Vermont Statutes
Chapter 1 - City of Barre
App § 206. Vacancies

§ 206. Vacancies
(a) In case of vacancy of any elected municipal City officer, except a councilor or school commissioner, occasioned by death, removal from the City, resignation, or inability to serve, such vacancy, unless herein otherwise provided, shall be filled by appointment by the City Council until the next annual election. In such case, nomination may be made by any member for the Council.
(b) In case of a vacancy of any councilor, occasioned by death, removal from the ward, resignation, or inability to serve, such vacancy, unless herein otherwise provided, shall be filled by election at a caucus of the legal voters of the ward in which the vacancy occurs, duly warned, until the next annual election. In such case, nomination may be made by any legal voter from the ward in which the vacancy occurs.
(c) In case of a vacancy of any school commissioner, occasioned by death, removal from the City, resignation, or inability to serve, such vacancy, unless herein otherwise provided, shall be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the School Board until the next annual election. In such case, nomination may be made by any member of the School Board. (Amended 2007, No. M-5, § 3; 2013, No. M-5, § 2, eff. May 13, 2013.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 1 - City of Barre

App § 101. Corporate existence retained

App § 102. General law application

App § 103. Wards established

App § 104. General corporate powers

App § 105. Ordinances—subject matter

App § 106. Ordinances; enforcement; adoption

App § 107. Ordinances; adoption process

App § 108. Filing of ordinances

App § 109. Reservation of powers to the City

App § 110. Fiscal year

App § 111. Bonding of City officials

App § 112. Amendment of charter

App § 201. Application of general laws

App § 202. Time of elections and meetings

App § 203. Special City and School District meetings

App § 204. Polling places

App § 205. Officers elected

App § 206. Vacancies

App § 207. Voting on request of the City Manager

App § 301. Governing body

App § 302. Regular meetings; meetings to be public; executive session

App § 303. Special meetings; quorum

App § 304. Role of Council in relation to administrative service appointment of committees

App § 305. Creation or continuation of departments, boards, offices

App § 306. Records of proceedings

App § 307. Powers of City; policy matters; appointment of certain officers

App § 309. Source of appropriations, expenditures

App § 311. Business or contracts between City and City officials or employees

App § 312. Audits

App § 313. Sale or lease of City property

App § 314. Authority to borrow money, issue bonds, pledge credits

App § 315. Compensation of City officials

App § 316. Expenditures

App § 317. Special assessments

App § 318. Sidewalks

App § 319. Sewers

App § 320. Authority to take land

App § 321. Collection of assessments; liens

App § 322. Tax stabilization contract

App § 401. Appointment and qualifications

App § 402. Removal

App § 403. Manager’s absence

App § 404. Duties and responsibilities

App § 405. Council policy

App § 406. Budget

App § 406a. Capital improvement plan

App § 407. Appointments

App § 408. Streets

App § 409. Duties

App § 410. Duties

App § 411. Official notices

App § 412. Duties of Treasurer

App § 413. School Districts

App § 414. Duties and responsibilities

App § 416. Appointment

App § 417. Duties

App § 419. Duties

App § 420. Duties

App § 421. Duties

App § 501. Creation and organization

App § 502. Creation and organization

App § 505. Established

App § 507. Creation

App § 508. Condemnation

App § 509. Borrowing

App § 510. Established

App § 512. Formation; duties

App § 515. Formation

App § 516. Powers and duties

App § 517. Appointment of Superintendent and principal; compensation; term

App § 518. Creation

App § 519. Powers and duties

App § 520. Reappraisal

App § 601. Payment of taxes

App § 602. Penalty and interest

App § 603. Treasurer’s warrant

App § 604. Notice of tax due

App § 605. Local sales, rooms, meals, and alcoholic beverages option taxes