Vermont Statutes
Chapter 11 - Supervision of Adult Inmates at the Correctional Facilities
§ 757. Inmate not an agent of the State

§ 757. Inmate not an agent of the State
No inmate participating in any work release program, or engaged in work, industry, or employment at a correctional facility, or any community service or a public works activity or vocational training at a correctional facility or in the community while under the supervision of officers, employees, volunteers, or contracted persons of the Department of Corrections shall be deemed to be a “volunteer” or “State employee” for any purpose whatsoever. (Added 1971, No. 199 (Adj. Sess.), § 20; amended 1993, No. 54, § 2.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 28 - Public Institutions and Corrections

Chapter 11 - Supervision of Adult Inmates at the Correctional Facilities

§ 701. Commitment to the custody of the Commissioner

§ 701a. Segregation of inmates with a serious functional impairment

§ 701b. Classification of persons or defendants

§ 702. Transfer between facilities of the Department

§ 703. Transfer to the Department of Mental Health

§ 704. Disposition when person recovers

§ 705. Hospitalization upon expiration of sentence

§ 706. Transfer to federal correctional facility

§ 707. Confinement of persons convicted by U.S. courts

§ 708. Discharge

§ 710. Approval of residence

§ 721. Offender reintegration; State policy

§ 722. Definitions

§ 723. Community supervision furlough

§ 724. Terms and conditions of community supervision furlough

§ 725. Parole hearing for offenders on community supervision furlough

§ 726. Reduction of sentence

§ 751a. Definitions

§ 751b. General provisions governing offender work

§ 752. Offender Work Programs Special Fund

§ 753. Work release program

§ 754. Powers and responsibilities of the Department regarding the work release program

§ 755. Disposition of earnings

§ 757. Inmate not an agent of the State

§ 758. Release from a correctional facility to do work in the service of such facility or of the Department

§ 759. Employment and furlough of an inmate during the pendency of prosecution

§ 760. Compensation of offenders

§ 761. Offender work programs expansion

§ 801. Medical care of inmates

§ 801a. Pregnant inmates

§ 801b. Medication-assisted treatment in correctional facilities

§ 802. Correspondence of inmates

§ 802a. Telephone use; debit and collect call systems

§ 803. Exercise of religious beliefs

§ 804. Right of inmates to confer with counsel

§ 805. Counsel for an inmate confined during the pendency of prosecution

§ 806. Allowances to inmates

§ 807. Voting rights

§ 808. Temporary furloughs granted to offenders

§ 808a. Treatment furlough

§ 808d. Definition; eligible misdemeanor

§ 808e. Absconding from furlough; warrant

§ 809. Pardons; application; notice; hearing; decision

§ 810. Conditional pardon; breach

§ 811. Work camps; reduction of term

§ 812. Denial of good time credit

§ 813. Restoration of reductions

§ 814. Appointment of agent, attorney, or trustee for an inmate

§ 815. Development of guidelines; visitation and recreation

§ 816. Inmate Recreation Fund

§ 817. Creation of work camps; intent

§ 818. Earned time; reduction of term

§ 851. General provisions

§ 852. Disciplinary committee; hearing

§ 853. Punishment; maintenance of records; recommendation of transfer

§ 854. Grievances

§ 855. Hearing officers

§ 856. Special management meals

§ 857. Administrative segregation; procedural requirements

§ 901. Evaluation and treatment facilities

§ 902. Commitment and sentencing

§ 903. Access to treatment pending appeal; rule

§ 905. Legislative intent

§ 906. Definitions

§ 907. Mental health service for inmates; powers and responsibilities of Commissioner

§ 908. Access to mental health services; notice