Vermont Statutes
Chapter 142 - Town of Richford
App § 503. Municipal laws

§ 503. Municipal laws
(a) All Town ordinances, resolutions, bylaws, orders, policies, and regulations that are in force at the time this charter becomes fully effective shall remain in full force and effect excepting only those ordinances, resolutions, orders, policies, and regulations that are inconsistent with this charter.
(b) The adoption of this charter shall not effect any ordinance, resolution, or bylaw lawfully enacted, adopted, ordained, or established by the Town of Richford or the former Village of Richford that is not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter, but the same shall remain in full force and effect until repealed, altered, or amended. The Selectboard, by resolution duly adopted, shall incorporate and adopt as Town ordinances all ordinances and bylaws of the former Village of Richford that have not in substance heretofore been adopted by the Town. (Added 1997, No. M-11 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1999.)