Vermont Statutes
Chapter 11 - Supervision of Adult Inmates at the Correctional Facilities
§ 812. Denial of good time credit

§ 812. Denial of good time credit
If during the term of confinement an inmate commits any offense or violates any rule or regulation of the facility wherein he or she is confined, all or a portion of his or her good behavior reductions for the month of the offense or violation may be denied. Denial or forfeiture of good behavior reductions shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Commissioner, and in accordance with the procedure established in section 852 of this title. In addition, a maximum of 10 days of any previously earned reductions may be forfeited for each subsequent offense or violation of any rule or regulation that occurs in the same month. (Added 1971, No. 199 (Adj. Sess.), § 20; amended 1977, No. 149 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 28 - Public Institutions and Corrections

Chapter 11 - Supervision of Adult Inmates at the Correctional Facilities

§ 701. Commitment to the custody of the Commissioner

§ 701a. Segregation of inmates with a serious functional impairment

§ 701b. Classification of persons or defendants

§ 702. Transfer between facilities of the Department

§ 703. Transfer to the Department of Mental Health

§ 704. Disposition when person recovers

§ 705. Hospitalization upon expiration of sentence

§ 706. Transfer to federal correctional facility

§ 707. Confinement of persons convicted by U.S. courts

§ 708. Discharge

§ 710. Approval of residence

§ 721. Offender reintegration; State policy

§ 722. Definitions

§ 723. Community supervision furlough

§ 724. Terms and conditions of community supervision furlough

§ 725. Parole hearing for offenders on community supervision furlough

§ 726. Reduction of sentence

§ 751a. Definitions

§ 751b. General provisions governing offender work

§ 752. Offender Work Programs Special Fund

§ 753. Work release program

§ 754. Powers and responsibilities of the Department regarding the work release program

§ 755. Disposition of earnings

§ 757. Inmate not an agent of the State

§ 758. Release from a correctional facility to do work in the service of such facility or of the Department

§ 759. Employment and furlough of an inmate during the pendency of prosecution

§ 760. Compensation of offenders

§ 761. Offender work programs expansion

§ 801. Medical care of inmates

§ 801a. Pregnant inmates

§ 801b. Medication-assisted treatment in correctional facilities

§ 802. Correspondence of inmates

§ 802a. Telephone use; debit and collect call systems

§ 803. Exercise of religious beliefs

§ 804. Right of inmates to confer with counsel

§ 805. Counsel for an inmate confined during the pendency of prosecution

§ 806. Allowances to inmates

§ 807. Voting rights

§ 808. Temporary furloughs granted to offenders

§ 808a. Treatment furlough

§ 808d. Definition; eligible misdemeanor

§ 808e. Absconding from furlough; warrant

§ 809. Pardons; application; notice; hearing; decision

§ 810. Conditional pardon; breach

§ 811. Work camps; reduction of term

§ 812. Denial of good time credit

§ 813. Restoration of reductions

§ 814. Appointment of agent, attorney, or trustee for an inmate

§ 815. Development of guidelines; visitation and recreation

§ 816. Inmate Recreation Fund

§ 817. Creation of work camps; intent

§ 818. Earned time; reduction of term

§ 851. General provisions

§ 852. Disciplinary committee; hearing

§ 853. Punishment; maintenance of records; recommendation of transfer

§ 854. Grievances

§ 855. Hearing officers

§ 856. Special management meals

§ 857. Administrative segregation; procedural requirements

§ 901. Evaluation and treatment facilities

§ 902. Commitment and sentencing

§ 903. Access to treatment pending appeal; rule

§ 905. Legislative intent

§ 906. Definitions

§ 907. Mental health service for inmates; powers and responsibilities of Commissioner

§ 908. Access to mental health services; notice