Vermont Statutes
Chapter 1 - Game
App § 13. Regulations for operating regulated shooting grounds

§ 13. Regulations for operating regulated shooting grounds
13.1. A regulated shooting ground shall be at least 200 acres in area, on lands that the Commissioner deems suitable for the purpose. The land shall be enclosed as prescribed in 10 V.S.A. § 5218, and the notices prescribed therein shall contain the words: “Regulated Private Shooting Ground, Special Regulations in Effect.” The permittee may further include notice of such restrictions as they may desire as to trespassing. Such notices shall not be less than 18 inches long by one foot wide.
13.2 Permits will be issued to operate a regulated shooting ground for the following species only: mallard ducks, pheasant, quail, chukar partridge, and Hungarian partridge.
13.3 All birds released on regulated shooting grounds shall be at least 10 weeks old when released and raised on the premises, legally acquired from licensed breeders, or imported as provided in 10 V.S.A. § 4709.
13.4 The permittee shall keep a current record of the birds taken, which shall include the name and address of the person taking such birds, their hunting license number, the kind and number of birds taken, and the date of taking. Each hunter will receive a signed and dated receipt from the permittee showing the number and species of birds in possession.
13.5 The open season for taking game birds under these regulations shall be from January 1st to December 31st, both dates inclusive.
13.6 Annually within 40 days of the end of such season, the permittee shall file with the Fish and Wildlife Department a notarized report of the number and species of birds released, name of the breeder from which they were acquired, date released and the records as provided in paragraph 4.
13.7 Except as specially provided in this regulation, all laws and fish and wildlife regulations shall be in effect on regulated shooting grounds. (Added 1964, Fish and Game Commissioner’s Reg. No. 690, eff. May 30, 1964; 1984, Fish and Game Commissioner’s Reg. No. 690, eff. March 17, 1984; 1990, Fish and Wildlife Commissioner’s Reg. No. 690, eff. Jan. 5, 1991.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 Appendix - Conservation and Development

Chapter 1 - Game

App § 1. Wild animals generally

App § 2. Report, big game

App § 2a. Big game; tagging

App § 2b. Wildlife Management Units

App § 3. Rabbit, squirrel; sale

App § 4. Bow and arrow hunting

App § 5. Bow and arrow standards

App § 7. Bear Management Rule

App § 9. Wildlife rehabilitation

App § 10. Vermont endangered and threatened species rule

App § 11. Falconry

App § 12. Leashed tracking dogs

App § 13. Regulations for operating regulated shooting grounds

App § 14. Posting against hunting, fishing or trapping

App § 15. Rule governing public use of Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Lands

App § 15a. Fees for the Use of Fish and Wildlife Department Lands and Facilities

App § 15b. Rule Governing Public Use of Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Shooting Ranges

App § 16. Suspension of licenses: Enforcement of child support orders, 15 V.S.A. § 798

App § 17. Rule governing the importation and possession of deer or elk from chronic wasting disease endemic areas and captive hunt or farm facilities

App § 18. Governing the importation and possession of wild animals, excluding fish

App § 19. Rule governing the importation and possession of animals for taking by hunting

App § 19a. Rule governing the transition of the relevant captive hunt facility to compliance with 10 V.S.A. App. § 19

App § 20. Aerial Hunting

App § 21. Seasons, bag limits

App § 22. Turkey Seasons

App § 22a. Taking of turkey doing damage

App § 23. Methods of taking, possessing and transporting migratory game birds

App § 23a. Spring Snow Goose Conservation Order

App § 23b. Waterfowl Boundary Rule

App § 25. Nongame wildlife species

App § 31. Seasons, bag limits

App § 32. Trapping, hare and rabbits

App § 33. Moose Management Rule

App § 35. Taking of moose doing damage to fencing, tubing, or Christmas trees

App § 37. Deer Management Rule

App § 44. Furbearing species