Vermont Statutes
Chapter 1 - City of Barre
App § 106. Ordinances; enforcement; adoption

§ 106. Ordinances; enforcement; adoption
(a) The Council may provide penalties for the breach of any ordinance authorized by general law or this charter; may prosecute any person violating the same through the City Attorney, Grand Juror, or police officers who for such purposes shall be informing officers; and may maintain actions to restrain actual or threatened violations of the same. The establishment of any fine or penalty shall be by ordinance.
(b) Ordinance-making authority granted to the City by this charter and general law shall be exercised pursuant to the provisions of section 107 and 108 of this charter. (Amended 2019, No. M-3, § 2, eff. April 19, 2019.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 1 - City of Barre

App § 101. Corporate existence retained

App § 102. General law application

App § 103. Wards established

App § 104. General corporate powers

App § 105. Ordinances—subject matter

App § 106. Ordinances; enforcement; adoption

App § 107. Ordinances; adoption process

App § 108. Filing of ordinances

App § 109. Reservation of powers to the City

App § 110. Fiscal year

App § 111. Bonding of City officials

App § 112. Amendment of charter

App § 201. Application of general laws

App § 202. Time of elections and meetings

App § 203. Special City and School District meetings

App § 204. Polling places

App § 205. Officers elected

App § 206. Vacancies

App § 207. Voting on request of the City Manager

App § 301. Governing body

App § 302. Regular meetings; meetings to be public; executive session

App § 303. Special meetings; quorum

App § 304. Role of Council in relation to administrative service appointment of committees

App § 305. Creation or continuation of departments, boards, offices

App § 306. Records of proceedings

App § 307. Powers of City; policy matters; appointment of certain officers

App § 309. Source of appropriations, expenditures

App § 311. Business or contracts between City and City officials or employees

App § 312. Audits

App § 313. Sale or lease of City property

App § 314. Authority to borrow money, issue bonds, pledge credits

App § 315. Compensation of City officials

App § 316. Expenditures

App § 317. Special assessments

App § 318. Sidewalks

App § 319. Sewers

App § 320. Authority to take land

App § 321. Collection of assessments; liens

App § 322. Tax stabilization contract

App § 401. Appointment and qualifications

App § 402. Removal

App § 403. Manager’s absence

App § 404. Duties and responsibilities

App § 405. Council policy

App § 406. Budget

App § 406a. Capital improvement plan

App § 407. Appointments

App § 408. Streets

App § 409. Duties

App § 410. Duties

App § 411. Official notices

App § 412. Duties of Treasurer

App § 413. School Districts

App § 414. Duties and responsibilities

App § 416. Appointment

App § 417. Duties

App § 419. Duties

App § 420. Duties

App § 421. Duties

App § 501. Creation and organization

App § 502. Creation and organization

App § 505. Established

App § 507. Creation

App § 508. Condemnation

App § 509. Borrowing

App § 510. Established

App § 512. Formation; duties

App § 515. Formation

App § 516. Powers and duties

App § 517. Appointment of Superintendent and principal; compensation; term

App § 518. Creation

App § 519. Powers and duties

App § 520. Reappraisal

App § 601. Payment of taxes

App § 602. Penalty and interest

App § 603. Treasurer’s warrant

App § 604. Notice of tax due

App § 605. Local sales, rooms, meals, and alcoholic beverages option taxes