Vermont Statutes
Chapter 142 - Town of Richford
App § 302. Voting procedures for water and sewer; capital improvements and extensions

§ 302. Voting procedures for water and sewer; capital improvements and extensions
(a) Voting for capital improvements for water or sewer service within the areas served by the water and sewer systems shall continue to be by the voters using these services in the same manner established in section 208 of this charter.
(b) However, if water or sewer lines are extended into areas that were not served at the time of the merger and if bonding or temporary costs are to be assumed by the Town, all legal Town voters shall be eligible to vote on the project.
(c) In all cases where bonding is required, all legal voters of the Town may vote on the bond issue, but in the area served by the former Village water and sewer systems, capital expenditures or projects requiring bonding shall first be approved by a majority vote of the water or sewer users, as the case may be, present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose. (Added 1997, No. M-11 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1999.)