Vermont Statutes
Chapter 11 - Union School Districts
§ 711. Vote to elect initial members of the union school district board

§ 711. Vote to elect initial members of the union school district board
(a) Election of initial members of union school district board. At the meeting warned to vote on formation of a union school district under section 710 of this chapter, the voters shall also elect the initial members who will serve on the board of the union school district if the voters approve the district’s formation.
(1) The vote to elect the initial members shall be by Australian ballot.
(2) The opportunity for early and absentee voting pursuant to 17 V.S.A. §§ 2531–2550 shall be provided.
(b) Representation and term length. Initial membership on a union school district board shall be pursuant to the method of representation set forth in the articles of agreement, for the terms specified in that document, and pursuant to the provisions of this section and subdivisions 708(c)(9) and (10) (study committee; proposed articles of agreement; apportionment and terms) of this chapter.
(c) Operational definitions. As used in subsections (d) and (e) of this section, any term not defined in section 702 of this chapter shall have its plain meaning, except as provided in this subsection.
(1) If, pursuant to section 425 (other town school district officers) of this title, the voters of a school district have elected a district clerk who is not also the clerk of the town served by the school district, then “town clerk” means the elected clerk of that school district.
(2) Notwithstanding subdivision (1) of this subsection, if a potential forming district is an existing unified union school district, then:
(A) Reference to the voters of the “school district” means the voters of each town within the existing unified union school district, who shall vote at a location in their town of residence that is identified in the warning issued by the existing unified union school district; provided, however, that the total of all votes cast in the towns shall determine the modified at-large and at-large election of initial board members pursuant to subdivisions (d)(2) (proposed unified union district; modified at-large), (d)(3) (proposed union district; at-large), (e)(2) (proposed union elementary or union high school district; modified at-large), and (e)(3) (proposed union elementary or union high school district; at-large) of this section, as well as whether the existing unified union school district approves formation of the new unified union school district.
(B) “Town clerk” means the clerk of each town within the existing unified union school district; provided, however, that the town clerk of each town shall transmit the name of each duly nominated candidate to the clerk of the existing unified union school district, who shall prepare the unified union school district ballot for that town and transmit the ballot to the town clerk to make available to the voters.
(3) Notwithstanding subdivision (1) (clerk of school district) of this subsection, if a town is a member of both a union elementary school district and a union high school district, is not independently organized as a district that is responsible for the education of students in any grade, and does not have a town school district board, then:
(A) reference to the voters of the “school district” means the voters of the town that is the member of both existing union school districts, who shall vote at a location in their town of residence that is identified in the warning issued by:
(i) the existing union elementary school district if the voters are voting on a proposed unified union school district or a proposed union elementary school district; or
(ii) the existing union high school district if the voters are voting on a proposed union high school district; and
(B) “town clerk” means the clerk of the town that is a member of both existing union school districts; provided, however, that the town clerk shall transmit the name of each duly nominated candidate to the clerk of the union school district identified in subdivision (A) of this subdivision (3), who shall prepare the ballot for that town and transmit the ballot to the town clerk to make available to the voters.
(d) Proposed unified union school district. Subject to the provisions of subsections 706(c) (existing union school districts) and 708(b) (necessary and advisable school districts) of this chapter, the voters of each school district identified as “necessary” or “advisable” shall vote whether to elect initial board members of a proposed unified union school district, as follows
(1) Proportional to town population. When representation on the board of a proposed unified union school district is apportioned to each potential town within the proposed district in a number that is closely proportional to the town’s relative population:
(A) Voters of each school district identified as either “necessary” or “advisable” to formation of the proposed unified union school district shall file a petition nominating a candidate for the office of unified union school district board member based on town population. A petition shall be valid only if:
(i) the candidate is a current voter of the town;
(ii) the petition identifies the term of office for which the candidate is nominated;
(iii) the petition is signed by at least 30 voters residing in the town or one percent of the legal voters in the town, whichever is less;
(iv) the voters file the petition with the town clerk of the town in which the candidate resides not later than 5:00 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election; and
(v) the candidate files with the town clerk a written consent to the printing of the candidate’s name on the ballot.
(B) The town clerk shall place the name of each duly nominated candidate on the ballot to be presented to the voters of the school district.
(C) The voters of the school district for the town in which the candidate resides shall elect as many board members to the unified union school board as are apportioned based on the town’s population.
(2) Modified at-large model: allocation to town; at-large representation. When representation on the board of a proposed unified union school district is allocated to each potential town within the proposed district, but the allocation is not closely proportional to the town’s relative population and the board member is elected at-large:
(A) Voters of each school district identified as either “necessary” or “advisable” to formation of the proposed unified union school district shall file a petition nominating a candidate for the office of unified union school district board member allocated to the voters’ town. A petition shall be valid only if:
(i) the candidate is a current voter of the town;
(ii) the petition identifies the term of office for which the candidate is nominated;
(iii) the petition is signed by at least 30 voters residing in the town or one percent of the legal voters in the town, whichever is less;
(iv) the voters file the petition with the town clerk of the town in which the candidate resides not later than 5:00 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election; and
(v) the candidate files with the town clerk a written consent to the printing of the candidate’s name on the ballot.
(B) Upon receipt of a petition for a unified union school district board member allocated to a potential town within the proposed district but to be elected at-large under the modified at-large model, the town clerk shall place the name of the duly nominated candidate on the ballot to be presented to the voters of the school district and shall notify the town clerks preparing the ballots for the voters of each of the other “necessary” school districts and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed unified union school district to place the candidate’s name on the ballot presented to the voters in those districts. Alternatively, at their discretion, the town clerks may meet jointly to prepare a uniform ballot.
(C) The voters of each “necessary” school district and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed unified union school district shall vote for the board members to be elected at-large under the modified at-large model; provided, however, that ballots shall be included in the calculation of total votes cast pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 714(a)(2) (calculation of votes) of this chapter.
(3) At-large representation. When representation on the board of a proposed unified union school district is not apportioned or allocated to the potential towns within the proposed district pursuant to subdivision (1) (proportional to town population) or (2) (modified at-large) of this subsection and the board member is elected at-large:
(A) The voters of one or more school districts identified as “necessary” to formation of the proposed unified union school district shall file a petition nominating a candidate for the office of unified union school district board member at-large. A petition shall be valid only if:
(i) the candidate is a current voter of a school district identified as “necessary” to the formation of the proposed union school district;
(ii) the petition identifies the term of office for which the candidate is nominated;
(iii) the petition is signed by at least 60 voters residing in one or more school districts identified as “necessary” to the formation of the proposed unified union school district;
(iv) the voters file the petition with the town clerk in the “necessary” school district in which the candidate resides not later than 5:00 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election; and
(v) the candidate files with the town clerk a written consent to the printing of the candidate’s name on the ballot.
(B) Upon receipt of a petition for a unified union school district board member elected at-large, the town clerk shall place the name of the duly nominated candidate on the ballot to be presented to the voters of the school district and shall notify the town clerks preparing the ballots for the voters of each of the other “necessary” school districts and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed unified union school district to place the candidate’s name on the ballot presented to the voters in those districts. Alternatively, at their discretion, the town clerks may meet jointly to prepare a uniform ballot.
(C) The voters of each “necessary” school district and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed unified union school district shall vote for the members to be elected at-large; provided, however, that ballots shall be included in the calculation of total votes cast pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 714(a)(2) (calculation of votes) of this chapter.
(e) Proposed union elementary or union high school district. Subject to the provisions of subsections 706(c) (existing union school districts) and 708(b) (necessary and advisable school districts) of this chapter, the voters of each school district identified as “necessary” or “advisable” shall vote whether to elect initial board members of the proposed union school district, as follows:
(1) Proportional to town population. When representation on the board of a proposed union elementary or union high school district is apportioned to each potential member district of the proposed district in a number that is closely proportional to the potential member district’s relative population:
(A) Voters of each school district identified as either “necessary” or “advisable” to formation of the proposed union school district shall file a petition nominating a candidate for the office of union school district board member representing the potential member district. A petition shall be valid only if:
(i) the candidate is a current voter of the potential member district;
(ii) the petition identifies the term of office for which the candidate is nominated;
(iii) the petition is signed by at least 30 voters residing in the potential member district or one percent of the legal voters in the district, whichever is less;
(iv) the petition is filed with the town clerk not later than 5:00 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election; and
(v) the candidate files with the town clerk a written consent to the printing of the candidate’s name on the ballot.
(B) The town clerk shall place the name of each duly nominated candidate on the ballot to be presented to the voters of the potential member district.
(C) The voters of the district shall elect as many board members as are apportioned to the potential member district based on population.
(2) Modified at-large model: allocation to town; at-large representation. When representation on the board of a proposed union elementary or union high school district is allocated to each potential member district, but the allocation is not closely proportional to the potential member district’s relative population and the board member is elected at-large:
(A) Voters of each school district identified as either “necessary” or “advisable” to formation of the proposed union school district shall file a petition nominating a candidate for the office of union school district board member allocated to the potential member district. A petition shall be valid only if:
(i) the candidate is a current voter of the potential member district;
(ii) the petition identifies the term of office for which the candidate is nominated;
(iii) the petition is signed by at least 30 voters residing in the potential member district or one percent of the legal voters in the district, whichever is less;
(iv) the petition is filed with the town clerk of the school district in which the candidate resides not later than 5:00 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election; and
(v) the candidate files with the town clerk a written consent to the printing of the candidate’s name on the ballot.
(B) Upon receipt of a petition for union school district board member allocated to a potential member district but to be elected at-large under the modified at-large mode, the town clerk shall place the name of the duly nominated candidate on the ballot to be presented to the voters of the potential member district and shall notify the town clerks preparing the ballots for the voters of each of the other “necessary” school districts and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed union school district to place the candidate’s name on the ballot presented to the voters in those districts. Alternatively, at their discretion, the town clerks may meet jointly to prepare a uniform ballot.
(C) The voters of each “necessary” school district and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed unified union school district shall vote for the board members to be elected at-large under the modified at-large model; provided, however, that ballots shall be included in the calculation of total votes cast pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 714(a)(2) (calculation of votes) of this chapter.
(3) At-large representation. When representation on the board of a proposed union elementary or union high school district board is not apportioned or allocated to the potential member districts pursuant to subdivision (1) (proportional to town population) or (2) (modified at large) of this subsection and the board member is elected at-large:
(A) The voters of one or more school districts identified as “necessary” to the formation of the proposed union school district shall file a petition nominating a candidate for the office of union school district board member at-large. A petition shall be valid only if:
(i) the candidate is a current voter of a school district identified as “necessary” to the formation of the proposed union school district;
(ii) the petition identifies the term of office for which the candidate is nominated;
(iii) the petition is signed by at least 60 voters residing in one or more school districts identified as “necessary” to the formation of the proposed union school district;
(iv) the petition is filed with the town clerk in the “necessary” school district in which the candidate resides not later than 5:00 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election; and
(v) the candidate files with the town clerk a written consent to the printing of the candidate’s name on the ballot.
(B) Upon receipt of a petition for a union school district board member to be elected at-large, the town clerk shall place the name of the duly nominated candidate on the ballot to be presented to the voters of the school district and shall notify the town clerks preparing the ballots for the voters of each of the other “necessary” school districts and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed union school district to place the candidate’s name on the ballot presented to the voters in those districts. Alternatively, at their discretion, the town clerks may meet jointly to prepare a uniform ballot.
(C) The voters of each “necessary” school district and of each “advisable” school district voting on formation of the proposed union school district shall vote for the board members to be elected at-large; provided, however, that ballots shall be included in the calculation of total votes cast pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 714(a)(2) (calculation of votes) of this chapter.
(f) Weighted voting. If representation on a union school district board is apportioned based upon population pursuant to subdivision (d)(1) or (e)(1) of this section, then the union school district may achieve proportionality through a system of weighted voting. (Added 2021, No. 176 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. June 7, 2022.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 16 - Education

Chapter 11 - Union School Districts

§ 701. Policy

§ 702. Definitions

§ 703. Application of other laws and articles of agreement

§ 706. Proposal to form study committee; budget and membership

§ 707. Approval of study budget; appointment of study committee; participation

§ 708. Study committee; necessary and advisable districts; contents of study committee report and proposed articles; dissolution of committee

§ 709. Review by local school district boards; consideration and approval by State Board of Education

§ 710. Vote to form union school district

§ 711. Vote to elect initial members of the union school district board

§ 712. Contents of warning on votes to establish the union school district and elect the initial members of the union school district board

§ 713. Certification of votes; designation of district as union school district; recording by Secretary of State

§ 714. Initial members of union school district board; tallying of at-large votes; oath of office and assumption of duties

§ 715. Organizational meeting; notice; business to be transacted

§ 716. Transition to full operations

§ 717. Dissolution, reorganization, and discontinuation of forming districts

§ 718. Transfer of real property to town in which it is located

§ 719. Supervisory union; supervisory district

§ 721. Joining an existing union school district

§ 722. Amendments to articles of agreement

§ 723. Decision to vote by Australian ballot

§ 724. Withdrawal from or dissolution of a unified union school district

§ 725. Withdrawal from or dissolution of a union elementary or union high school district

§ 729. Board members; term; conduct of meetings; quorum and voting; powers and duties

§ 730. Unified union school district board members; nomination and election; bond

§ 731. Vacancy on unified union school district board

§ 732. Unified union school district budget; preparation and authorization

§ 733. Annual report; data

§ 735. Officers; election; term; vacancy; bond

§ 736. Officers; powers, duties, and liabilities

§ 737. Warnings of unified union school district meetings

§ 738. Checklist for union district meetings where voting is conducted from the floor

§ 739. Conduct of vote if by Australian ballot

§ 740. Preparation and form of Australian ballot

§ 741. Counting of Australian ballots

§ 742. Commingling and reporting of all votes cast by Australian Ballot and from the floor

§ 743. Bond issues; debt limit

§ 745. Definitions

§ 747. Board members; term; conduct of meetings; quorum and voting; powers and duties

§ 748. Union elementary and union high school district board members; nomination and election; bond

§ 749. Vacancy on union elementary or union high school district board

§ 750. Union elementary or union high school district budget; preparation and authorization

§ 751. Annual report; data

§ 753. Officers; election; term; vacancy; bond

§ 754. Officers; powers, duties, and liabilities

§ 755. Warnings of union elementary and union high school district meetings

§ 756. Union district meetings conducted from the floor

§ 757. Conduct of vote if by Australian ballot

§ 758. Preparation and form of Australian ballot

§ 759. Counting and reporting results of vote by Australian ballot

§ 760. Bond issues; debt limit

§ 763. Ratification; articles of agreement; application of chapter

§ 764. Secretary of State; recording certificates