Vermont Statutes
Chapter 20 - Internal Security and Public Safety
App 20-54 (No. 17-17) [Governor’s Veterans Advisory Council]

Executive Order No. 20-54 (No. 17-17) [Governor’s Veterans Advisory Council]
WHEREAS, since the founding of our nation, the members of our armed forces have stood courageously against the enemies of freedom and liberty; and
WHEREAS, Vermont is currently home to more than 49,000 men and women who have served their State and country in the armed services, many at great personal sacrifice; and
WHEREAS, the conflicts overseas spanning nearly two decades bring a new generation of Veterans to Vermont; and
WHEREAS, all Vermonters are grateful for the sacrifices of our Veterans who have served our country with distinction; and
WHEREAS, as a society, we place a special responsibility on ourselves to care for our Veterans, or in the words of Calvin Coolidge, “The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten”; and
WHEREAS, the military experience of many Vermont Veterans has created special, long-term needs requiring recognition and assistance; and
WHEREAS, the aging population of our Veterans continues to create significant new demands on public services; and
WHEREAS, for their well-being, the voices of the Veteran community must be heard clearly by the State’s political leaders at the highest level in a forum conducive to a free exchange of ideas.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor, do hereby reconstitute the Governor’s Veterans Advisory Council to advise on public policy relating to Vermont’s Veterans as follows:
The Council shall advise the Governor on the full spectrum of Veterans’ needs and how State government can best address the interests of Veterans.
The Council shall be comprised of not more than fifteen (15) members and not more than four (4) alternate members appointed by the Governor. The Council will reflect the diversity of service and experience of Vermont Veterans. Council members shall serve on the Council for a term of two years. The Governor shall appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council. The Adjutant General of the Vermont National Guard or designee, the CEO of the Vermont Veterans’ Home or designee, and the Director of the White River Junction Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center or designee shall serve as ex-officio members of the Council.
The appointees to the Council will be broadly representative of the Veteran community and may include members of Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs), Vermont National Guard, Vermont Veterans’ Home, the VA Medical Center and Veterans Benefits Office, Vermont General Assembly, the healthcare community, and individuals not having served in the military with an interest in Veterans’ affairs. The Office of Veterans Affairs will staff the Council.
I hereby authorize per diem compensation and reasonable and necessary expense reimbursement for travel and food for members who are not fulltime State employees pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 1010(e).
This Executive Order supersedes and replaces Executive Order No. 08-03 dated May 13, 2003 (codified as Executive Order 20-30). This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.
Dated October 3, 2017.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 3 Appendix - Executive Orders

Chapter 20 - Internal Security and Public Safety

App 20-1 (No. 67-82) [Cadre of the Vermont State Guard]

App 20-2 (No. 12-85) [Activation of Vermont National Guard for Assistance of Civilian Authorities in City of Barre]

App 20-3 (No. 51-87) [Order Into Service of Vermont National Guardsmen for Assistance to Civilians and Authorities of State and Bennington County]

App 20-4 (No. 58-88) [Veterans’ Advisory Council]

App 20-5 (No. 77-89) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan for Washington County]

App 20-6 (No. 82-90) [Designation of Vermont State Police as State Clearinghouse for Missing and Exploited Children]

App 20-7 (No. 06-91) [Utilization of National Guard to Carry Out Vermont’s Drug Enforcement Support Plan]

App 20-8 (No. 03-95) [Activation of National Guard to Assist Vermont State Police and the City of Burlington]

App 20-9 (No. 04-95) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Caledonia, Chittenden, Essex, Lamoille, Orleans and Washington Counties]

App 20-10 (No. 05-95) [Activation of National Guard to Assist State and Local Officials in Stabilizing Conditions Resulting From Flooding]

App 20-11 (No. 08-96) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan for State of Vermont]

App 20-12 (No. 11-96) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Windham and Windsor Counties]

App 20-13 (No. 12-96) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations in Windham County]

App 20-14 (No. 01-97) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Franklin, Lamoille, and Orleans Counties]

App 20-15 (No. 02-97) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Franklin, Lamoille, and Orleans Counties]

App 20-16 (No. 01-98) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Grand Isle County]

App 20-17 (No. 02-98) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Grand Isle County]

App 20-18 (No. 03-98) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison Counties]

App 20-19 (No. 04-98) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison Counties]

App 20-20 (No. 06-98) [Declaration of State of Emergency for Addison, Orange, Washington, and Windsor Counties]

App 20-21 (No. 07-98) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Flood Recovery Operations and Security in Addison, Orange, Washington, and Windsor Counties]

App 20-22 (No. 08-99) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan for Town of Springfield]

App 20-23 (No. 09-99) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Recovery Operations and Security in Town of Springfield]

App 20-24 (No. 10-99) [Vermont National Guard Trust Fund]

App 20-25 (No. 05-00) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency-Disaster Preparedness Plan for Addison, Bennington, Windham and Windsor Counties]

App 20-26 (No. 10-01) [Reconstitution of the Vermont Terrorism Task Force]

App 20-27 (No. 04-02) [Reestablishment of the Veterans Advisory Council]

App 20-28 (No. 05-02) [Declaration of State of Emergency for the County of Caledonia]

App 20-29 (No. 01-03) [Governor’s Homeland Security Advisory Council]

App 20-30 (No. 08-03) [Governor’s Veterans Advisory Council]

App 20-31 (No. 03-05) [Designation Of The National Incident Management System (NIMS) As The Basis For All Incident Management In The State]

App 20-32 (No. 05-05) [Activation of National Guard to Assist in Hurricane Recovery Operations and Security in the State of Louisiana]

App 20-33 (No. 02-06) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-34 (No. 04-07) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Operations Plan for State of Vermont]

App 20-35 (No. 08-07) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-36 (No. 04-08) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-37 (No. 05-08) [Declaration of State of Emergency and Activation of Emergency Operations Plan for Bennington, Orange, Windham, and Windsor Counties]

App 20-38 (No. 03-11) [Declaration of Emergency]

App 20-39 (No. 04-11) [Champlain Flooding Guard Call-Out]

App 20-40 (No. 06-11) [Barre Flooding Guard Call-Out]

App 20-41 (No. 11-11) [State of Emergency, Call-Out of Guard]

App 20-42 (No. 17-11) [Vermont Military Humanitarian Service Medal]

App 20-43 (No. 18-11) [Vermont National Guard Civilian Humanitarian Service Medal]

App 20-44 (No. 02-12) [Vermont Communications Board]

App 20-45 (No. 07-12) [Designation of The National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the Basis for all Incident Management in the State]

App 20-46 (No. 11-12) [Declaration of State of Emergency — Storm Sandy]

App 20-47 (No. 13-12) [Vermont National Guard Trust Fund Board]

App 20-48 (No. 04-13) [Governor’s Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council]

App 20-49 (No. 05-13) [Public Safety Broadband Network Commission]

App 20-50 (No. 05-15) [State of Emergency in Washington County, Call-Out of Guard]

App 20-51 (No. 10-17) [Activation of Vermont National Guard for Special Duty]

App 20-52 (No. 14-17) [Activation of Vermont National Guard in the Aftermath of Tropical System Harvey in the State of Texas]

App 20-53 (No. 16-17) [Activation of Vermont National Guard to Assist with Hurricane Irma]

App 20-54 (No. 17-17) [Governor’s Veterans Advisory Council]

App 20-55 (No. 03-18) [Governor’s Community Violence Prevention Task Force]

App 20-56 (No. 01-19) [State Emergency Management Plan Promulgation]

App 20-57 (No. 05-19) [Emergency Communications Advisory Council]

App 20-58 (No. 06-19) [Governor’s Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council]

App 20-59 (No. 01-20) [Declaration of State of Emergency in Response to COVID-19 and National Guard Call-Out]

App 20-60 (No. 03-20) [Governor’s Public Safety Reform Initiative]

App 20-61 (No. 05-20) [Emergency Guard Call-Out for Hospital Systems Restoration]

App 20-62 (No. 03-22) [Search and Rescue Council]

App 20-63 (No. 05-22) [Governor’s Violence Prevention Task Force]