Vermont Statutes
Chapter 31 - Soil Conservation Act
§ 727. Conduct of referendum

§ 727. Conduct of referendum
The supervisors shall prescribe appropriate rules governing the conduct of the referendum, and shall publish and record the result of the ballot. All owners of lands within the district shall be eligible to vote in such referendum. (Amended 2019, No. 14, § 21, eff. April 30, 2019.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 31 - Soil Conservation Act

§ 701. Policy

§ 702. Definitions

§ 703. State Natural Resources Conservation Council; members; duties

§ 704. Powers of Council

§ 705. Chair, quorum, compensation, surety bonds

§ 706. Funds; allocation of by Council

§ 708. Districts; unions; expenditure statement; duties of Council

§ 709. Petition to organize district

§ 710. Hearing on petition

§ 711. Determination of need; boundaries of proposed district

§ 712. Referendum

§ 713. Publication of results of referendum; determination of feasibility

§ 714. Appointment and election of supervisors; application for creation of district

§ 715. Establishment of district as governmental subdivision; certificate

§ 716. Subsequent petition may be filed; when

§ 717. Additional territory; petition to include

§ 718. Certificate as proof of validity of district

§ 719. Elections

§ 720. Supervisors as governing body of district; qualifications

§ 721. Terms, vacancies, compensation

§ 722. Duties of supervisors; bonds; records; removal

§ 723. Powers of supervisors

§ 724. Land-use, erosion control, and natural resources conservation rules; approval

§ 725. Uniformity of rules

§ 726. Ordinances prescribing rules; referendum

§ 727. Conduct of referendum

§ 728. Amendment or repeal of rules

§ 729. Termination of district

§ 730. Effect of termination

§ 731. Failure to observe land-use ordinance; conferences

§ 734. Supervisors may petition Superior Court

§ 735. Validation of defectively organized districts

§ 736. Division and combination of districts and unions — Generally

§ 737. Not more than three towns

§ 738. More than three towns

§ 739. Divided portion as new district

§ 740. Assumption of commitments

§ 747a. Limitation; liability