Vermont Statutes
Chapter 405 - Chittenden Solid Waste Management District
App § 47. Signing of warning

§ 47. Signing of warning
The original warning of any special meeting of the District shall be signed by a number of the Board of Commissioners equal to a majority of the total votes entitled to be cast and shall be filed with the District Secretary before being posted.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 405 - Chittenden Solid Waste Management District

App § 1. Creation

App § 2. Purpose

App § 3. Composition

App § 4. Duration

App § 5. Powers

App § 6. Authority

App § 7. Appointment

App § 8. Organizational meeting

App § 9. Regular meeting

App § 10. Special meetings

App § 11. Quorum

App § 12. Rules of procedure

App § 13. Compensation of members of Board of Commissioners

App § 14. Voting

App § 15. Terms of office

App § 16. Administrative personnel

App § 17. Election

App § 18. Bond

App § 19. Chair

App § 20. Vice Chair

App § 21. Vacancy

App § 22. Secretary

App § 23. Treasurer

App § 24. Records

App § 25. Audit

App § 26. Executive Board

App § 27. Committees

App § 28. Compensation of officers

App § 29. Recall of officers

App § 30. Fiscal year

App § 31. Preparation of budget

App § 32. Budget hearing

App § 33. Adoption

App § 34. Appropriations and revenues

App § 35. Assessment

App § 36. Limitations of appropriations

App § 37. Indebtedness; short-term borrowing

App § 38. Long-term indebtedness; long-term contracts

App § 39. Sinking fund

App § 40. Capital reserve fund

App § 41. Management fees

App § 42. Definitions

App § 43. Special meetings

App § 44. Places of meetings

App § 45. Public hearings

App § 46. Warnings required

App § 47. Signing of warning

App § 48. Warning contents

App § 49. Australian ballot

App § 50. Qualifications and registration of voters

App § 51. Conduct of meeting

App § 52. Reconsideration or rescission of vote

App § 53. Validation of District meetings

App § 54. Priority

App § 55. Indemnification; contribution

App § 56. Termination of membership

App § 57. Admission of new members

App § 58. Dissolution of District

App § 59. Annual report

App § 60. Master plan

App § 61. Severability

App § 62. Amendment

App § 63. Transfer of rights