Vermont Statutes
Chapter 601 - Rutland County Recreational District
App § 43. Warnings required

§ 43. Warnings required
The Board of Supervisors of the District shall warn a District meeting by filing a notice with the town or city clerk of each member municipality and by posting a notice in at least three public places, and additional public places as may be required by law, in each municipality in the District not less than 30 nor more than 40 days before the meeting. In addition, the warning shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the District once a week on the same day of the week for two successive weeks before the meeting, the last publication to be not less than five nor more than 10 days before the meeting. This section shall not apply to District informational meetings at which no voting is to take place. (Added 2005, No. M-8, § 2.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 601 - Rutland County Recreational District

App § 1. Creation

App § 2. Purpose

App § 3. Composition

App § 4. Duration

App § 5. Powers

App § 6. Authority

App § 7. Composition

App § 8. Appointment

App § 9. Organizational meeting

App § 10. Regular meetings

App § 11. Special meetings

App § 12. Quorum

App § 13. Voting

App § 14. Term

App § 15. Vacancy

App § 16. Rules of procedure

App § 17. Compensation of members of Board of Supervisors

App § 18. Absence rule

App § 19. Telephone participation

App § 20. Officers

App § 21. Bond

App § 22. Chair

App § 23. Vice Chair

App § 24. Vacancy

App § 25. Clerk

App § 26. Treasurer

App § 27. Records

App § 28. Audit

App § 29. Executive Board

App § 30. Committees

App § 31. Compensation of officers

App § 32. Fiscal year

App § 33. Budget, appropriation, and assessment

App § 34. Collection

App § 35. Limitations of appropriations

App § 36. Indebtedness

App § 37. Sinking fund

App § 38. Capital reserve fund

App § 39. Fees

App § 40. Special meetings

App § 41. Places of meetings

App § 42. Warnings

App § 43. Warnings required

App § 44. Warning contents

App § 45. Australian ballot

App § 46. Qualifications and registration of voters

App § 47. Conduct of meetings

App § 48. Reconsideration or rescission of vote

App § 49. Validation of District meetings

App § 50. Priority

App § 51. Withdrawal of member municipality

App § 52. Approval to bond

App § 53. Admission of new member municipalities

App § 54. Dissolution of District; procedure