Vermont Statutes
Chapter 213 - Village of Cambridge
App § 28. Collector to be Chief of Police

§ 28. Collector to be Chief of Police
The Collector of Taxes shall by virtue of the office be the Chief of Police of the Village of Cambridge and shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the office’s duties and shall cause the oath of office to be recorded by the Clerk. The Chief of Police may by writing recorded by the Clerk appoint police officers not exceeding two in number, who shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties and cause their oaths of office to be recorded by the Clerk. The Chief of Police and police officers shall be informing officers and conservators of the peace within the Village of Cambridge, and may serve any criminal process returnable within the Village of Cambridge, and any mittimus issued by any Court sitting therein, and shall be proper officers of the court in all criminal causes before justices within the corporation and for all such services shall receive the fees provided by law for constables.