Vermont Statutes
Chapter 1 - Game
App § 5. Bow and arrow standards

§ 5. Bow and arrow standards
No person shall hunt deer with bow and arrow if the arrow has an arrowhead that measures less than seven-eighths of an inch at its widest point or that has less than two sharp cutting edges. (Added 1961, No. 119, § 2, eff. May 9, 1961; amended 1963, Fish and Game Board Reg. No.—, eff. Aug. 23, 1963.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 Appendix - Conservation and Development

Chapter 1 - Game

App § 1. Wild animals generally

App § 2. Report, big game

App § 2a. Big game; tagging

App § 2b. Wildlife Management Units

App § 3. Rabbit, squirrel; sale

App § 4. Bow and arrow hunting

App § 5. Bow and arrow standards

App § 7. Bear Management Rule

App § 9. Wildlife rehabilitation

App § 10. Vermont endangered and threatened species rule

App § 11. Falconry

App § 12. Leashed tracking dogs

App § 13. Regulations for operating regulated shooting grounds

App § 14. Posting against hunting, fishing or trapping

App § 15. Rule governing public use of Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Lands

App § 15a. Fees for the Use of Fish and Wildlife Department Lands and Facilities

App § 15b. Rule Governing Public Use of Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Shooting Ranges

App § 16. Suspension of licenses: Enforcement of child support orders, 15 V.S.A. § 798

App § 17. Rule governing the importation and possession of deer or elk from chronic wasting disease endemic areas and captive hunt or farm facilities

App § 18. Governing the importation and possession of wild animals, excluding fish

App § 19. Rule governing the importation and possession of animals for taking by hunting

App § 19a. Rule governing the transition of the relevant captive hunt facility to compliance with 10 V.S.A. App. § 19

App § 20. Aerial Hunting

App § 21. Seasons, bag limits

App § 22. Turkey Seasons

App § 22a. Taking of turkey doing damage

App § 23. Methods of taking, possessing and transporting migratory game birds

App § 23a. Spring Snow Goose Conservation Order

App § 23b. Waterfowl Boundary Rule

App § 25. Nongame wildlife species

App § 31. Seasons, bag limits

App § 32. Trapping, hare and rabbits

App § 33. Moose Management Rule

App § 35. Taking of moose doing damage to fencing, tubing, or Christmas trees

App § 37. Deer Management Rule

App § 44. Furbearing species