

App § 420. Procedure for exercising eminent domain right

App § 421. Issuance of bonds authorized

App § 422. Rates sufficient to pay for services and bonds to be charged

App § 423. Bond issuance to be approved by voters

App § 431. Definitions

App § 432. Electric plant; improvement of

App § 433. Bonds; issuance of

App § 434. Same—payment of

App § 435. Same—pledge of revenues

App § 436. Same—refunding

App § 437. Same—Anticipation notes

App § 438. Same—regulation

App § 439. Same—rights of holders

App § 440. Same—right of City

App § 441. Rates; payment by municipal agencies

App § 442. Bonds; proceeds

App § 443. Energy conservation facilities

App § 444. Construction of article

App § 445. Same

App § 446. Same; invalidity

App § 447. Ratification

App § 448. Powers exercised through City Council

App § 449. Authority for joint venture for telecommunications

App § 501. City of Burlington utility facilities; taxation of

App § 506. Definitions

App § 507. Bonds; issuance of

App § 508. Refunding