Vermont Statutes
Chapter 403 - Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
App § 56. Dissolution of District

§ 56. Dissolution of District
(a) Procedure. If the Board of Supervisors by resolution approved by two-thirds of all the votes entitled to be cast determines that it is in the best interests of the public, the member municipalities, and the District that the District be dissolved, and if the District then has no outstanding debt or obligations under long-term contracts, or will have no such debt or obligation upon completion of the plan of dissolution, it shall prepare a plan of dissolution and thereafter adopt a resolution directing the question of such dissolution and the plan of dissolution be submitted to the voters of the District at a special meeting of the District duly warned for such purpose. If two-thirds of the voters of the District present and voting at such special meeting of the District duly warned for such purpose shall vote to dissolve the District and approve the plan of dissolution, the District shall cease to conduct its affairs except insofar as may be necessary for the winding up thereof. The Board of Supervisors shall immediately cause a notice of the proposed dissolution to be mailed to each known creditor of the District and to the Secretary of State, and shall proceed to collect the assets of the District and apply and distribute them in accordance with the plan of dissolution.
(b) Plan of dissolution. The plan of dissolution shall:
(1) Identify and value all unencumbered assets of the District;
(2) Identify and value all encumbered assets of the District;
(3) Identify all creditors of the District and the nature or amount of all liabilities and obligations of the District;
(4) Identify all obligations under long-term contracts;
(5) Specify the means by which assets of the District shall be liquidated and all liabilities and obligations of the District shall be paid and discharged, or adequate provision shall be made for the satisfaction thereof;
(6) Specify the amount of monies due from each member municipality, if necessary, to extinguish the liabilities of the District;
(7) Specify the nature and amount of any liabilities or obligations to be assumed and paid by the member municipalities;
(8) Specify the means by which any assets remaining after discharge of all liabilities shall be liquidated if necessary;
(9) Specify that any assets remaining after payment of all liabilities shall be apportioned and distributed among the member municipalities according to the same basic formula used in apportioning the annual assessments of the District.
(c) Termination. When the plan of dissolution has been implemented, the Board of Supervisors shall adopt a resolution certifying that fact to the member municipalities whereupon this chapter shall be repealed and the District created shall be terminated.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 403 - Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District

App § 1. Creation

App § 2. Purpose

App § 3. Composition

App § 4. Duration

App § 5. Powers

App § 5a. Sovereign immunity

App § 6. Transportation and collection site

App § 7. Responsibility to accept solid waste

App § 8. Authority

App § 9. Composition

App § 10. Appointment

App § 11. Organizational meeting

App § 12. Regular meetings

App § 13. Special meetings

App § 14. Quorum

App § 15. Voting

App § 16. Term

App § 17. Vacancy

App § 18. Rules of procedures

App § 19. Compensation of members of Board of Supervisors

App § 20. Officers

App § 21. Bond

App § 22. Chair

App § 23. Vice Chair

App § 24. Vacancy

App § 25. Clerk

App § 26. Treasurer

App § 26a. Grand juror

App § 27. Records

App § 28. Audit

App § 29. Executive Board

App § 30. Committees

App § 31. Compensation of officers

App § 32. Recall of officers

App § 33a. Delegation to District staff

App § 34. Fiscal year

App § 35. Budget appropriation and assessment

App § 36. Collection

App § 37. Limitations of appropriations

App § 38. Indebtedness

App § 39. Sinking fund

App § 40. Capital reserve fund

App § 41. Disposal fees

App § 42. Special meetings

App § 43. Places of meetings

App § 44. Public hearings

App § 45. Warnings required

App § 46. Signing of warning

App § 47. Warning contents

App § 48. Australian ballot

App § 49. Qualifications and registration of voters

App § 50. Conduct of meetings

App § 51. Reconsideration or rescission of vote

App § 52. Validation of District meetings

App § 53. Priority

App § 54. Withdrawal of member municipality

App § 55. Admission of new member municipalities

App § 56. Dissolution of District

App § 57. Amendment of chapter

App § 58. Severability

App § 59. Definitions

App § 60. Consistency with State law