Vermont Statutes
Chapter 31 - Soil Conservation Act
§ 747a. Limitation; liability

§ 747a. Limitation; liability
(a) An action against the on-site sewage program provided by this subchapter, regarding the design, installation, or operation of any system, shall be brought against a conservation district only, and shall be brought within six years from certification of the system by an on-site sewage technician.
(b) An employee of a conservation district or the Vermont association of conservation districts, hired to implement the on-site sewage program provided by this subchapter, shall be immune from liability under the provisions of 24 V.S.A. § 901 regarding municipal officers. (Added 1995, No. 163 (Adj. Sess.), § 13a, eff. May 15, 1996.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 31 - Soil Conservation Act

§ 701. Policy

§ 702. Definitions

§ 703. State Natural Resources Conservation Council; members; duties

§ 704. Powers of Council

§ 705. Chair, quorum, compensation, surety bonds

§ 706. Funds; allocation of by Council

§ 708. Districts; unions; expenditure statement; duties of Council

§ 709. Petition to organize district

§ 710. Hearing on petition

§ 711. Determination of need; boundaries of proposed district

§ 712. Referendum

§ 713. Publication of results of referendum; determination of feasibility

§ 714. Appointment and election of supervisors; application for creation of district

§ 715. Establishment of district as governmental subdivision; certificate

§ 716. Subsequent petition may be filed; when

§ 717. Additional territory; petition to include

§ 718. Certificate as proof of validity of district

§ 719. Elections

§ 720. Supervisors as governing body of district; qualifications

§ 721. Terms, vacancies, compensation

§ 722. Duties of supervisors; bonds; records; removal

§ 723. Powers of supervisors

§ 724. Land-use, erosion control, and natural resources conservation rules; approval

§ 725. Uniformity of rules

§ 726. Ordinances prescribing rules; referendum

§ 727. Conduct of referendum

§ 728. Amendment or repeal of rules

§ 729. Termination of district

§ 730. Effect of termination

§ 731. Failure to observe land-use ordinance; conferences

§ 734. Supervisors may petition Superior Court

§ 735. Validation of defectively organized districts

§ 736. Division and combination of districts and unions — Generally

§ 737. Not more than three towns

§ 738. More than three towns

§ 739. Divided portion as new district

§ 740. Assumption of commitments

§ 747a. Limitation; liability