§ 311. Committees
The Board shall have the authority to establish any and all committees as it may deem necessary.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters
Chapter 409 - Lamoille Regional Solid Waste Management District
App § 107. Transportation and collection sites
App § 203. Selection of supervisors
App § 204. Organizational meeting
App § 309. Open meetings and public records
App § 311. Committees
App § 312. Compensation of officers
App § 402. Budget appropriation and assessment
App § 404. Limitations of appropriations
App § 407. Capital reserve fund
App § 501. Special District meetings
App § 508. Qualifications and registration of voters
App § 509. Conduct of meetings
App § 510. Reconsideration or rescission of vote
App § 511. Validation of District meetings
App § 601. Withdrawal of a municipality
App § 602. Admission of additional municipalities
App § 603. Dissolution of the District
App § 604. Amendment of the District agreement