§ 724. Withdrawal from or dissolution of a unified union school district
(a) Definition. As used in this section, “petitioning town” means the town within a unified union school district that seeks to withdraw from the union district pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(b) Withdrawal study committee.
(1) To initiate the process set forth in this section, the voters residing in the petitioning town shall submit petitions to the clerk of the unified union school district indicating the petitioners’ desire to withdraw the petitioning town from the union district. Individual petitions shall be signed by at least five percent of the voters residing in each of the towns within the union school district, with each town having its own petition. The petitioners shall submit each petition to that town’s town clerk for verification of the voting registration status of the signors. On a form created by the Secretary of State’s Office, and appended to each petition, shall be the names of three voters residing in the petitioning town to serve on a withdrawal study committee and a signed statement by each of the three named voters consenting to serve. Once each petition has been verified by the subject town clerk, the petitioners shall submit the petitions to the clerk of the unified union school district.
(2) Within 30 days after receiving the petition, the board of the union district shall recognize the creation of the withdrawal study committee and shall appoint a board subcommittee to serve as a liaison between the board and the withdrawal study committee and to represent the interests of the union district.
(3) Within 30 days after the board’s appointment of the liaison subcommittee, the superintendent of the union district shall convene the first formal meeting of the withdrawal study committee. The study committee shall elect one committee member to serve as chair.
(4) Before beginning any analysis under subsection (c) of this section or seeking technical or analytical services from the union district staff or supervisory union staff, or both, the withdrawal study committee shall obtain a letter of commitment from a supervisory union board to explore the provision of supervisory union services if withdrawal is ultimately approved.
(5) The withdrawal study committee is a public body pursuant to 1 V.S.A. § 310(4) and is subject to the requirements of chapter 5, subchapter 2 of that title.
(c) Analysis. The withdrawal study committee shall evaluate the strengths and challenges of the current union district structure and consider the ways in which the union district promotes or fails to promote the State policy set forth in section 701 of this chapter. At a minimum, the withdrawal study committee shall evaluate:
(1) the educational advantages and disadvantages likely to result from the proposed withdrawal of the petitioning town from the union district:
(A) on the students residing in the proposed new school district; and
(B) on the students remaining in the union district if withdrawal is approved;
(2) the educational advantages and disadvantages likely to result from the continued inclusion of the petitioning town as a town within the union district:
(A) on the students residing in the petitioning town; and
(B) on the students residing in the other towns within the union district;
(3) the financial advantages and disadvantages likely to result from the proposed withdrawal of the petitioning town from the union district:
(A) on the taxpayers residing in the proposed new school district; and
(B) on the taxpayers remaining in the union district if withdrawal is approved;
(4) the financial advantages and disadvantages likely to result from the continued inclusion of the petitioning town as a town within the union district:
(A) on the taxpayers residing in the petitioning town; and
(B) on the taxpayers residing in the other towns within the union district;
(5) the likely operational and financial viability and sustainability of:
(A) the proposed new school district; and
(B) the union district if withdrawal is approved;
(6) any other advantages and disadvantages of withdrawal, including any advantages and disadvantages to the students and taxpayers of the region and the State; and
(7) the potential source of supervisory union services for the proposed new school district, including discussions with the board of any supervisory union to which the report of the withdrawal study committee might propose assignment.
(d) Report, including a plan for withdrawal; decision not to prepare report.
(1) Report supporting withdrawal.
(A) If, after conducting the analysis required by subsection (c) of this section, the withdrawal study committee votes to advance the withdrawal process as further outlined in this section, then the committee shall prepare a report, which it shall deliver electronically to the union district board and which the superintendent shall publish on the district’s website.
(B) At a minimum, the report shall include:
(i) the analysis conducted pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, describing the ways in which the data and analysis:
(I) support withdrawal; and
(II) do not support the continuation of the union district in its current configuration;
(ii) the proposed financial terms of withdrawal, including the proposed ownership of buildings and other assets and the proposed responsibility for financial and other contractual obligations, including debts;
(iii) a plan, including a detailed timeline, for the actions the proposed new school district would take to ensure that, on a proposed operational date, it could provide for the education of its students in prekindergarten through grade 12 by operating all grades, tuitioning all grades, or operating some grades and tuitioning the remainder, in a manner that will meet educational quality standards as required by section 165 of this title, and including, if applicable, the process by which the proposed new school district would explore formation of a new union school district with one or more other school districts in the region and would integrate or condition any votes to withdraw with votes on formation of a new union district; and
(iv) a proposal, including analysis, for the potential source of supervisory union services for the proposed new school district, including, if applicable to the proposal:
(I) a recommendation of one or more potential supervisory unions to which the State Board could assign the proposed new school district; and
(II) a statement from the board of the potential supervisory union or unions regarding the ability and willingness to accept the proposed new school district as a member district.
(C) Within 45 days following receipt of the withdrawal study committee report, the union district board shall invite the members of the withdrawal study committee to attend a regularly scheduled meeting of the board to present the contents of its report and to answer any questions posed by the board. The board shall also invite the members of the liaison subcommittee to share any analysis and conclusions at the meeting. The withdrawal study committee has sole authority to determine the contents of its report.
(2) Decision not to propose withdrawal. If, after conducting the analysis required by subsection (c) of this section, the withdrawal study committee votes not to approve advancement of the withdrawal process, then:
(A) the withdrawal study committee shall prepare a brief written statement explaining the reasons underlying the votes supporting and not supporting advancement, which it shall deliver electronically to the union district board and which the superintendent shall publish on the district’s website;
(B) within 45 days following receipt of the withdrawal study committee report, the union district board shall invite the members of the withdrawal study committee to attend a regularly scheduled meeting of the board to present the contents of the written statement and to answer any questions posed by the board; and
(C) the withdrawal study committee shall cease to exist upon adjournment of the union district board’s meeting.
(e) Secretary and State Board.
(1) Secretary. If the study committee voted to proceed pursuant to subdivision (d)(1) of this section, then within 30 days after attending the union district board meeting pursuant to subdivision (d)(1)(C) of this section, it shall deliver its report electronically to the Secretary for review. The liaison subcommittee may also submit a report outlining its analysis and conclusions. The Secretary shall submit the report or reports, with recommendations, to the State Board.
(2) State Board review. The State Board:
(A) shall consider the report or reports and the Secretary’s recommendations;
(B) shall provide representatives of the withdrawal study committee and the liaison subcommittee an opportunity to be heard;
(C) may, in its discretion, take testimony from other individuals and entities;
(D) may ask the Secretary, the withdrawal study committee, or the liaison subcommittee to make further investigation and may consider any other information the State Board deems to be pertinent; and
(E) may request the members of the withdrawal study committee to amend the report.
(3) State Board action.
(A) Advisory opinion with positive recommendation. If the State Board finds that the withdrawal proposal contained in the report, including the most feasible options for the provision of supervisory union services to the proposed new school district, is in the best interests of the State, the region, the students, and the school districts and aligns with the policy set forth in section 701 of this title, then within 90 days after receiving the report of the study committee the State Board shall:
(i) issue an opinion recommending approval of the withdrawal proposal;
(ii) provide a preliminary assessment of most feasible options for the provision of supervisory union services to the proposed new school district if withdrawal is approved by the voters; and
(iii) make any other finding or declaration, and approve any other motion, related and necessary to the withdrawal proposal.
(B) Advisory opinion with negative recommendation. If the State Board finds that the withdrawal proposal contained in the report, including the most feasible options for the provision of supervisory union services to the proposed new school district, is not in the best interests of the State, the region, the students, and the school districts or does not align with the policy set forth in section 701 of this title, or both, then within 90 days after receiving the report of the study committee the State Board shall:
(i) issue an opinion recommending disapproval of the withdrawal proposal, including a written statement detailing the reasons supporting this conclusion;
(ii) provide a preliminary assessment of most feasible options for the provision of supervisory union services to the proposed new school district if withdrawal is approved by the voters; and
(iii) make any other finding or declaration and approve any other motion related and necessary to the withdrawal proposal.
(f) Vote of the electorate.
(1) Vote following positive recommendation of the State Board.
(A) Within 30 days after receipt of the State Board’s written recommendation, the superintendent shall file the withdrawal study committee’s report, the State Board’s written recommendation, and any report of the liaison subcommittee with the clerk of the union district and the town clerk of each town within the union district.
(B) Within 90 days after the clerk of the union district receiving the reports and recommendations described in subdivision (A) of this subsection, the voters of the union district, including those residing in the petitioning town, shall vote whether to approve withdrawal as set forth in the report. The question shall be determined by Australian ballot and shall proceed pursuant to sections 737 (warnings of unified union school district meetings) and 739–741 (vote by Australian ballot) of this chapter. The ballots shall not be commingled.
(C) Withdrawal from the union district shall occur if the question is approved by a majority vote of the union district voters living in each town within the district, including the petitioning town. If a majority of the voters in one or more towns within the union district do not vote in favor of withdrawal, then the proposed withdrawal shall not occur.
(D) Within 45 days after the vote or 15 days after a vote to reconsider the original vote under 17 V.S.A. § 2661, whichever is later, the clerk of each town within the union district shall certify the results of the vote to the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary shall advise the State Board of the certified results. Each clerk shall submit the certification regardless of whether the voters in that town approved withdrawal. The withdrawal study committee shall cease to exist when each clerk has submitted a certification to the Secretary.
(2) Vote following negative recommendation of the State Board.
(A) The superintendent shall file the withdrawal study committee’s report, the State Board’s written recommendation, and any report of the liaison subcommittee with the clerk of the union district and with the town clerk of each town within the union district.
(B) The union district voters residing in the petitioning town shall vote whether to withdraw from the union district pursuant to the terms set forth in the report.
(i) The question shall be determined by Australian ballot and shall proceed pursuant to sections 737 (warnings of unified union school district meetings) and 739–741 (vote by Australian ballot) of this chapter.
(ii) The withdrawal proposal shall proceed to a vote in each of the other towns within the union district only if approved by a majority of the union district voters residing in the petitioning town present and voting yes or no on the warned question. If a majority of the voters in the petitioning town do not vote in favor of withdrawal, then the proposed withdrawal shall not occur.
(C) Within 45 days after the vote in subdivision (B) of this subdivision (f)(2) or 15 days after a vote to reconsider the original vote under 17 V.S.A. § 2661, whichever is later, the clerk of the petitioning town shall certify the results of the vote to the Secretary of State who shall record the certificate and give notice of the vote to the clerk of the union district, the clerks of each of the other towns within the union district, and the Secretary of Education. The clerk of the petitioning town shall submit the certification regardless of whether the voters in the petitioning town approved withdrawal. The withdrawal study committee shall cease to exist upon submission of the certification.
(D) If the union district voters residing in the petitioning town approve the withdrawal proposal pursuant to subdivision (B) of this subdivision (f)(2), then, within 90 days after receiving notice of the certification as required in subdivision (C) of this subdivision (f)(2), the voters of the union district residing in each of the other towns shall vote on the same day whether to approve withdrawal of the petitioning town as set forth in the final report.
(i) The question shall be determined by Australian ballot and shall proceed pursuant to sections 737 (warnings of unified union school district meetings) and 739–741 (vote by Australian ballot) of this chapter. The ballots shall not be commingled.
(ii) Withdrawal from the union district shall occur if the question is approved by a majority vote of the union district voters living in each of the other towns within the union district. If a majority of the voters in one or more towns within the union district do not vote in favor of withdrawal, then the proposed withdrawal shall not occur.
(E) Within 45 days after the vote in subdivision (D) of this subdivision (f)(2) or 15 days after a vote to reconsider the original vote under 17 V.S.A. § 2661, whichever is later, the clerk of each of the other towns within the union district shall certify the results of the vote to the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary shall advise the State Board of the certified results. Each clerk shall submit the certification regardless of whether the voters in that town approved withdrawal. The withdrawal study committee shall cease to exist when each clerk has submitted a certification to the Secretary.
(g) Election of potential board members. On the day on which they vote whether to approve withdrawal, the union district voters residing in the petitioning town shall also vote for three individual registered voters from the petitioning town to serve as the initial members of the proposed new school district’s board if withdrawal is approved. The nomination and election of the initial members shall proceed pursuant to subdivision 730(a)(1) of this chapter (election of board members under the proportional to town model by Australian ballot). The term of office for each initial member shall be arranged so that one term expires on the day of the second annual meeting of the proposed new school district, one term expires on the day of the third annual meeting, and one term expires on the day of the fourth annual meeting.
(h) State Board’s duties if withdrawal is approved. If the union district voters approve withdrawal pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, then upon receiving notice from the Secretary pursuant to subdivision (f)(1)(D) or (f)(2)(E) of this section, the State Board shall:
(1) Declare the withdrawal approved as of the date of the Board’s meeting; provided, however, that withdrawal shall not be final until the date identified in the voter-approved proposal of withdrawal.
(2) Declare the creation and existence of the new school district, effective on the date of the Board’s declaration; provided, however, that:
(A) the new school district shall assume full and sole responsibility for the education of its resident students on the date identified in the voter-approved proposal of withdrawal; and
(B) until the identified operational date, the new school district shall exist for the sole purposes of:
(i) convening an organizational meeting of the voters of the new school district to prepare the district to assume its responsibilities;
(ii) organizing the school board of the new school district, which shall be responsible for preparing a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on the identified operational date;
(iii) approving the budget of the new school district for the fiscal year beginning on the identified operational date; and
(iv) taking any other actions necessary, as district voters or as a school board, for the new school district to assume full responsibility for providing for the education of the district’s resident students in all grades, prekindergarten through grade 12, on the identified operational date.
(3) Determine or set a schedule for determining the manner in which supervisory union services will be provided to the new school district, to be effective on the district’s identified operational date.
(A) In addition to the considerations set forth in section 261 of this title, when the State Board makes its determination, it shall consider the potential positive and negative consequences on all affected districts and supervisory unions if supervisory union services were provided to the new school district in a manner that required:
(i) a union district serving as its own supervisory district to become a member of a multidistrict supervisory union; or
(ii) a neighboring supervisory union to accept one or more additional districts that the supervisory union testifies it is not able to accommodate.
(B) If assigned to a multidistrict supervisory union, then the board of the new school district may appoint its members to the supervisory union board pursuant to section 266 of this title, where they may participate as nonvoting members of that board until the new school district’s operational date.
(i) Certification; Secretary of State. If the State Board declares the creation and existence of a new school district pursuant to subdivision (h)(2) of this section, then within 30 days following such action the Secretary of Education shall certify the adjustment of the towns within the union district to the Secretary of State. When the Secretary of State records the certification of the Secretary of Education, the towns within the union district shall be adjusted accordingly; provided, however, that the voter-approved proposal of withdrawal shall establish the date on which withdrawal shall be final, the new school district shall assume full and sole responsibility for the education of its resident students, and the union school district shall no longer have responsibility for the education of those students. Not more than 14 days after the date the Secretary of Education certifies the adjustment, the Secretary of State shall file a certified copy of the recorded certification with the clerk of the union district and the clerk for the town in which the new school district is located. Filing a certified copy with the clerks shall be prima facie evidence of full compliance with the requirements for adjusting the union school district by withdrawal as set forth in this section.
(j) Timing of action.
(1) The voters residing in any town within a union district shall not initiate the withdrawal process set forth in this section within the first year after the latter of the operational date of a newly formed union district or, if applicable, the operational date of a union district adjusted pursuant to subsection (i) of this section.
(2) If a petitioning town’s action to withdraw from a union school district is unsuccessful, then the voters residing in that town shall not initiate a new withdrawal action under this section until two years after either a withdrawal study committee votes not to approve advancement of the withdrawal process or the vote by the voters that concluded the initial withdrawal action. (Added 2021, No. 176 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. June 7, 2022.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 11 - Union School Districts
§ 703. Application of other laws and articles of agreement
§ 706. Proposal to form study committee; budget and membership
§ 707. Approval of study budget; appointment of study committee; participation
§ 710. Vote to form union school district
§ 711. Vote to elect initial members of the union school district board
§ 715. Organizational meeting; notice; business to be transacted
§ 716. Transition to full operations
§ 717. Dissolution, reorganization, and discontinuation of forming districts
§ 718. Transfer of real property to town in which it is located
§ 719. Supervisory union; supervisory district
§ 721. Joining an existing union school district
§ 722. Amendments to articles of agreement
§ 723. Decision to vote by Australian ballot
§ 724. Withdrawal from or dissolution of a unified union school district
§ 725. Withdrawal from or dissolution of a union elementary or union high school district
§ 729. Board members; term; conduct of meetings; quorum and voting; powers and duties
§ 730. Unified union school district board members; nomination and election; bond
§ 731. Vacancy on unified union school district board
§ 732. Unified union school district budget; preparation and authorization
§ 735. Officers; election; term; vacancy; bond
§ 736. Officers; powers, duties, and liabilities
§ 737. Warnings of unified union school district meetings
§ 738. Checklist for union district meetings where voting is conducted from the floor
§ 739. Conduct of vote if by Australian ballot
§ 740. Preparation and form of Australian ballot
§ 741. Counting of Australian ballots
§ 742. Commingling and reporting of all votes cast by Australian Ballot and from the floor
§ 743. Bond issues; debt limit
§ 747. Board members; term; conduct of meetings; quorum and voting; powers and duties
§ 748. Union elementary and union high school district board members; nomination and election; bond
§ 749. Vacancy on union elementary or union high school district board
§ 750. Union elementary or union high school district budget; preparation and authorization
§ 753. Officers; election; term; vacancy; bond
§ 754. Officers; powers, duties, and liabilities
§ 755. Warnings of union elementary and union high school district meetings
§ 756. Union district meetings conducted from the floor
§ 757. Conduct of vote if by Australian ballot
§ 758. Preparation and form of Australian ballot
§ 759. Counting and reporting results of vote by Australian ballot
§ 760. Bond issues; debt limit
§ 763. Ratification; articles of agreement; application of chapter