Vermont Statutes
Chapter 159 - Waste Management
§ 6607a. Waste transportation; commercial hauler permit requirement

§ 6607a. Waste transportation; commercial hauler permit requirement
(a) A commercial hauler desiring to transport waste within the State shall apply to the Secretary for a permit to do so by submitting an application on a form prepared for this purpose by the Secretary and by submitting the disclosure statement described in section 6605f of this title. These permits shall have a duration of five years and shall be renewed annually. The application shall indicate the nature of the waste to be hauled. The Secretary may specify conditions that the Secretary deems necessary to ensure compliance with State law.
(b) As used in this section:
(1) “Commercial hauler” means:
(A) any person that transports regulated quantities of hazardous waste; and
(B) any person that transports solid waste for compensation in a motor vehicle.
(2) The commercial hauler required to obtain a permit under this section is the legal or commercial entity that is transporting the waste, rather than the individual employees and subcontractors of the legal or commercial entity. In the case of a sole proprietorship, the sole proprietor is the commercial entity.
(3) The Secretary shall not require a commercial hauler to obtain a permit under this section, comply with the disclosure requirements of this section, comply with the reporting and registration requirements of section 6608 of this title, or pay the fee specified in 3 V.S.A. § 2822, if:
(A) the commercial hauler does not transport more than four cubic yards of solid waste at any time; and
(B) the solid waste transportation services performed are incidental to other nonwaste services performed by the commercial hauler.
(c) Wastes shall be subject to inspection, by an agent of the Secretary or any duly authorized law enforcement officer, during transportation or upon delivery to a facility, for compliance with the requirements of State law.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle subject to the provisions of this section upon any public highway in the State without first obtaining the permit from the Secretary, or to so operate without having in the vehicle a permit issued under this section.
(e) A violation of this section shall be considered a traffic violation within the meaning of 23 V.S.A. chapter 24.
(f) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not more than $200.00 for a traffic violation. The penalties imposed by this subsection shall be in addition to other penalties imposed by this chapter.
(g)(1) Except as set forth in subdivisions (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection, a commercial hauler that offers the collection of municipal solid waste:
(A) Beginning on July 1, 2015, shall offer to collect mandated recyclables separate from other solid waste and deliver mandated recyclables to a facility maintained and operated for the management and recycling of mandated recyclables.
(B) Beginning on July 1, 2020, shall offer to nonresidential customers and apartment buildings with four or more residential units collection of food residuals separate from other solid waste and deliver to a location that manages food residuals in a manner consistent with the priority uses established under subdivisions 6605k(a)(2)-(5) of this title. Commercial haulers shall not be required to offer collection of food residuals if another commercial hauler provides collection services for food residuals in the same area and has sufficient capacity to provide service to all customers.
(2) In a municipality that has adopted a solid waste management ordinance addressing the collection of mandated recyclables or food residuals, a commercial hauler in that municipality is not required to comply with the requirements of subdivision (1) of this subsection and subsection (h) of this section for the material addressed by the ordinance if the ordinance:
(A) is applicable to all residents of the municipality;
(B) prohibits a resident from opting out of municipally provided solid waste services; and
(C) does not apply a variable rate for the collection for the material addressed by the ordinance.
(3) A commercial hauler is not required to comply with the requirements of subdivision (1)(A) or (B) of this subsection in a specified area within a municipality if:
(A) the Secretary has approved a solid waste implementation plan for the municipality;
(B) for purposes of waiver of the requirements of subdivision (1)(A) of this subsection (g), the Secretary determines that under the approved plan:
(i) the municipality is achieving the per capita disposal rate in the State Solid Waste Plan; and
(ii) the municipality demonstrates that its progress toward meeting the diversion goal in the State Solid Waste Plan is substantially equivalent to that of municipalities complying with the requirements of subdivision (1)(A) of this subsection (g);
(C) the approved plan delineates an area where solid waste management services required by subdivision (1)(A) or (B) of this subsection (g) are not required; and
(D) in the delineated area, alternatives to the services, including on-site management, required under subdivision (1)(A) or (B) of this subsection (g), are offered, the alternative services have capacity to serve the needs of all residents in the delineated area, and the alternative services are convenient to residents of the delineated area.
(4) A commercial hauler is not required to comply with the requirements of subdivision (1)(A) or (B) of this subsection for mandated recyclables or food residuals collected as part of a litter collection.
(h) A commercial hauler certified under this section that offers the collection of municipal solid waste may not charge a separate line item fee on a bill to a residential customer for the collection of mandated recyclables, provided that a commercial hauler may charge a fee for all service calls, stops, or collections at a residential property and a commercial hauler may charge a tiered or variable fee based on the size of the collection container provided to a residential customer or the amount of waste collected from a residential customer. A commercial hauler certified under this section may incorporate the cost of the collection of mandated recyclables into the cost of the collection of solid waste and may adjust the charge for the collection of solid waste. A commercial hauler certified under this section that offers the collection of solid waste may charge a separate fee for the collection of food residuals from a residential customer.
(i) A commercial hauler that operates a bag-drop or fast-trash site at a fixed location to collect municipal solid waste shall offer at the site all collection services required under 10 V.S.A. § 6605(j). (Added 1987, No. 78, § 11; amended 1987, No. 246 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. June 13, 1988; 1993, No. 81, § 4; 1993, No. 157 (Adj. Sess.), § 6; 1995, No. 141 (Adj. Sess.), § 8, eff. April 30, 1996; 2011, No. 148 (Adj. Sess.), § 8; 2013, No. 175 (Adj. Sess.), § 6; 2015, No. 57, § 23; 2015, No. 95 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 10, 2016; 2017, No. 47, § 3b, eff. May 23, 2017; 2017, No. 208 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 30, 2018; 2019, No. 83, § 17, eff. July 1, 2020; 2021, No. 170 (Adj. Sess.), § 7, eff. July 1, 2022.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 159 - Waste Management

§ 6601. Declaration of policy and purpose

§ 6602. Definitions

§ 6603. Secretary; powers

§ 6603c. Implementation grants and loans for waste management

§ 6603d. User fee implementation assistance

§ 6603g. Hazardous Waste Facility Grant Program

§ 6603h. Host community fee

§ 6603i. Landfill closure grants

§ 6603j. Curbside collection of waste oil

§ 6604. Solid waste management plan

§ 6604a. Contaminated soils

§ 6604b. Testing of solid wastes prior to beneficial use on land or distribution and marketing

§ 6604c. Management of development soils

§ 6605. Solid waste management facility certification

§ 6605a. Review of existing landfills

§ 6605b. Interim certification

§ 6605c. Solid waste categorical certifications

§ 6605d. Provisional certification

§ 6605e. Closure extension orders

§ 6605f. Waste management personnel background review

§ 6605g. Incineration emissions

§ 6605h. Composting registration

§ 6605j. Accepted composting practices

§ 6605k. Food residuals; management hierarchy

§ 6605l. Public collection containers for solid waste

§ 6605m. Architectural waste recycling

§ 6606. Hazardous waste certification

§ 6606a. Certificate of need

§ 6606b. Permits issued by the Secretary related to hazardous waste facilities

§ 6606c. Management of unregulated hazardous waste

§ 6607. Transportation of hazardous wastes

§ 6607a. Waste transportation; commercial hauler permit requirement

§ 6608. Records; reports; monitoring

§ 6608a. Economic poisons

§ 6608b. Radioactive wastes mixed with hazardous wastes

§ 6609. Inspections; right of entry

§ 6610a. Enforcement

§ 6611. Financial responsibility

§ 6612. Penalties

§ 6613. Variances

§ 6614. Waiver

§ 6615. Liability

§ 6615a. Diligent and appropriate investigation for hazardous materials

§ 6615b. Corrective action procedures

§ 6615c. Information requests

§ 6615d. Natural resource damages; liability; rulemaking

§ 6615e. Relief for contaminated potable water supplies

§ 6616. Release prohibition

§ 6617. Person responsible for release; notice to Agency

§ 6618. Waste Management Assistance Fund

§ 6619. Packaging information

§ 6620. Permits issued by the Secretary related to solid waste facilities

§ 6620a. Limitations on the use of heavy metals in packaging

§ 6621a. Landfill disposal requirements

§ 6621b. Regulation of certain dry cell batteries

§ 6621c. Lead-acid batteries; collection for recycling

§ 6622. Source separation incentives

§ 6622b. Appeals

§ 6623. Goals and purpose

§ 6624. Definitions

§ 6625. Toxics use reduction and hazardous waste reduction program

§ 6626. Plan and report formats; data information system

§ 6627. Technical and research assistance program

§ 6628. Plan, plan summary, and performance report review

§ 6629. Toxics use reduction and hazardous waste reduction plan; plan summary

§ 6630. Toxics use reduction and hazardous waste reduction performance report

§ 6632. Trade secrets

§ 6633. Interagency Committee on Chemical Management

§ 6641. Brownfield Property Cleanup Program; creation; powers

§ 6642. Definitions

§ 6643. Application process

§ 6644. General obligations

§ 6645. Eligibility

§ 6646. Forbearance

§ 6647. Site investigation

§ 6648. Corrective action plan

§ 6649. Amendments to a corrective action plan

§ 6650. Program withdrawal

§ 6651. Implementation of corrective action plan

§ 6652. Certificate of completion

§ 6653. Release from liability; personal release from liability

§ 6654. Brownfield Revitalization Fund; creation; assistance

§ 6655. State Plan for Brownfield Reclamation

§ 6671. Purpose

§ 6672. Definitions

§ 6673. Paint Stewardship Program

§ 6674. Retailer responsibility

§ 6675. Agency responsibility

§ 6676. Anticompetitive conduct

§ 6677. Producer reporting requirements

§ 6678. Confidential business information

§ 6679. Rulemaking; procedure

§ 6680. Universal waste designation for postconsumer paint

§ 6691. Definitions

§ 6692. Single-use plastic carryout bags; prohibition

§ 6693. Recyclable paper carryout bag

§ 6694. Single-use plastic straws

§ 6695. Single-use plastic stirrers

§ 6696. Expanded polystyrene food service products

§ 6697. Civil penalties; warning

§ 6698. Inventory exception

§ 6699. Application to municipal bylaws, ordinances, or charters; preemption

§ 6700. Rulemaking