Vermont Statutes
Chapter 20 - Internal Security and Public Safety
App 20-58 (No. 06-19) [Governor’s Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council]

Executive Order No. 20-58 (No. 06-19) [Governor’s Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council]
WHEREAS, Vermont must be prepared to prevent, respond to, recover from, mitigate and protect Vermonters from all natural and man-made hazards; and
WHEREAS, Vermont must be prepared to prevent, and protect Vermonters from terrorism, homegrown violent extremists and evolving threats both domestic and foreign; and
WHEREAS, the Governor is responsible for coordinating, to the fullest extent possible, the emergency management plans and program of the State; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that there be the greatest possible coordination and communication among federal, state and local governments, the Vermont National Guard, first responders, law enforcement, emergency managers, public health officials, regional planning commissions and private community organizations, including faith-based organizations in order to provide the Governor with advice and counsel on approaches to strengthen and improve our homeland security and emergency preparedness.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the authority vested in me as the Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby order and direct:
The ‘Governor’s Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council‘ (Council) is reconstituted as set forth below:
I. Composition and Appointments
The Council shall include members from the following interested parties to be appointed by the Governor: volunteer fire service; career fire service; emergency medical services; municipal police; sheriffs; state fusion center (in Vermont, known as the Vermont Information Center); federal government; municipal government; local emergency management; private community organizations; the Vermont utility industry; hospitals; public health officials; statewide interoperability governing body; disability inclusion working group; a state Citizen Corps representative; and faith-based organizations.
The Council shall include the following ex officio members or their designees: the Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs, the Adjutant General, the Secretary of Administration, the Secretary of the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, the Secretary of the Agency of Transportation, the Secretary of the Agency of Digital Services, the Secretary of the Agency of Education, the Secretary of the Agency of Human Services, the Commissioner of Health, the Commissioner of Public Safety, the E-911 Director, the state Homeland Security Advisor, the Colonel of the Vermont State Police, the Director of the Division of Emergency Management, the Chief Information Security Officer and the Statewide Interoperability Coordinator.
The Governor shall invite the Speaker of the House, the Lieutenant Governor and a member of the Senate appointed by the Committee on Committees to participate on the Council.
The Governor may consult with private sector professionals outside of the Council for information and advice. All State Agencies and Departments, as well as the Attorney General and the Executive Director of the Office of State’s Attorneys and Sheriffs shall participate upon request of the Governor or the Chair of the Council, as needs dictate.
The Governor shall appoint the Chair of the Council.
II. Charge
The mission of the Council shall be to assess the State’s overall homeland security and emergency preparedness programs, policies, and communications and provide for coordinated input by stakeholders in the preparation, implementation, evaluation and revision of the current systems.
Further, the Council shall consider the interdependencies between the private sector, non-profit organizations, faith-based and community organizations, and all levels of government, including local, state and federal with the goal of maximizing these relationships and reducing duplication of effort. The Council shall advise on the allocation of funding to support the programs while mindful of available financial resources and fiscal realities.
III. Council Process
The Council shall meet at the call of the Chair and shall advise the Governor, as needed, on the State’s overall threat and hazard preparedness, policies and communications.
Administrative and staff support shall be provided by the Department of Public Safety.
The Council may adopt operating guidelines which are consistent with this Executive Order.
IV. Effective Date
This Executive Order shall be effective as of July 15, 2019 and shall expire on July 15, 2024.
This Executive Order supersedes and replaces Executive Order# 04-13 (codified as Executive Order No. 20-48).
Dated: July 17, 2019

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 3 Appendix - Executive Orders

Chapter 20 - Internal Security and Public Safety

App 20-1 (No. 67-82) [Cadre of the Vermont State Guard]

App 20-2 (No. 12-85) [Activation of Vermont National Guard for Assistance of Civilian Authorities in City of Barre]

App 20-3 (No. 51-87) [Order Into Service of Vermont National Guardsmen for Assistance to Civilians and Authorities of State and Bennington County]

App 20-4 (No. 58-88) [Veterans’ Advisory Council]

App 20-5 (No. 77-89) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan for Washington County]

App 20-6 (No. 82-90) [Designation of Vermont State Police as State Clearinghouse for Missing and Exploited Children]

App 20-7 (No. 06-91) [Utilization of National Guard to Carry Out Vermont’s Drug Enforcement Support Plan]

App 20-8 (No. 03-95) [Activation of National Guard to Assist Vermont State Police and the City of Burlington]

App 20-9 (No. 04-95) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex, Lamoille, Orleans and Washington Counties]

App 20-10 (No. 05-95) [Activation of National Guard to Assist State and Local Officials in Stabilizing Conditions Resulting From Flooding]

App 20-11 (No. 08-96) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan for State of Vermont]

App 20-12 (No. 11-96) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Windham and Windsor Counties]

App 20-13 (No. 12-96) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations in Windham County]

App 20-14 (No. 01-97) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Franklin, Lamoille, and Orleans Counties]

App 20-15 (No. 02-97) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Franklin, Lamoille, and Orleans Counties]

App 20-16 (No. 01-98) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Grand Isle County]

App 20-17 (No. 02-98) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Grand Isle County]

App 20-18 (No. 03-98) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison Counties]

App 20-19 (No. 04-98) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison Counties]

App 20-20 (No. 06-98) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Addison, Orange, Washington, and Windsor Counties]

App 20-21 (No. 07-98) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Addison, Orange, Washington, and Windsor Counties]

App 20-22 (No. 08-99) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan for Town of Springfield]

App 20-23 (No. 09-99) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Recovery Operations and Security in Town of Springfield]

App 20-24 (No. 10-99) [Vermont National Guard Trust Fund]

App 20-25 (No. 05-00) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency-Disaster Preparedness Plan for Addison, Bennington, Windham and Windsor Counties]

App 20-26 (No. 10-01) [Reconstitution of the Vermont Terrorism Task Force]

App 20-27 (No. 04-02) [Reestablishment of the Veterans Advisory Council]

App 20-28 (No. 05-02) [Declaration of State of Emergency for the County of Caledonia]

App 20-29 (No. 01-03) [Governor’s Homeland Security Advisory Council]

App 20-30 (No. 08-03) [Governor’s Veterans Advisory Council]

App 20-31 (No. 03-05) [Designation Of The National Incident Management System (NIMS) As The Basis For All Incident Management In The State]

App 20-32 (No. 05-05) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Hurricane Recovery Operations and Security in the State of Louisiana]

App 20-33 (No. 02-06) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-34 (No. 04-07) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Operations Plan for State of Vermont]

App 20-35 (No. 08-07) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-36 (No. 04-08) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-37 (No. 05-08) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Operations Plan for Bennington, Orange, Windham, and Windsor Counties]

App 20-38 (No. 03-11) [Declaration of Emergency]

App 20-39 (No. 04-11) [Champlain Flooding Guard Call-Out]

App 20-40 (No. 06-11) [Barre Flooding Guard Call-Out]

App 20-41 (No. 11-11) [State of Emergency, Call-Out of Guard]

App 20-42 (No. 17-11) [Vermont Military Humanitarian Service Medal]

App 20-43 (No. 18-11) [Vermont National Guard Civilian Humanitarian Service Medal]

App 20-44 (No. 02-12) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-45 (No. 07-12) [Designation of The National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the Basis for all Incident Management in the State]

App 20-46 (No. 11-12) [Declaration of State of Emergency — Storm Sandy]

App 20-47 (No. 13-12) [Vermont National Guard Trust Fund Board]

App 20-48 (No. 04-13) [Governor’s Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council]

App 20-49 (No. 05-13) [Public Safety Broadband Network Commission]

App 20-50 (No. 05-15) [State of Emergency in Washington County, Call-Out of Guard]

App 20-51 (No. 10-17) [Activation of Vermont National Guard for Special Duty]

App 20-52 (No. 14-17) [Activation of Vermont National Guard in the Aftermath of Tropical System Harvey in the State of Texas]

App 20-53 (No. 16-17) [Activation of Vermont National Guard to Assist with Hurricane Irma]

App 20-54 (No. 17-17) [Governor’s Veterans Advisory Council]

App 20-55 (No. 03-18) [Governor’s Community Violence Prevention Task Force]

App 20-56 (No. 01-19) [State Emergency Management Plan Promulgation]

App 20-57 (No. 05-19) [Emergency Communications Advisory Council]

App 20-58 (No. 06-19) [Governor’s Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council]

App 20-59 (No. 01-20) [Declaration of State of Emergency in Response to COVID-19 and National Guard Call-Out]

App 20-60 (No. 03-20) [Governor’s Public Safety Reform Initiative]

App 20-61 (No. 05-20) [Emergency Guard Call-Out for Hospital Systems Restoration]

App 20-62 (No. 03-22) [Search and Rescue Council]

App 20-63 (No. 05-22) [Governor’s Violence Prevention Task Force]