Vermont Statutes
Chapter 213 - Village of Cambridge
App § 44. Connection with sewer

§ 44. Connection with sewer
After such system of sewers has been constructed as provided in section 43 of this charter, each and every owner of a house in the Village of Cambridge situate upon a street, alley, or lane through which a main sewer has been constructed shall cause to be construct under the direction of the Board of Trustees a sewer or drain from the owner’s house to such main sewer, so constructed as to take all slops and filth from any sink, bowl, water closet, or privy in or around the house and discharge the same into the main sewer, and in case any person or corporation owning a house in the Village shall fail or neglect to construct such branch sewer from the house, it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to give such person notice in writing, recorded by the Clerk, requiring the owner to build such branch sewer from the premises to the main sewer; and in case the person does not so construct such branch sewer within 30 days from the time of receiving the notice, it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to declare the premises a nuisance, and the Board of Trustees is hereby authorize and empowered to enter upon the premises and properly construct the branch sewer, and the person upon whose premises the branch sewer has been so constructed by the Board of Trustees, shall pay to the Treasurer of the corporation forthwith upon the completion of the work all expense which the Board of Trustees has incurred in the construction of the branch sewer, and in case such person neglects to pay the same, the corporation shall have action founded on this statute to recover such expense, and the premises shall be holden for the payment of any judgment received in such action, and no homestead shall be exempt from attachment and execution in such action.