Vermont Statutes
Chapter 3 - City of Burlington
App § 103. Taxes to be paid in money

§ 103. Taxes to be paid in money
All taxes assessed upon the grand list of said City shall be paid in money.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 3 - City of Burlington

App § 1. Boundaries defined; powers

App § 2. Election boundaries

App § 3. Election of Mayor and City Councilors

App § 4. Election of School Commissioners

App § 5. Election to be by ballot; method of election; runoff elections

App § 6. Requirements generally

App § 7. Age and residence requirements

App § 8. Person to vote in ward or City district in which the person resides; residence requirement

App § 9. Adopted

App § 10. Specified; election; term

App § 11. Performance of duties; terms

App § 13. Vacancies to be filled by City Council

App § 14. List of voters to be prepared; posting

App § 15. Notice of meeting to alter or correct list required

App § 16. Additions or corrections permitted

App § 17. Chief Administrative Officer to post lists; copies to be filed in Chief Administrative Officer’s office

App § 18. Copies of list to be given inspectors

App § 19. Where elections held; early voter absentee ballots

App § 20. Ward clerk to keep records; certificates of election to be furnished successful candidates; election results to be published

App § 21. Duties of election inspectors

App § 22. Ballots

App § 23. Retained ballots to be delivered to inspectors on demand

App § 24. Record of ballots delivered required; receipts

App § 25. Requirements generally

App § 26. Questions at special meeting to be decided by ballot

App § 27. Presiding officer; powers

App § 28. Warning required; location; voting

App § 29. Checklists to be prepared and posted

App § 30. General laws applicable; exceptions

App § 31. Duties of election inspectors and ward clerks

App § 31a. Establishment of voting precincts within wards permitted

App § 35a. “Ward” defined

App § 36. Administration; vested in Mayor and City Council; selection and terms of same

App § 37. Manner of convening

App § 38. Regular meetings

App § 39. Special meetings

App § 40. Quorum; attendance of certain officers may be required

App § 41. Meetings to be public; except

App § 42. Composition; meetings

App § 43. Composition; Board for Registration of Voters; duties; appointments; offices

App § 44. Authorized

App § 45. Mayor not to participate in enactment of ordinances; approval by Mayor of Council actions required

App § 46. Approval or veto of ordinances by Mayor; reconsideration; item veto on appropriations

App § 47. Ordinances to become valid at expiration of certain period if not returned

App § 48. Enumerated

App § 49. Authority to enact

App § 50. City Council to establish penalty

App § 51. Ordinance enforcement

App § 52. Court authorized to order abatement

App § 54. Offenders may be liable in damages

App § 55. City Council may authorize sale or lease

App § 56. Council to have powers conferred by statute regarding public burial grounds

App § 57. Manner of taking land for reservoirs, aqueducts, water pipes, etc

App § 58. Council to issue citation that land is to be taken; service

App § 59. Refunding bonds; Council may authorize issuance of bonds

App § 60. Same-issuance prior to maturity or redemption; amounts; issuance, maturities, security, rights of owners, and rights, duties, and obligations of City; general laws relating to refunding of municipal bonds and indebtedness inapplicable

App § 61. Bonds to be signed and contain statement that they conform to applicable provisions

App § 62. Council; School Board; not to pledge credit of City; exceptions

App § 63. Council may pledge credit of City when authorized by voters to do so

App § 64. State law not applicable to section 63

App § 64a. Council authorized to erect sewage disposal plant and issue bonds therefore

App § 64b. Revenue bonds authorized

App § 65. Source of funds for appropriations; operating expenses for departments; creation of special funds

App § 66. Annual school appropriations

App § 67. Appropriations for park and recreation purposes

App § 68. Authorized expenditures

App § 69. Fiscal year; reports required

App § 70. Excess expenditures prohibited; assessments for street improvements credited to Streets Division of the Public Works Department

App § 71. Approval of property owners required

App § 81. Tax classification; repeal of inventory tax

App § 83. Preparation; contents

App § 84. Composition of books

App § 85. Arrangement of information in books

App § 86. Summary of assessed valuations to be made and constitute an abstract

App § 87. Notice that abstract completed to be given; meetings of assessors

App § 88. Abstracts and certificate to be completed by May fifth

App § 89. Notice of changes and that abstracts and lists are open for inspection to be filed

App § 90. Aggrieved persons permitted to appear before assessors; preliminary review

App § 91. Appeal of assessors decision

App § 92. Board of Tax Appeals to hear appeals; deadline for hearings; manner of conducting; possible Board of Civil Authority review

App § 93. Alterations in valuation to be entered in “corrected valuation” column

App § 94. Completion of grand list; collection

App § 95. Abstracts sufficient for returns to Secretary of State

App § 96. Board of Tax Appeals and Board of Civil Authority to transmit certified copy of appeal proceedings to assessors

App § 97. Forms for books may be altered as directed by State Tax Commissioner; extension of time

App § 98. Council to assess

App § 98a. A tax ceiling reduction after reappraisal

App § 99. Additional assessment; amount

App § 100. Annual assessment for redemption of bonds authorized

App § 101. Annual assessment to pay bond interest authorized

App § 102. Annual local education spending

App § 102a. Annual assessment for Fire and Police Departments use authorized

App § 102b. Annual assessment for streets use authorized

App § 102c. Annual assessment for library use authorized

App § 102d. Local option sales tax authority

App § 102e. Annual assessment for park use

App § 102f. Annual assessment for Housing Trust Fund use authorized

App § 103. Taxes to be paid in money

App § 104. Taxes to be paid in installments

App § 105. Chief Administrative Officer to give notice upon receipt of tax bills

App § 106. Delinquency assessments

App § 107. When Treasurer to issue warrant against delinquent persons

App § 108. Chief Administrative Officer to collect delinquent taxes

App § 109. Collection after time warrant returnable permitted

App § 110. Chief Administrative Officer to proceed in manner prescribed by law

App § 111. Fees for collection of delinquent taxes

App § 112. Failure of owners to pay assessments; warrant to be issued; Chief Administrative Officer to collect

App § 113. Assessments may be collected by suit

App § 114. Council to establish and prescribe nature of connections

App § 115. Descriptions recorded in Chief Administrative Officer’s office sufficient for assessment purposes

App § 116. Duties generally

App § 117. Order of succession; Mayor to notify Chief Administrative Officer of his or her intended absence

App § 118. Mayor to administer oaths

App § 119. Remission of fines authorized

App § 120. Enumerated

App § 120a. Merger of boards

App § 122. Enumerated

App § 124. Chair; clerk, records

App § 125. Mayor and City Councilors

App § 126. Commissioners and Board of Tax Appeals

App § 127. Department heads and other officers

App § 128. Manner of filling

App § 129. Appointing body or person has power to remove

App § 130. Manner of filling vacancy and residency requirement

App § 131. Dual positions prohibited

App § 132. Mayor, City Council, and other City officials

App § 133. Conflicts of interest

App § 134. Required of Treasurer and other officers handling City funds

App § 135. City Council to approve surety company; costs to be paid by City

App § 136. Officer to be removed from neglect to give bond after notice

App § 137. Form

App § 138. Duties of Chief Administrative Officer generally

App § 139. Public records to remain in Chief Administrative Officer’s office; Council may regulate removal

App § 140. Certified copies of records to be made

App § 141. Certification that notices, ordinances, etc., have been posted required

App § 142. Assistants

App § 144. Chief Administrative Officer to keep record of notes and bonds issued

App § 145. Record of school bonds to be kept

App § 146. Redeemed bonds, notes, and interest coupons to be kept

App § 147. Chief Administrative Officer to keep separate account of school appropriations

App § 148. Duties

App § 149. Subject to same penalties as State’s Attorneys

App § 150. Duties; liabilities; etc

App § 151. Powers; duties; liabilities; etc

App § 152. Powers and duties

App § 153. Duties

App § 154. Composition

App § 155. Board to act as board of audit; uniform system to be adopted

App § 156. Monthly reports; annual audit

App § 157. Preparation and submission of budget

App § 158. Sinking Fund abolished

App § 159. Selection of official depositary

App § 160. Care and control of public buildings

App § 161. Repairs to public buildings

App § 162. Board authorized to rent portions of public buildings

App § 163. Composition

App § 164. Terms; elections

App § 165. Manner of filling vacancies

App § 166. Meetings

App § 167. Duties

App § 168. Adoption of budget

App § 169. Powers generally; authority to establish graded schools

App § 170. Authority to establish bylaws and regulations

App § 171. Appointment; compensation; removal; term

App § 172. Duties of Superintendent; commissioners to file monthly report

App § 173. Appointment; duties

App § 174. City to provide, equip, and maintain

App § 175. Commissioners to control location, construction, sale, and purchase

App § 176. Statement showing necessity for construction or purchase required

App § 177. Council to approve purchase or construction

App § 178. Funds for construction or purchase to be provided by tax levy

App § 179. Composition

App § 180. Duties

App § 181. Liabilities to be approved and budget preparation

App § 183. Board of Police Commissioners; composition; terms

App § 184. Same—Powers and duties

App § 185. Officers of police force designated

App § 186. Manner of filling vacancies

App § 187. Force to be maintained; selection of members

App § 188. Manner of appointment

App § 189. Members of force to be retained as long as they remain competent

App § 190. Chief may remove member for cause; hearing

App § 191. Political activity restricted

App § 192. Authority to appoint; defined; powers

App § 193. Service and process; fees allowed

App § 194. Police to have same powers as constables; jurisdiction limited

App § 195. Compensation to be set by Council

App § 195a. Authority of University of Vermont police officers

App § 196. Composition

App § 197. Authority to establish rules and regulations for Fire Department

App § 198. Fire Department; created; members; appointment

App § 199. Department to be under supervision of Chief Engineer

App § 200. Powers of fire commissioners

App § 201. Powers relating to Fire Department

App § 202. Political activity restricted

App § 203. Commissioners to manage parks; composition of Board

App § 204. Records to be kept; annual reports to City Council required

App § 205. Parks and Recreation Department; appointment of Superintendent, and engineer

App § 206. Establishment and maintenance of athletic activities authorized; charging admission fees permitted

App § 207. Authorization to establish and alter rules for park operation

App § 208. Determination of location of sewers, water pipes, wires, etc

App § 209. Regulation of planting and care of trees in parks

App § 210. Direction that trees be planted along public grounds and assess abutting land

App § 211. Authority to regulate parking

App § 212. Authority to declare weeds, underbrush, etc., a nuisance and direct removal

App § 213. Issuance of bonds to provide funds for parks authorized

App § 214. Bills and expenses to be approved

App § 215. Definition of “park property”

App § 217. Condemnation of land for park and/or recreational purposes authorized

App § 218. Composition; appointment; terms

App § 219. Duties

App § 220. Bylaws and regulations of Board to have force of ordinances

App § 222. Duties

App § 225. Powers of Board

App § 226. Composition; appointment; term

App § 227. Superintendent/General Manager; duties

App § 228. Powers of City

App § 229. Authority to create; powers and duties

App § 231. Power and duties

App § 234. Purposes and powers

App § 235. Council may lay out certain streets; owners’ petition

App § 236. Prior actions regarding streets ratified

App § 237. Rights of property owners

App § 238. Rights of property owners when street discontinued

App § 239. Power granted

App § 240. Estimation of probable expenses authorized

App § 241. Decisions regarding assessments to be recorded

App § 242. Proceedings for objections to assessment

App § 243. Assessment lien suspended until final determination

App § 244. Petition for relief not to delay opening or altering of street

App § 245. Copy of final determination to be recorded; assessment to become lien

App § 246. Warrant to be issued upon failure to pay assessment; collection

App § 247. Court to have jurisdiction to determine questioned assessments

App § 248. Establishment and maintenance authorized; assessments

App § 249. Establishment and construction through private lands authorized

App § 250. Assessment of landowners authorized

App § 251. Assessment proceedings and rights

App § 252. Required; contents

App § 253. When given

App § 254. Acceptance of service

App § 255. Manner of serving

App § 256. Service on nonresidents

App § 257. Chief Administrative Officer to mail copy of citation to last known address of nonresident

App § 258. Return of citation prima facie evidence of service

App § 259. Proceedings to be postponed until all interested parties notified

App § 260. Manner of giving notice to additional interested parties

App § 261. Proceedings not to be voided for failure to give notice

App § 262. City Council may order improvements upon petition of owners

App § 263. Authorization to make improvements without petition; assessment of costs

App § 264. Notice of hearing

App § 265. Statement to be made

App § 266. Chief Administrative Officer to record assessments; notification of owners

App § 267. Deadline for paying

App § 276. Composition; terms; powers; airport management

App § 277. Composition

App § 278. Adoption of bylaws authorized; meetings

App § 279. Local Board to be in lieu of statutory Board; general powers

App § 280. Designated

App § 281. Board of Health authorized to make rules and regulations

App § 282. Powers and duties of Health Officer

App § 283. Generally

App § 284. Maintenance of Retirement Fund; Retiring Board; sources of Retirement Fund

App § 285. Trustees of Fund designated; powers; officers

App § 286. Board of Medical Examiners—Created; duties; composition; terms; compensation

App § 287. Retirement generally

App § 288. Reexamination of person on retired list; reappointment, etc

App § 289. Record of proceedings to be kept; report to City Council required

App § 299. Rights, duties, and liabilities of City to remain as existing at time of organization

App § 300. Copy of charter to be kept in office of Chief Administrative Officer

App § 301. Designation of chapter

App § 303. Alteration, amendment, or repeal of charter

App § 306. Reserve Fund of Light Department not to be increased without vote

App § 321. Creation of Downtown Improvement District, Church Street Marketplace District, and Marketplace

App § 322. Establishment of Commission

App § 323. Expansion of Church Street Marketplace District and/or Marketplace

App § 324. Purposes and powers

App § 325. Annual taxation for Downtown Improvement District; free parking for two hours in public lots and garages; annual budget of Church Street Marketplace District

App § 326. Common area fees

App § 327. Powers supplemental; construction

App § 330. Board of Tax Appeals

App § 331. Creation of Community and Economic Development Office

App § 332. Purposes and powers

App § 333. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 351. Creation of Burlington City Arts

App § 352. Purposes and powers

App § 353. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 361. Creation of Human Resources Department

App § 362. Purposes and powers

App § 363. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 370. Creation of Department of Permitting and Inspections

App § 371. Purposes and powers

App § 372. Department to be under supervision of Director

App § 373. Powers, duties, and responsibilities of Zoning Administrative Officer

App § 401. Revisions effective without publication

App § 405. Authority to establish system

App § 406. Authority to appoint boards and officers, appropriate funds, provide rate of contributions, and designate sums payable

App § 407. Direction to budget funds for system

App § 408. Existing provisions to remain valid until new provisions adopted

App § 415. Authority to construct and maintain an electric plant

App § 416. Authority to construct, maintain, and operate a gas-generating and distribution plant

App § 417. Authority to acquire property for purposes of sections 415 and 416 of this charter

App § 418. Authority to sell services, merchandise, and equipment incidental to use of electricity or gas

App § 419. Operation of gas business

App § 420. Procedure for exercising eminent domain right

App § 421. Issuance of bonds authorized

App § 422. Rates sufficient to pay for services and bonds to be charged

App § 423. Bond issuance to be approved by voters

App § 431. Definitions

App § 432. Electric plant; improvement of

App § 433. Bonds; issuance of

App § 434. Same—payment of

App § 435. Same—pledge of revenues

App § 436. Same—refunding

App § 437. Same—Anticipation notes

App § 438. Same—regulation

App § 439. Same—rights of holders

App § 440. Same—right of City

App § 441. Rates; payment by municipal agencies

App § 442. Bonds; proceeds

App § 443. Energy conservation facilities

App § 444. Construction of article

App § 445. Same

App § 446. Same; invalidity

App § 447. Ratification

App § 448. Powers exercised through City Council

App § 449. Authority for joint venture for telecommunications

App § 501. City of Burlington utility facilities; taxation of

App § 506. Definitions

App § 507. Bonds; issuance of

App § 508. Refunding