Vermont Statutes
Chapter 405 - Chittenden Solid Waste Management District
App § 56. Termination of membership

§ 56. Termination of membership
A member municipality may terminate its membership in the District after the expiration of one year from the date it became a member by a majority of its voters at a duly warned annual or special meeting voting for such a termination. At such annual or special meeting, a majority of the municipality’s voters must also approve the terms and conditions of this chapter for withdrawal required pursuant to subdivision (2) of this section. Such duly warned meeting must be held no less than 30 days after notice of intent to withdraw has been given to the Board of Commissioners. Said notice shall be in writing and delivered to the Board by certified mail, return receipt requested. The termination shall take effect immediately upon the following actions being carried out:
(1) A certification of the termination vote by the clerk of the terminating municipality must be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Secretary of the District.
(2) The terminating municipality must sign a written agreement with the District to pay, as applicable:
(A) Its share of any financial obligations incurred by the District up to the point of termination;
(B) Its share of all existing indebtedness incurred by the District and obligations under long-term contracts, at the time its termination becomes effective, including its share of the debt or obligations incurred by the District for the remaining bonding term or contract term; and
(C) Any direct, incidental, and consequential costs resulting from its withdrawal, including fixed operational costs, and costs of redesigning, relocating, or rebuilding a facility.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 405 - Chittenden Solid Waste Management District

App § 1. Creation

App § 2. Purpose

App § 3. Composition

App § 4. Duration

App § 5. Powers

App § 6. Authority

App § 7. Appointment

App § 8. Organizational meeting

App § 9. Regular meeting

App § 10. Special meetings

App § 11. Quorum

App § 12. Rules of procedure

App § 13. Compensation of members of Board of Commissioners

App § 14. Voting

App § 15. Terms of office

App § 16. Administrative personnel

App § 17. Election

App § 18. Bond

App § 19. Chair

App § 20. Vice Chair

App § 21. Vacancy

App § 22. Secretary

App § 23. Treasurer

App § 24. Records

App § 25. Audit

App § 26. Executive Board

App § 27. Committees

App § 28. Compensation of officers

App § 29. Recall of officers

App § 30. Fiscal year

App § 31. Preparation of budget

App § 32. Budget hearing

App § 33. Adoption

App § 34. Appropriations and revenues

App § 35. Assessment

App § 36. Limitations of appropriations

App § 37. Indebtedness; short-term borrowing

App § 38. Long-term indebtedness; long-term contracts

App § 39. Sinking fund

App § 40. Capital reserve fund

App § 41. Management fees

App § 42. Definitions

App § 43. Special meetings

App § 44. Places of meetings

App § 45. Public hearings

App § 46. Warnings required

App § 47. Signing of warning

App § 48. Warning contents

App § 49. Australian ballot

App § 50. Qualifications and registration of voters

App § 51. Conduct of meeting

App § 52. Reconsideration or rescission of vote

App § 53. Validation of District meetings

App § 54. Priority

App § 55. Indemnification; contribution

App § 56. Termination of membership

App § 57. Admission of new members

App § 58. Dissolution of District

App § 59. Annual report

App § 60. Master plan

App § 61. Severability

App § 62. Amendment

App § 63. Transfer of rights