Vermont Statutes
Chapter 159 - Waste Management
§ 6605a. Review of existing landfills

§ 6605a. Review of existing landfills
(a) By July 1, 1990, the Secretary of Natural Resources shall complete a review of each landfill that is operating or certified as of July 1, 1987, to determine whether it should be closed or continue to operate and whether remedial action is necessary. The review shall assess:
(1) The impact of the landfill on groundwater, surface water, and air quality.
(2) The operating history and compliance status of the landfill.
(3) The potential of the landfill to affect the public health taking into account:
(A) the proximity of drinking water supplies or buildings in regular use;
(B) the nature and extent of actual or expected air and water contamination;
(C) the ownership and use of surrounding land; and
(D) the size, age, capacity, and use of the landfill.
(b) Within 120 days after the review is completed, the Secretary shall propose to certify the landfill or to grant an interim certification pursuant to section 6605b of this title to close or upgrade the landfill. A landfill shall be closed or remedial action shall be required if the Secretary finds that it has caused or is likely to cause a significant risk to public health or the environment.
(c) No later than July 1, 1991 the operating portion of each landfill shall be lined, if required under the provisions of subsection 6605(d) of this title, except that those in operation as of July 1, 1987 that are certified to receive or actually receive less than 1,000 tons of municipal waste per year may be exempted from this requirement according to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, or if, considering the factors established in subdivision (a)(3) of this section, the Secretary finds that they will not create a significant risk to public health and that they will not cause irreparable harm to the environment. Violations of secondary safe drinking water standards, standing alone, will not be construed under this subsection or under subsection 6605(b) of this title to constitute significant risks to public health or to cause irreparable harm to the environment. Where the Secretary has determined, by clear and convincing evidence, that the operation of a solid waste landfill, or the existence of a solid waste landfill closed after July 1, 1987, has increased the level of any secondary drinking water quality contaminant, in the downgradient groundwater, so that the resulting water quality exceeds the secondary drinking water standards, the Secretary shall require the operator of the landfill facility to institute remedial activities. These remedial activities may include the installation of water treatment systems to remove secondary contaminants from the affected drinking water supplies, or the replacement of the contaminated drinking water source or sources.
(d) The Secretary may authorize continued operation of a municipally owned unlined landfill that is in operation on July 1, 1992 and that will receive less than 1,000 tons per year of waste for disposal, if the legislative body of the municipality has voted to continue to operate the landfill and if the Secretary has approved a plan submitted by the municipality that shall be implemented by October 1, 1992, which demonstrates how approximately 90 percent of yard waste and hazardous waste from households and small quantity generators, along with a substantial portion of marketable recyclables, will be removed from the waste stream before disposal. Approval under this section shall exempt the landfill from compliance with those provisions of the solid waste rules that require a minimum vertical separation to bedrock of 10 feet, that require a minimum of six feet vertical separation from the high seasonal water table, and that require a minimum distance of 300 feet to the waters of the State. Violations of secondary safe drinking water standards, standing alone, will not be construed under this subsection or under subsection 6605(b) of this title to allow or require the Secretary to deny approval of landfills regulated under this subsection. Where the Secretary has determined, by clear and convincing evidence, that the operation of a solid waste landfill, or the existence of a solid waste landfill closed after July 1, 1987, has increased the level of any secondary drinking water quality contaminant in the downgradient groundwater so that the resulting water quality exceeds the secondary drinking water standards, the Secretary shall require the operator of the landfill facility to institute remedial activities. These remedial activities may include the installation of water treatment systems to remove secondary contaminants from the affected drinking water supplies, or the replacement of the contaminated drinking water source or sources. (Added 1987, No. 78, § 9; amended 1991, No. 202 (Adj. Sess.), § 11, eff. May 27, 1992; 1993, No. 232 (Adj. Sess.), § 43, eff. March 15, 1995.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 159 - Waste Management

§ 6601. Declaration of policy and purpose

§ 6602. Definitions

§ 6603. Secretary; powers

§ 6603c. Implementation grants and loans for waste management

§ 6603d. User fee implementation assistance

§ 6603g. Hazardous Waste Facility Grant Program

§ 6603h. Host community fee

§ 6603i. Landfill closure grants

§ 6603j. Curbside collection of waste oil

§ 6604. Solid waste management plan

§ 6604a. Contaminated soils

§ 6604b. Testing of solid wastes prior to beneficial use on land or distribution and marketing

§ 6604c. Management of development soils

§ 6605. Solid waste management facility certification

§ 6605a. Review of existing landfills

§ 6605b. Interim certification

§ 6605c. Solid waste categorical certifications

§ 6605d. Provisional certification

§ 6605e. Closure extension orders

§ 6605f. Waste management personnel background review

§ 6605g. Incineration emissions

§ 6605h. Composting registration

§ 6605j. Accepted composting practices

§ 6605k. Food residuals; management hierarchy

§ 6605l. Public collection containers for solid waste

§ 6605m. Architectural waste recycling

§ 6606. Hazardous waste certification

§ 6606a. Certificate of need

§ 6606b. Permits issued by the Secretary related to hazardous waste facilities

§ 6606c. Management of unregulated hazardous waste

§ 6607. Transportation of hazardous wastes

§ 6607a. Waste transportation; commercial hauler permit requirement

§ 6608. Records; reports; monitoring

§ 6608a. Economic poisons

§ 6608b. Radioactive wastes mixed with hazardous wastes

§ 6609. Inspections; right of entry

§ 6610a. Enforcement

§ 6611. Financial responsibility

§ 6612. Penalties

§ 6613. Variances

§ 6614. Waiver

§ 6615. Liability

§ 6615a. Diligent and appropriate investigation for hazardous materials

§ 6615b. Corrective action procedures

§ 6615c. Information requests

§ 6615d. Natural resource damages; liability; rulemaking

§ 6615e. Relief for contaminated potable water supplies

§ 6616. Release prohibition

§ 6617. Person responsible for release; notice to Agency

§ 6618. Waste Management Assistance Fund

§ 6619. Packaging information

§ 6620. Permits issued by the Secretary related to solid waste facilities

§ 6620a. Limitations on the use of heavy metals in packaging

§ 6621a. Landfill disposal requirements

§ 6621b. Regulation of certain dry cell batteries

§ 6621c. Lead-acid batteries; collection for recycling

§ 6622. Source separation incentives

§ 6622b. Appeals

§ 6623. Goals and purpose

§ 6624. Definitions

§ 6625. Toxics use reduction and hazardous waste reduction program

§ 6626. Plan and report formats; data information system

§ 6627. Technical and research assistance program

§ 6628. Plan, plan summary, and performance report review

§ 6629. Toxics use reduction and hazardous waste reduction plan; plan summary

§ 6630. Toxics use reduction and hazardous waste reduction performance report

§ 6632. Trade secrets

§ 6633. Interagency Committee on Chemical Management

§ 6641. Brownfield Property Cleanup Program; creation; powers

§ 6642. Definitions

§ 6643. Application process

§ 6644. General obligations

§ 6645. Eligibility

§ 6646. Forbearance

§ 6647. Site investigation

§ 6648. Corrective action plan

§ 6649. Amendments to a corrective action plan

§ 6650. Program withdrawal

§ 6651. Implementation of corrective action plan

§ 6652. Certificate of completion

§ 6653. Release from liability; personal release from liability

§ 6654. Brownfield Revitalization Fund; creation; assistance

§ 6655. State Plan for Brownfield Reclamation

§ 6671. Purpose

§ 6672. Definitions

§ 6673. Paint Stewardship Program

§ 6674. Retailer responsibility

§ 6675. Agency responsibility

§ 6676. Anticompetitive conduct

§ 6677. Producer reporting requirements

§ 6678. Confidential business information

§ 6679. Rulemaking; procedure

§ 6680. Universal waste designation for postconsumer paint

§ 6691. Definitions

§ 6692. Single-use plastic carryout bags; prohibition

§ 6693. Recyclable paper carryout bag

§ 6694. Single-use plastic straws

§ 6695. Single-use plastic stirrers

§ 6696. Expanded polystyrene food service products

§ 6697. Civil penalties; warning

§ 6698. Inventory exception

§ 6699. Application to municipal bylaws, ordinances, or charters; preemption

§ 6700. Rulemaking